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SceneryStack Sustainability Plan

This is a living document.

As SceneryStack and its community evolve, so will this plan. We encourage regular revisits and revisions based on the changing needs and dynamics of our community.

Community Sustainability

Open Dialogue

We believe that the best way to create a self-sustaining community is through open dialogue. We are actively investigating strategies to foster this, and we welcome input from the community. Your insights, experiences, and suggestions are invaluable in shaping the future of SceneryStack.

Encouraging Contributions

A thriving open-source project is built on the contributions of its community. We aim to create an environment where members feel empowered to contribute, whether it's through code, documentation, tutorials, or feedback.

Mentorship and Learning

To ensure the continuous growth of our community, we are exploring mentorship cohort programs and learning resources. By supporting new members and helping them navigate the SceneryStack ecosystem, we can ensure a steady influx of fresh perspectives and ideas.

Codebase Sustainability

Continuous Maintenance

Given that SceneryStack is integral to the PhET Interactive Simulations project, SceneryStack will continue to be maintained and improved.

Feedback Loop

We will establish mechanisms to gather feedback from users, especially those from the PhET Interactive Simulations community. This feedback will guide our development priorities and ensure that SceneryStack remains relevant and useful.

Your involvement is crucial to the sustainability of SceneryStack. Together, we can ensure its longevity and impact.