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Under Construction

This documentation is auto-generated, and is a work in progress. Please see the source code at for the most up-to-date information.


Uses the Web Speech API to produce speech from the browser. There is no speech output until the SpeechSynthesisAnnouncer has been initialized. Supported voices will depend on platform. For each voice, you can customize the rate and pitch.

Only one SpeechSynthesisAnnouncer can be used at a time. This class uses a global instance of self.speechSynthesis and assumes it has full control over it. This is not a singleton because subclasses may extend this for specific uses. For example, PhET has one subclass specific to its Voicing feature and another specific to custom speech synthesis in number-suite-common sims.

A note about PhET-iO instrumentation: Properties are instrumented for PhET-iO to provide a record of learners that may have used this feature (and how). All Properties should be phetioState:false so the values are not overwritten when a customized state is loaded. Properties are not phetioReadonly so that clients can overwrite the values using the PhET-iO API and studio.

@author Jesse Greenberg

Class SpeechSynthesisAnnouncer

import { SpeechSynthesisAnnouncer } from 'scenerystack/utterance-queue';


new SpeechSynthesisAnnouncer( providedOptions? : SpeechSynthesisAnnouncerOptions )

Instance Methods

initialize( userGestureEmitter : TReadOnlyEmitter, providedOptions? : SpeechSynthesisInitializeOptions )

Indicate that the SpeechSynthesisAnnouncer is ready for use, and attempt to populate voices (if they are ready yet). Adds listeners that control speech.

@param userGestureEmitter - Emits when user input happens, which is required before the browser is allowed to use SpeechSynthesis for the first time. @param [providedOptions]

getPrioritizedVoices() : SpeechSynthesisVoice[]

Returns an array of SpeechSynthesisVoices that are sorted such that the best sounding voices come first. As of 9/27/21, we find that the "Google" voices sound best while Apple's "Fred" sounds the worst so the list will be ordered to reflect that. This way "Google" voices will be selected by default when available and "Fred" will almost never be the default Voice since it is last in the list. See for discussion and this decision.

getEnglishPrioritizedVoices() : SpeechSynthesisVoice[]

Voicing as a feature is not translatable. This function gets the "prioritized" voices (as decided by PhET) and prunes out the non-english ones. This does not use this.getPrioritizedVoicesForLocale because the required Locale type doesn't include 'en-US' or 'en_US' as valid values, just 'en'.

getPrioritizedVoicesForLocale( locale : Locale ) : SpeechSynthesisVoice[]

Voicing as a feature is not translatable, but some SpeechSynthesisAnnouncer usages outside of voicing are. This function gets the "prioritized" voices (as decided by PhET) and prunes out everything that is not the "provided" locale. The algorithm for mapping locale is as follows:

locale: 'en' - Provided locale parameter voice: 'en_GB' - YES matches! voice: 'en' - YES

locale: 'en_GB' voice: 'en' - NO voice: 'en_GB' - YES voice: 'en-GB' - YES voice: 'en-US' - NO

locale: 'zh_CN' voice: 'zh' - NO voice: 'zh_CN' - YES

locale: 'zh' voice: 'zh' - YES voice: 'zh_CN' - YES voice: 'zh-TW' - YES

locale: 'es_ES' voice: 'es_MX' - NO voice: 'es' - NO voice: 'es-ES' - YES

announce( announceText : ResolvedResponse, utterance : Utterance )

Implements announce so the SpeechSynthesisAnnouncer can be a source of output for utteranceQueue.

speakIgnoringEnabled( utterance : Utterance )

Use speech synthesis to speak an utterance. No-op unless SpeechSynthesisAnnouncer is initialized and other output controlling Properties are true (see speechAllowedProperty in initialize()). This explicitly ignores this.enabledProperty, allowing speech even when SpeechSynthesisAnnouncer is disabled. This is useful in rare cases, for example when the SpeechSynthesisAnnouncer recently becomes disabled by the user and we need to announce confirmation of that decision ("Voicing off" or "All audio off").

NOTE: This will interrupt any currently speaking utterance.


Stops any Utterance that is currently being announced or is (about to be announced). (utterance-queue internal)

cancelUtterance( utterance : Utterance )

Cancel the provided Utterance, if it is currently being spoken by this Announcer. Does not cancel any other utterances that may be in the UtteranceQueue. (utterance-queue internal)

shouldUtteranceCancelOther( utterance : Utterance, utteranceToCancel : Utterance ) : boolean

Given one utterance, should it cancel another provided utterance?

onUtterancePriorityChange( nextAvailableUtterance : Utterance )

When the priority for a new utterance changes or if a new utterance is added to the queue, determine whether we should cancel the synth immediately.

Instance Properties

voiceProperty : Property<null | SpeechSynthesisVoice>


voiceRateProperty : NumberProperty


controls the speaking rate of Web Speech

voicePitchProperty : NumberProperty


controls the pitch of the synth

startSpeakingEmitter : TEmitter<[ ResolvedResponse, Utterance ]>


emits events when the speaker starts/stops speaking, with the Utterance that is either starting or stopping

endSpeakingEmitter : TEmitter<[ ResolvedResponse, Utterance ]>


enabledProperty : TProperty<boolean>


mainWindowVoicingEnabledProperty : Property<boolean>


Controls whether Voicing is enabled in a "main window" area of the application. This supports the ability to disable Voicing for the important screen content of your application while keeping Voicing for surrounding UI components enabled (for example).

voicingFullyEnabledProperty : TReadOnlyProperty<boolean>

Property that indicates that the Voicing feature is enabled for all areas of the application.

speechAllowedAndFullyEnabledProperty : TReadOnlyProperty<boolean>


Indicates whether speech is fully enabled AND speech is allowed, as specified by the Property provided in initialize(). See speechAllowedProperty of initialize(). In order for this Property to be true, speechAllowedProperty, enabledProperty, and mainWindowVoicingEnabledProperty must all be true. Initialized in the constructor because we don't have access to all the dependency Properties until initialize. These two variable keep a public, readonly interface. We cannot use a DerivedProperty because it needs to be listened to before its dependencies are created, see

voicesProperty : TProperty<SpeechSynthesisVoice[]>

possible voices for Web Speech synthesis

isInitializedProperty : TProperty<boolean>

is the VoicingManager initialized for use? This is prototypal so it isn't always initialized

Static Methods

isSpeechSynthesisSupported() : boolean

Returns true if SpeechSynthesis is available on the self. This check is sufficient for all of SpeechSynthesisAnnouncer. On platforms where speechSynthesis is available, all features of it are available, except for the onvoiceschanged event in a couple of platforms. However, the listener can still be set without issue on those platforms so we don't need to check for its existence. On those platforms, voices are provided right on load.

Type SpeechSynthesisAnnouncerOptions

import type { SpeechSynthesisAnnouncerOptions } from 'scenerystack/utterance-queue';
  • debug?: boolean
    Switch to true to enable debugging features (like logging)
  • & AnnouncerOptions

Type SpeechSynthesisInitializeOptions

Options to the initialize function

import type { SpeechSynthesisInitializeOptions } from 'scenerystack/utterance-queue';

Source Code

See the source for SpeechSynthesisAnnouncer.ts in the utterance-queue repository.