Under Construction
This documentation is auto-generated, and is a work in progress. Please see the source code at https://github.com/phetsims/twixt/blob/main/js/Easing.ts for the most up-to-date information.
An Easing represents a function from the range [0,1] => [0,1] where f(0)=0 and f(1)=1. It is helpful for animation, to give a more 'natural' feeling.
Contains an implementation of generalized polynomial easing functions (where the 'in' version simply takes the input to a specific power, and other functions are generalized). These should be equivalent to the polynomial tweens that TWEEN.js uses, where t is The linear ratio [0,1] of the animation.
TODO #23 create unit tests
@author Jonathan Olson <jonathan.olson@colorado.edu>
Class Easing¶
new Easing( value : NumberFunction, derivative : NumberFunction, secondDerivative : NumberFunction )¶
Instance Methods¶
Static Methods¶
polynomialEaseInValue( n : number, t : number ) : number¶
The "polynomial ease in" function.
@param n - The degree of the polynomial (does not have to be an integer!) @param t - The linear ratio [0,1] of the animation
polynomialEaseOutValue( n : number, t : number ) : number¶
The "polynomial ease out" function.
@param n - The degree of the polynomial (does not have to be an integer!) @param t - The linear ratio [0,1] of the animation
polynomialEaseInOutValue( n : number, t : number ) : number¶
The "polynomial ease in-out" function.
@param n - The degree of the polynomial (does not have to be an integer!) @param t - The linear ratio [0,1] of the animation
polynomialEaseInDerivative( n : number, t : number ) : number¶
The derivative of the "polynomial ease in" function.
@param n - The degree of the polynomial (does not have to be an integer!) @param t - The linear ratio [0,1] of the animation
polynomialEaseOutDerivative( n : number, t : number ) : number¶
The derivative of the "polynomial ease out" function.
@param n - The degree of the polynomial (does not have to be an integer!) @param t - The linear ratio [0,1] of the animation
polynomialEaseInOutDerivative( n : number, t : number ) : number¶
The derivative of the "polynomial ease in-out" function.
@param n - The degree of the polynomial (does not have to be an integer!) @param t - The linear ratio [0,1] of the animation
polynomialEaseInSecondDerivative( n : number, t : number ) : number¶
The second derivative of the "polynomial ease in" function.
@param n - The degree of the polynomial (does not have to be an integer!) @param t - The linear ratio [0,1] of the animation
polynomialEaseOutSecondDerivative( n : number, t : number ) : number¶
The second derivative of the "polynomial ease out" function.
@param n - The degree of the polynomial (does not have to be an integer!) @param t - The linear ratio [0,1] of the animation
polynomialEaseInOutSecondDerivative( n : number, t : number ) : number¶
The second derivative of the "polynomial ease in-out" function.
@param n - The degree of the polynomial (does not have to be an integer!) @param t - The linear ratio [0,1] of the animation
polynomialEaseIn( n : number ) : Easing¶
Creates a polynomial "in" easing (smooth start)
@param n - The degree of the polynomial (does not have to be an integer!)
polynomialEaseOut( n : number ) : Easing¶
Creates a polynomial "out" easing (smooth end)
@param n - The degree of the polynomial (does not have to be an integer!)
polynomialEaseInOut( n : number ) : Easing¶
Creates a polynomial "in-out" easing (smooth start and end)
@param n - The degree of the polynomial (does not have to be an integer!)
Static Properties¶
The identity easing
Quadratic-derived easings (t^2)
Cubic-derived easings (t^3)
Quartic-derived easings (t^4)
Quintic-derived easings (t^5)