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Under Construction

This documentation is auto-generated, and is a work in progress. Please see the source code at for the most up-to-date information.


WARNING: PROTOTYPE, see before using! Not fully documented or stabilized. May be deleted.

Handles a single dimension of damped harmonic-oscillator motion (like a damped spring pulling towards the target).

@author Jonathan Olson <>

Class DampedAnimation

import { DampedAnimation } from 'scenerystack/twixt';


new DampedAnimation( providedOptions? : DampedAnimationOptions )

Instance Methods

step( dt : number )

Steps the animation forward in time.

Instance Properties

valueProperty : TProperty<number>


velocityProperty : TProperty<number>



Type DampedAnimationOptions

import type { DampedAnimationOptions } from 'scenerystack/twixt';
  • valueProperty?: TProperty<number>
    The current value/position.
  • velocityProperty?: TProperty<number>
    The current derivative of the value
  • damping?: number
    Proportion of damping applied, relative to critical damping. Thus:
  • damping = 1: Critically damped (fastest approach towards the target without overshooting)
  • damping < 1: Underdamped (will overshoot the target with exponentially-decaying oscillation)
  • damping > 1: Overdamped (will approach with an exponential curve)
  • force?: number
    Coefficient that determines the amount of force "pushing" towards the target (will be proportional to the distance from the target).
  • targetValue?: number
    The target value that we are animating towards.

Source Code

See the source for DampedAnimation.ts in the twixt repository.