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Under Construction

This documentation is auto-generated, and is a work in progress. Please see the source code at for the most up-to-date information.


@author Jesse Greenberg

Class VibrationTestInputListener

import { VibrationTestInputListener } from 'scenerystack/tappi';


new VibrationTestInputListener( eventRecorder )

Instance Methods

handleRelease( event )

@private @param {SceneryEvent} event



down( event )

@public (scenery-internal) - part of the listener API @param event

click( event )

@public (scenery-internal) - part of the listener API @param event

setElapsedTime( time )

Sets the elapsed time to be saved for events. Rather than stepping/tracking its own elapsed time, it should be set externally by a simulation because this listener is not the only one to save data to the event recorder. The simulation updates its elapsed time in one location and sends that to the places that need it. @public

@param {number} time - in seconds

Source Code

See the source for VibrationTestInputListener.js in the tappi repository.