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Under Construction

This documentation is auto-generated, and is a work in progress. Please see the source code at for the most up-to-date information.


An instrumented class that wraps a function that does "work" that needs to be interoperable with PhET-iO. PhetioAction supports the following features:

  1. Data stream support: The function will be wrapped in an executed event and added to the data stream, nesting subsequent events the action's "work" cascades to as child events.
  2. Interopererability: PhetioActionIO supports the execute method so that PhetioAction instances can be executed from the PhET-iO wrapper.
  3. It also has an emitter if you want to listen to when the action is done doing its work,

@author Michael Kauzmann (PhET Interactive Simulations)

Class PhetioAction

import { PhetioAction } from 'scenerystack/tandem';


new PhetioAction( action : ( ...args: T ) => void, providedOptions? : ActionOptions )

Instance Methods

execute( ...args : T )

Invokes the action. @params - expected parameters are based on options.parameters, see constructor


Note: Be careful about adding disposal logic directly to this function, it is likely preferred to add it to disposePhetioAction instead, see disposeOnExecuteCompletion for details.

Instance Properties

executedEmitter : Emitter<T>


To listen to when the action has completed.

Static Properties



Type ActionOptions

import type { ActionOptions } from 'scenerystack/tandem';

StrictOmit<PhetioDataHandlerOptions, "phetioOuterType">

Source Code

See the source for PhetioAction.ts in the tandem repository.