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Under Construction

This documentation is auto-generated, and is a work in progress. Please see the source code at for the most up-to-date information.


ContinuousPropertySoundClip is a sound generator that alters the playback rate of a sound clip based on the value of a continuous numerical Property. It is specifically designed to work with sound clips and does not support other types of sound production, such as oscillators. It is implemented such that the sound fades in when changes occur in the Property's value and fades out when the value doesn't change for some (configurable) amount of time. This was generalized from GRAVITY_FORCE_LAB_BASICS/ForceSoundGenerator, see

@author John Blanco (PhET Interactive Simulations) @author Sam Reid (PhET Interactive Simulations)

Class ContinuousPropertySoundClip

import { ContinuousPropertySoundClip } from 'scenerystack/tambo';


new ContinuousPropertySoundClip( property : TReadOnlyProperty<number>, range : Range, sound : WrappedAudioBuffer, providedOptions? : ContinuousPropertySoundClipOptions )

Instance Methods

step( dt : number )

Step this sound generator, used for fading out the sound in the absence of change. @param dt - change in time (i.e. delta time) in seconds


stop any in-progress sound generation

Type ContinuousPropertySoundClipOptions

import type { ContinuousPropertySoundClipOptions } from 'scenerystack/tambo';
  • fadeStartDelay?: number
    time to wait before starting fade out if no activity, in seconds
  • fadeTime?: number
    duration of fade out, in seconds
  • delayBeforeStop?: number
    amount of time in seconds from full fade to stop of sound, done to avoid sonic glitches
  • playbackRateRange?: Range
    This option defines the range of playback rates used when mapping the provided Property value to a pitch. A value of 1 indicates the nominal playback rate, 0.5 is half speed (an octave lower), 2 is double speed (an octave higher). So, a range of 1 to 2 would go from the nominal playback rate of the sound to one octave higher. Values of 0 or less are invalid.
  • normalizationMappingExponent?: number
    The exponent used when mapping a normalized value to a playback rate. See code for exactly how this is used, but the basic idea is that a value of 1 (the default) should be used for a linear mapping across the range, a value above 1 for smaller changes at the lower portion of the range and greater changes towards the top, and a value below 1 for greater changes in the lower portion of the range and smaller changes towards the top.
  • stopOnDisabled?: boolean
    If true, we will stop() when the sound is disabled. The stop uses the DEFAULT_LINEAR_GAIN_CHANGE_TIME as its delay to match the fullyEnabledProperty link logic in SoundGenerator.
  • stepEmitter?: TReadOnlyEmitter<[ number ]> | null
    An emitter that can be provided to step the time-driven behavior of this sound generator. By default, this uses the globally available stepTimer instance. If set to null, nothing will be hooked up, and it will be up to the client to step the instance directly.
  • & SoundClipOptions

Source Code

See the source for ContinuousPropertySoundClip.ts in the tambo repository.