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Under Construction

This documentation is auto-generated, and is a work in progress. Please see the source code at for the most up-to-date information.


Shows a track on a slider. Must be supplied a Node for rendering the track.

@author Chris Malley (PixelZoom, Inc.) @author Sam Reid (PhET Interactive Simulations) @author Jesse Greenberg (PhET Interactive Simulations)

Class SliderTrack

import { SliderTrack } from 'scenerystack/sun';


new SliderTrack( valueProperty : TProperty<number>, trackNode : Node, range : Range | TReadOnlyProperty<Range>, providedOptions? : SliderTrackOptions )

Instance Methods


Instance Properties

minimumSize : Dimension2

(protected, readonly)

internalWidthProperty : TReadOnlyProperty<number>

(protected, readonly)

sizeProperty : TReadOnlyProperty<Dimension2>

(protected, readonly)

valueToPositionProperty : TReadOnlyProperty<LinearFunction>


For use by Slider, maps the value along the range of the track to the position along the width of the track

dragListener : DragListener


public so that clients can access Properties of the DragListener that tell us about its state See

leftVisualOverflow : number


rightVisualOverflow : number


Type SliderTrackOptions

import type { SliderTrackOptions } from 'scenerystack/sun';
  • size?: Dimension2
    NOTE: for backwards-compatibility, the size does NOT include the extent of the stroke, so the track will be larger than this size
  • startDrag?: ( e: SceneryEvent ) => void
    called when a drag sequence starts
  • drag?: ( e: SceneryEvent ) => void
    called at the beginning of a drag event, before any other drag work happens
  • endDrag?: ( e: SceneryEvent | null ) => void
    called when a drag sequence ends
  • constrainValue?: ( n: number ) => number
    called before valueProperty is set
  • enabledRangeProperty?: TReadOnlyProperty<Range>
    Defaults to a constant range
  • soundGenerator?: ValueChangeSoundPlayer | null
    This is used to generate sounds when clicking in the track. If not provided, the default sound generator will be created. If set to null, the slider will generate no sound.
  • valueChangeSoundGeneratorOptions?: ValueChangeSoundPlayerOptions
    Options for the default sound generator. These should only be provided when using the default.
  • voicingOnEndResponse?: VoicingOnEndResponse
    Announces the voicing response at the end of an interaction. Used by AccessibleValueHandler, see Slider for an example usage.
  • leftVisualOverflow?: number
    Since our historical slider tracks extend PAST the 0,size range (e.g. with strokes), and this information is needed so we can control the size based on our preferredWidth. We'll need the size to be somewhat smaller than our preferredWidth
  • rightVisualOverflow?: number
  • & NodeOptions

Source Code

See the source for SliderTrack.ts in the sun repository.