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Under Construction

This documentation is auto-generated, and is a work in progress. Please see the source code at for the most up-to-date information.


AquaRadioButton is a radio button whose look is similar to macOS' Aqua theme. The button is circular and contains a dot when selected.

@author Chris Malley (PixelZoom, Inc.)

Class AquaRadioButton

import { AquaRadioButton } from 'scenerystack/sun';


new AquaRadioButton( property : TProperty<T>, value : T, labelNode : Node, providedOptions? : AquaRadioButtonOptions )

Instance Methods


Instance Properties

value : T


the value associated with this radio button

onInputEmitter : TEmitter


Static Properties



Type AquaRadioButtonOptions

import type { AquaRadioButtonOptions } from 'scenerystack/sun';
  • centerColor?: TPaint
    color used to fill the center of the button when it's selected
  • radius?: number
    radius of the button
  • selectedColor?: TPaint
    color used to fill the button when it's selected
  • deselectedColor?: TPaint
    color used to fill the button when it's deselected
  • xSpacing?: number
    horizontal space between the button and the labelNode
  • stroke?: TPaint
    color used to stroke the outer edge of the button
  • soundPlayer?: TSoundPlayer
    sound generator, usually overridden when creating a group of these
  • touchAreaXDilation?: number
    pointer areas
  • touchAreaYDilation?: number
  • mouseAreaXDilation?: number
  • mouseAreaYDilation?: number
  • a11yNameAttribute?: string | number | null
    Each button in a group of radio buttons must have the same 'name' attribute to be considered a 'group' by the browser. Otherwise, arrow keys will navigate through all inputs of type radio in the document.
  • & TrimParallelDOMOptions<ParentOptions>

Source Code

See the source for AquaRadioButton.ts in the sun repository.