Box that can be expanded/collapsed to show/hide contents.
@author John Blanco (PhET Interactive Simulations) @author Chris Malley (PixelZoom, Inc.)
Class AccordionBox¶
new AccordionBox( contentNode : Node, providedOptions? : AccordionBoxOptions )¶
Instance Methods¶
getCollapsedBoxHeight() : number¶
Returns the ideal height of the collapsed box (ignoring things like stroke width)
getExpandedBoxHeight() : number¶
Returns the ideal height of the expanded box (ignoring things like stroke width)
Instance Properties¶
expandedProperty : Property<boolean>¶
Static Properties¶
AccordionBoxIO : IOType¶
Type AccordionBoxOptions¶
- titleNode?: Node
If not provided, a Text node will be supplied. Should have and maintain well-defined bounds if passed in - expandedProperty?: Property<boolean>
If not provided, a BooleanProperty will be created, defaulting to the value of expandedDefaultValue. - expandedDefaultValue?: boolean
- overrideTitleNodePickable?: boolean
If true (the default), we'll adjust the title so that it isn't pickable at all - resize?: boolean
If true, the AccordionBox will resize itself as needed when the title/content resizes. See - cursor?: NodeOptions[ 'cursor' ]
applied to multiple parts of this UI component (NOTE: cursor is NOT applied to the main node!!) - lineWidth?: PathOptions[ 'lineWidth' ]
- cornerRadius?: RectangleOptions[ 'cornerRadius' ]
- stroke?: PaintableOptions[ 'stroke' ]
For the box - fill?: PaintableOptions[ 'fill' ]
- minWidth?: number
- titleAlignX?: "center" | "left" | "right"
horizontal alignment of the title, 'left'|'center'|'right' - titleAlignY?: "top" | "center"
vertical alignment of the title, relative to expand/collapse button 'top'|'center' - titleXMargin?: number
horizontal space between title and left|right edge of box - titleYMargin?: number
vertical space between title and top of box - titleXSpacing?: number
horizontal space between title and expand/collapse button - showTitleWhenExpanded?: boolean
true = title is visible when expanded, false = title is hidden when expanded When true, the content is shown beneath the title. When false, the content is shown to the side of the title - useExpandedBoundsWhenCollapsed?: boolean
If true, the expanded box will use the bounds of the content node when collapsed - useContentWidthWhenCollapsed?: boolean
If true, the collapsed box will remain as wide as the collapsed content. If false, the collapsed box will only surround the expand/collapse button and title. - titleBarExpandCollapse?: boolean
clicking on the title bar expands/collapses the accordion box - allowContentToOverlapTitle?: boolean
if true, the content will overlap the title when expanded, and will use contentYMargin at the top - expandCollapseButtonOptions?: ExpandCollapseButtonOptions
options passed to ExpandCollapseButton constructor - buttonAlign?: "left" | "right"
expand/collapse button layout - buttonXMargin?: number
- buttonYMargin?: number
- contentAlign?: "left" | "center" | "right"
content - contentVerticalAlign?: "top" | "center" | "bottom"
- contentXMargin?: number
- contentYMargin?: number
- contentXSpacing?: number
- contentYSpacing?: number
- titleBarOptions?: RectangleOptions
- expandedSoundPlayer?: TSoundPlayer
sound players for expand and collapse - collapsedSoundPlayer?: TSoundPlayer
- expandedContextResponse?: TAlertable
pdom/voicing - responses to be spoke (Both PDOM and Voicing) when the AccordionBox is expanded or collapsed - collapsedContextResponse?: TAlertable
- voicingNameResponse?: VoicingResponse
voicing - These are defined here in AccordionBox (duplicated from Voicing) so that they can be passed to the expandCollapse button, which handles voicing for AccordionBox, without AccordionBox mixing Voicing itself. - voicingObjectResponse?: VoicingResponse
- voicingContextResponse?: VoicingResponse
- voicingHintResponse?: VoicingResponse
- headingTagName?: string
pdom - & NodeOptions
Source Code¶
See the source for AccordionBox.ts in the sun repository.