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Under Construction

This documentation is auto-generated, and is a work in progress. Please see the source code at for the most up-to-date information.


Box that can be expanded/collapsed to show/hide contents.

@author John Blanco (PhET Interactive Simulations) @author Chris Malley (PixelZoom, Inc.)

Class AccordionBox

import { AccordionBox } from 'scenerystack/sun';


new AccordionBox( contentNode : Node, providedOptions? : AccordionBoxOptions )

Instance Methods

getCollapsedBoxHeight() : number

Returns the ideal height of the collapsed box (ignoring things like stroke width)

getExpandedBoxHeight() : number

Returns the ideal height of the expanded box (ignoring things like stroke width)


Instance Properties

expandedProperty : Property<boolean>


Static Properties

AccordionBoxIO : IOType


Type AccordionBoxOptions

import type { AccordionBoxOptions } from 'scenerystack/sun';
  • titleNode?: Node
    If not provided, a Text node will be supplied. Should have and maintain well-defined bounds if passed in
  • expandedProperty?: Property<boolean>
    If not provided, a BooleanProperty will be created, defaulting to the value of expandedDefaultValue.
  • expandedDefaultValue?: boolean
  • overrideTitleNodePickable?: boolean
    If true (the default), we'll adjust the title so that it isn't pickable at all
  • resize?: boolean
    If true, the AccordionBox will resize itself as needed when the title/content resizes. See
  • cursor?: NodeOptions[ 'cursor' ]
    applied to multiple parts of this UI component (NOTE: cursor is NOT applied to the main node!!)
  • lineWidth?: PathOptions[ 'lineWidth' ]
  • cornerRadius?: RectangleOptions[ 'cornerRadius' ]
  • stroke?: PaintableOptions[ 'stroke' ]
    For the box
  • fill?: PaintableOptions[ 'fill' ]
  • minWidth?: number
  • titleAlignX?: "center" | "left" | "right"
    horizontal alignment of the title, 'left'|'center'|'right'
  • titleAlignY?: "top" | "center"
    vertical alignment of the title, relative to expand/collapse button 'top'|'center'
  • titleXMargin?: number
    horizontal space between title and left|right edge of box
  • titleYMargin?: number
    vertical space between title and top of box
  • titleXSpacing?: number
    horizontal space between title and expand/collapse button
  • showTitleWhenExpanded?: boolean
    true = title is visible when expanded, false = title is hidden when expanded When true, the content is shown beneath the title. When false, the content is shown to the side of the title
  • useExpandedBoundsWhenCollapsed?: boolean
    If true, the expanded box will use the bounds of the content node when collapsed
  • useContentWidthWhenCollapsed?: boolean
    If true, the collapsed box will remain as wide as the collapsed content. If false, the collapsed box will only surround the expand/collapse button and title.
  • titleBarExpandCollapse?: boolean
    clicking on the title bar expands/collapses the accordion box
  • allowContentToOverlapTitle?: boolean
    if true, the content will overlap the title when expanded, and will use contentYMargin at the top
  • expandCollapseButtonOptions?: ExpandCollapseButtonOptions
    options passed to ExpandCollapseButton constructor
  • buttonAlign?: "left" | "right"
    expand/collapse button layout
  • buttonXMargin?: number
  • buttonYMargin?: number
  • contentAlign?: "left" | "center" | "right"
  • contentVerticalAlign?: "top" | "center" | "bottom"
  • contentXMargin?: number
  • contentYMargin?: number
  • contentXSpacing?: number
  • contentYSpacing?: number
  • titleBarOptions?: RectangleOptions
  • expandedSoundPlayer?: TSoundPlayer
    sound players for expand and collapse
  • collapsedSoundPlayer?: TSoundPlayer
  • contextResponseExpanded?: TAlertable
    pdom/voicing - responses to be spoke (both PDOM and Voicing) when the AccordionBox is expanded or collapsed
  • contextResponseCollapsed?: TAlertable
  • helpTextExpanded?: PDOMValueType | null
    pdom - AccordionBoxes usually don't have accessibleHelpText. If they do, the content is usually only available when collapsed. There is one option for each state.
  • helpTextCollapsed?: PDOMValueType | null
  • voicingHintResponseExpanded?: ResolvedResponse
    voicing - AccordionBoxes usually don't have accessibleHelpText, so default values for voicing are not set from accessibleHelpText. Usually, the hint response is removed when the accordion box is expanded. There is one option for each state.
  • voicingHintResponseCollapsed?: ResolvedResponse
  • headingTagName?: string
  • & NodeOptions

Source Code

See the source for AccordionBox.ts in the sun repository.