Under Construction
This documentation is auto-generated, and is a work in progress. Please see the source code at https://github.com/phetsims/sun/blob/main/js/ABSwitch.ts for the most up-to-date information.
ABSwitch is a control for switching between 2 choices, referred to as 'A' & 'B'. Choice 'A' is to the left of the switch, choice 'B' is to the right. This decorates ToggleSwitch with labels.
@author Chris Malley (PixelZoom, Inc.)
Class ABSwitch¶
new ABSwitch( property : Property<T>, valueA : T, labelA : Node, valueB : T, labelB : Node, providedOptions? : ABSwitchOptions )¶
Instance Methods¶
onEnabledPropertyChange( enabled : boolean )¶
Provide a custom look for when this switch is disabled. We are overriding the default implementation so that the unselected label does not appear to be doubly disabled when the ABSwitch is disabled. See https://github.com/phetsims/sun/issues/853
Instance Properties¶
onInputEmitter : TEmitter¶
Emits on input that results in a change to the Property value, after the Property has changed.
Type ABSwitchOptions¶
Accessible name for the ABSwitch is created by combining the accessible names of the labels. See options.
- toggleSwitchOptions?: ToggleSwitchOptions
options passed to ToggleSwitch - setLabelEnabled?: ( labelNode: Node, enabled: boolean ) => void
method of making a label look disabled - valueAAccessibleName?: TReadOnlyProperty<string> | string | null
Accessible names for each value. They will be inserted into a pattern string for the accessible name of the ABSwitch. If not provided, ABSwitch will try to find default values from the label Nodes. The final string will look like: "{{valueAAccessibleName}}, Switch to {{valueBAccessibleName}}" - valueBAccessibleName?: TReadOnlyProperty<string> | string | null
- centerOnSwitch?: boolean
if true, this.center will be at the center of the ToggleSwitch - & StrictOmit<TrimParallelDOMOptions<HBoxOptions>, "accessibleName">
Source Code¶
See the source for ABSwitch.ts in the sun repository.