Under Construction
This documentation is auto-generated, and is a work in progress. Please see the source code at for the most up-to-date information.
Content for the accessible screen summary and Voicing Toolbar for a ScreenView.
For Interactive Description, this includes content at the top of the page that describes the screen. For Voicing, this includes content that is read to the user when they press the "Overview", "Details", or "Hint" buttons in the Voicing Toolbar.
For Interactive Description, this class supports basic paragraphs of content. If you need more complex PDOM content (like lists or other tags), create your own scenery Nodes and add them as a children of this Node.
Options encourage you to categorize content into descriptions for the "play area", "control area", "current details", which should align with the description and voicing design for the simulation.
Example usage: const screenSummaryContent = new ScreenSummaryContent( { playAreaContent: playAreaDescriptionStringProperty, controlAreaContent: controlAreaDescriptionStringProperty, currentDetailsContent: [ firstDescriptionStringProperty, secondDescriptionStringProperty ], interactionHintContent: interactionHintStringProperty } );
@author Jesse Greenberg (PhET Interactive Simulations)
Class ScreenSummaryContent¶
new ScreenSummaryContent( providedOptions? : ScreenSummaryContentOptions )¶
Instance Methods¶
setPlayAreaContent( content : SectionContent )¶
Set the content that describes the play area of the screen.
setControlAreaContent( content : SectionContent )¶
Set the content that describes the control area of the screen. @param content
setCurrentDetailsContent( content : SectionContent )¶
Set the content that describes the current details of the screen.
setAdditionalContent( content : SectionContent )¶
Set the content that describes the additional content for the screen. This is content that does not fit into the play area, control area, or current details. This comes after the current details content, and before the interaction hint content.
setInteractionHintContent( content : SectionContent )¶
Set the content that describes the interaction hint for the screen.
getVoicingOverviewString() : null | string¶
Returns the value of the combined voicing overview content. This is a string that includes all values for the play area and control area content. It is spoken when the user presses the "Overview" button in the voicing toolbar.
Your ScreenSummaryContent can override this function if you do not want to use the combined content.
getVoicingDetailsString() : null | string¶
Returns the value of the combined voicing current details content. This is a string that includes all values for the current details content. It is spoken when the user presses the "Details" button in the voicing toolbar.
Your ScreenSummaryContent can override this function if you do not want to use the combined content.
getVoicingInteractionHintString() : null | string¶
Returns the value of the combined voicing interaction hint content. This is a string that includes all values for the interaction hint content. It is spoken when the user presses the "Hint" button in the voicing toolbar.
Your ScreenSummaryContent can override this function if you do not want to use the combined content.
Source Code¶
See the source for ScreenSummaryContent.ts in the joist repository.