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Popupable trait

@author Jonathan Olson <> @author Sam Reid (PhET Interactive Simulations) @author Andrea Lin (PhET Interactive Simulations) @author Chris Malley (PixelZoom, Inc.)

Type PopupableNode

import type { PopupableNode } from 'scenerystack/sim';

Type PopupableOptions

import type { PopupableOptions } from 'scenerystack/sim';
  • showPopup?: ( popup: Node, isModal: boolean ) => void
    Don't use PopupableNode here (it creates... a lot of type issues and circularity)
  • hidePopup?: ( popup: Node, isModal: boolean ) => void
  • isModal?: boolean
    modal popups prevent interaction with the rest of the sim while open
  • layoutBounds?: Bounds2 | null
    If desired, the layoutBounds that should be used for layout
  • focusOnShowNode?: Node | null
    The Node that receives focus when the Popupable is shown. If null, focus is not set.
  • focusOnHideNode?: Node | null
    The Node that receives focus when the Popupable is closed. If null, focus will return to the Node that had focus when the Dialog opened.
  • disableModals?: boolean
    When true, no modal show/hide feature will be supported. This is a way of opting out of the Popupable feature altogether for this runtime.
  • & PickOptional<NodeOptions, "tandem">

Source Code

See the source for Popupable.ts in the sun repository.