Under Construction
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Some in-simulation utilities designed to help designers and developers
@author Jonathan Olson <>
Class Helper¶
new Helper( sim : Sim, simDisplay : SimDisplay )¶
Instance Methods¶
Instance Properties¶
inputBasedPickingProperty : Property<boolean>¶
Whether we should use the input system for picking, or if we should ignore it (and the flags) for what is visual
useLeafNodeProperty : Property<boolean>¶
Whether we should return the leaf-most Trail (instead of finding the one with input listeners)
pointerAreaTypeProperty : Property<PointerAreaType>¶
activeProperty : TProperty<boolean>¶
Whether the helper is visible (active) or not
visualTreeVisibleProperty : Property<boolean>¶
pdomTreeVisibleProperty : Property<boolean>¶
underPointerVisibleProperty : Property<boolean>¶
optionsVisibleProperty : Property<boolean>¶
previewVisibleProperty : Property<boolean>¶
selectedNodeContentVisibleProperty : Property<boolean>¶
selectedTrailContentVisibleProperty : Property<boolean>¶
highlightVisibleProperty : Property<boolean>¶
boundsVisibleProperty : Property<boolean>¶
selfBoundsVisibleProperty : Property<boolean>¶
getHelperNodeVisibleProperty : Property<boolean>¶
helperVisibleProperty : Property<boolean>¶
Whether the entire helper is visible (or collapsed)
pointerPositionProperty : TProperty<Vector2>¶
Where the current pointer is
overInterfaceProperty : Property<boolean>¶
Whether the pointer is over the UI interface
selectedTrailProperty : TProperty<Trail | null>¶
If the user has clicked on a Trail and selected it
treeHoverTrailProperty : TProperty<Trail | null>¶
What Trail the user is over in the tree UI
pointerTrailProperty : TReadOnlyProperty<Trail | null>¶
What Trail the pointer is over right now
previewTrailProperty : TReadOnlyProperty<Trail | null>¶
What Trail to show as a preview (and to highlight) - selection overrides what the pointer is over
helperNodeProperty : TReadOnlyProperty<Node | null>¶
A helper-displayed Node created to help with debugging various types
previewShapeProperty : TReadOnlyProperty<Shape | null>¶
The global shape of what is selected
screenViewProperty : TProperty<ScreenView | null>¶
imageDataProperty : TProperty<ImageData | null>¶
ImageData from the sim
colorProperty : TReadOnlyProperty<Color>¶
The pixel color under the pointer
Static Methods¶
initialize( sim : Sim, simDisplay : SimDisplay )¶
Static Properties¶
helper : Helper¶
Singleton, lazily created so we don't slow down startup