Under Construction
This documentation is auto-generated, and is a work in progress. Please see the source code at https://github.com/phetsims/scenery/blob/main/js/display/drawables/SpritesWebGLDrawable.js for the most up-to-date information.
WebGL drawable for Sprites.
@author Jonathan Olson <jonathan.olson@colorado.edu>
Class SpritesWebGLDrawable¶
Instance Methods¶
initialize( renderer, instance )¶
@param {number} renderer @param {Instance} instance
addSpriteImage( spriteImage )¶
Adds a SpriteImage to our SpriteSheet. @private
@param {SpriteImage} spriteImage
removeSpriteImage( spriteImage )¶
Removes a SpriteImage from our SpriteSheet. @private
@param {SpriteImage} spriteImage
onSpriteChange( newSpriteImage, oldSpriteImage )¶
Called when a Sprite's SpriteImage changes. @private
@param {SpriteImage} newSpriteImage @param {SpriteImage} oldSpriteImage
Sets up everything with a new WebGL context
Callback for when the WebGL context changes. We'll reconstruct the painter. @public
onAddToBlock( webGLBlock )¶
Called when this drawable is added to a block. @public
@param {WebGLBlock} webGLBlock
onRemoveFromBlock( webGLBlock )¶
Called when this drawable is removed from a block. @public
@param {WebGLBlock} webGLBlock
Draws the WebGL content. @public
Disposes the drawable. @public @override
A "catch-all" dirty method that directly marks the paintDirty flag and triggers propagation of dirty information. This can be used by other mark* methods, or directly itself if the paintDirty flag is checked. @public
It should be fired (indirectly or directly) for anything besides transforms that needs to make a drawable dirty.
Source Code¶
See the source for SpritesWebGLDrawable.js in the scenery repository.