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Under Construction

This documentation is auto-generated, and is a work in progress. Please see the source code at for the most up-to-date information.


A Scenery event is an abstraction over incoming user DOM events.

It provides more information (particularly Scenery-related information), and handles a single pointer at a time (DOM TouchEvents can include information for multiple touches at the same time, so the TouchEvent can be passed to multiple Scenery events). Thus it is not save to assume that the DOM event is unique, as it may be shared.

NOTE: While the event is being dispatched, its currentTarget may be changed. It is not fully immutable.

@author Jonathan Olson <>

Class SceneryEvent

"out" here ensures that SceneryListenerFunctions don't specify a wider type arguments for the event, see

import { SceneryEvent } from 'scenerystack/scenery';


new SceneryEvent( trail : Trail, type : string, pointer : Pointer, context : EventContext<DOMEvent> )

Instance Methods


like DOM SceneryEvent.stopPropagation(), but named differently to indicate it doesn't fire that behavior on the underlying DOM event


like DOM SceneryEvent.stopImmediatePropagation(), but named differently to indicate it doesn't fire that behavior on the underlying DOM event

isFromPDOM() : boolean

Specifies whether the SceneryEvent came from alternative input. See Input.PDOM_EVENT_TYPES for a list of events pdom-related events supported by scenery. These events are exclusively supported by the ParallelDOM for Interactive description.

canStartPress() : boolean

Returns whether a typical PressListener (that isn't already attached) could start a drag with this event.

This can typically be used for patterns where no action should be taken if a press can't be started, e.g.:

down: function( event ) { if ( !event.canStartPress() ) { return; }

// ... Do stuff to create a node with some type of PressListener event );


NOTE: This ignores non-left mouse buttons (as this is the typical behavior). Custom checks should be done if this is not suitable.

Instance Properties

handled : boolean

Whether this SceneryEvent has been 'handled'. If so, it will not bubble further.

aborted : boolean

Whether this SceneryEvent has been 'aborted'. If so, no further listeners with it will fire.

trail : Trail


Path to the leaf-most node "hit" by the event, ordered list, from root to leaf

type : string


What event was triggered on the listener, e.g. 'move'

pointer : Pointer


The pointer that triggered this event

domEvent : DOMEvent | null


Raw DOM InputEvent (TouchEvent, PointerEvent, MouseEvent,...)

context : EventContext


Assorted environment information when the event was fired

activeElement : Element | null


The document.activeElement when the event was fired

currentTarget : Node | null

Whatever node you attached the listener to, or null when firing events on a Pointer

target : Node

Leaf-most node in trail

isPrimary : boolean

Whether this is the 'primary' mode for the pointer. Always true for touches, and will be true for the mouse if it is the primary (left) mouse button.

Static Properties

SceneryEventIO : IOType


Source Code

See the source for SceneryEvent.ts in the scenery repository.