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Under Construction

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Stitcher that rebuilds all of the blocks and reattaches drawables. Simple, but inefficient.

Kept for now as a run-time comparison and baseline for the GreedyStitcher or any other more advanced (but more error-prone) stitching process.

@author Jonathan Olson <>

Class RebuildStitcher

import { RebuildStitcher } from 'scenerystack/scenery';

Instance Methods

stitch( backbone, firstDrawable, lastDrawable, oldFirstDrawable, oldLastDrawable, firstChangeInterval, lastChangeInterval )

Main stitch entry point, called directly from the backbone or cache. We are modifying our backbone's blocks and their attached drawables. @public

@param {BackboneDrawable} backbone @param {Drawable|null} firstStitchDrawable @param {Drawable|null} lastStitchDrawable @param {Drawable|null} oldFirstStitchDrawable @param {Drawable|null} oldLastStitchDrawable @param {ChangeInterval} firstChangeInterval @param {ChangeInterval} lastChangeInterval

Source Code

See the source for RebuildStitcher.js in the scenery repository.