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A superclass for Node, adding accessibility by defining content for the Parallel DOM. Please note that Node and ParallelDOM are closely intertwined, though they are separated into separate files in the type hierarchy.

The Parallel DOM is an HTML structure that provides semantics for assistive technologies. For web content to be accessible, assistive technologies require HTML markup, which is something that pure graphical content does not include. This adds the accessible HTML content for any Node in the scene graph.

Any Node can have pdom content, but they have to opt into it. The structure of the pdom content will match the structure of the scene graph.

Say we have the following scene graph:

A / \ B C / \ D E \ F

And say that nodes A, B, C, D, and F specify pdom content for the DOM. Scenery will render the pdom content like so:

<div id="node-A"> <div id="node-B"></div> <div id="node-C"> <div id="node-D"></div> <div id="node-F"></div> </div> </div>

In this example, each element is represented by a div, but any HTML element could be used. Note that in this example, node E did not specify pdom content, so node F was added as a child under node C. If node E had specified pdom content, content for node F would have been added as a child under the content for node E.


In a basic example let's say that we want to make a Node an unordered list. To do this, add the tagName option to the Node, and assign it to the string "ul". Here is what the code could look like:

var myUnorderedList = new Node( { tagName: 'ul' } );

To get the desired list html, we can assign the li tagName to children Nodes, like:

var listItem1 = new Node( { tagName: 'li' } ); myUnorderedList.addChild( listItem1 );

Now we have a single list element in the unordered list. To assign content to this <li>, use the innerContent option (all of these Node options have getters and setters, just like any other Node option):

listItem1.innerContent = 'I am list item number 1';

The above operations will create the following PDOM structure (note that actual ids will be different):

<ul id='myUnorderedList'> <li>I am a list item number 1</li> </ul


The API in this class allows you to add additional structure to the accessible DOM content if necessary. Each node can have multiple DOM Elements associated with it. A Node can have a label DOM element, and a description DOM element. These are called siblings. The Node's direct DOM element (the DOM element you create with the tagName option) is called the "primary sibling." You can also have a container parent DOM element that surrounds all of these siblings. With three siblings and a container parent, each Node can have up to 4 DOM Elements representing it in the PDOM. Here is an example of how a Node may use these features:

<div> <label for="myInput">This great label for input</label <input id="myInput"/> <p>This is a description for the input</p> </div>

Although you can create this structure with four nodes (input A, label B, andpC children todiv` D), this structure can be created with one single Node. It is often preferable to do this to limit the number of new Nodes that have to be created just for accessibility purposes. To accomplish this we have the following Node code.

new Node( { tagName: 'input' labelTagName: 'label', labelContent: 'This great label for input' descriptionTagName: 'p', descriptionContent: 'This is a description for the input', containerTagName: 'div' });

A few notes: 1. Only the primary sibling (specified by tagName) is focusable. Using a focusable element through another element (like labelTagName) will result in buggy behavior. 2. Notice the names of the content setters for siblings parallel the innerContent option for setting the primary sibling. 3. To make this example actually work, you would need the inputType option to set the "type" attribute on the input. 4. When you specify the <label> tag for the label sibling, the "for" attribute is automatically added to the sibling. 5. Finally, the example above doesn't utilize the default tags that we have in place for the parent and siblings. default labelTagName: 'p' default descriptionTagName: 'p' default containerTagName: 'div' so the following will yield the same PDOM structure:

new Node( { tagName: 'input', labelTagName: 'label', labelContent: 'This great label for input' descriptionContent: 'This is a description for the input', });

The ParallelDOM class is smart enough to know when there needs to be a container parent to wrap multiple siblings, it is not necessary to use that option unless the desired tag name is something other than 'div'.

Input listeners

ParallelDOM is the primary way we listen to keyboard events in scenery. See TInputListener for supported keyboard events that you can add. Note that the input events from the DOM that your ParallelDOM instance will receive is dependent on what the DOM Element is (see tagName).

NOTE: Be VERY careful about mutating ParallelDOM content in input listeners, this can result in events being dropped. For example, if you press enter on a 'button', you would expect a keydown event followed by a click event, but if the keydown listener changes the tagName to 'div', the click event will not occur.

For additional accessibility options, please see the options listed in ACCESSIBILITY_OPTION_KEYS. To understand the PDOM more, see PDOMPeer, which manages the DOM Elements for a Node. For more documentation on Scenery, Nodes, and the scene graph, please see

@author Jesse Greenberg (PhET Interactive Simulations) @author Sam Reid (PhET Interactive Simulations) @author Michael Kauzmann (PhET Interactive Simulations)

Class ParallelDOM

import { ParallelDOM } from 'scenerystack/scenery';


new ParallelDOM( options? : PhetioObjectOptions )

Instance Methods

isFocused() : boolean

Get whether this Node's primary DOM element currently has focus.


Focus this Node's primary dom element. The element must not be hidden, and it must be focusable. If the Node has more than one instance, this will fail because the DOM element is not uniquely defined. If accessibility is not enabled, this will be a no op. When ParallelDOM is more widely used, the no op can be replaced with an assertion that checks for pdom content.


Remove focus from this Node's primary DOM element. The focus highlight will disappear, and the element will not receive keyboard events when it doesn't have focus.


Called when assertions are enabled and once the Node has been completely constructed. This is the time to make sure that options are set up the way they are expected to be. For example. you don't want accessibleName and labelContent declared. (only called by Screen.js)

setAccessibleName( accessibleName : PDOMValueType | null )

Sets the accessible name that describes this Node. The accessible name is the semantic title for the Node. It is the content that will be read by a screen reader when the Node is discovered by the virtual cursor.

For more information about accessible names in web accessibility see

Part of the higher level API, the accessibleNameBehavior function will set the appropriate options on this Node to create the desired accessible name. See the documentation for setAccessibleNameBehavior() for more information.

getAccessibleName() : string | null

Get the accessible name that describes this Node.

setAccessibleParagraph( accessibleParagraph : PDOMValueType | null )

Sets this Node as a paragraph with the provided content. This lets you easily describe Nodes for screen readers. This is most useful for non-interactive elements that need to be described.

myImageNode.setAccessibleParagraph( 'This is a picture of a cat' );

This is part of the "Higher level API", but there is no customizing behavior function for this function.

getAccessibleParagraph() : string | null

Get the accessible paragraph that represents/describe.


Remove this Node from the PDOM by clearing its pdom content. This can be useful when creating icons from pdom content.

setAccessibleNameBehavior( accessibleNameBehavior : PDOMBehaviorFunction )

accessibleNameBehavior is a function that will set the appropriate options on this Node to get the desired accessible name.

The default value does the best it can to create an accessible name for a variety of different ParallelDOM options and tag names. If a Node uses more complicated markup, you can provide your own function to meet your requirements. If you do this, it is up to you to make sure that the Accessible Name is properly being set and conveyed to AT, as it is very hard to validate this function.

getAccessibleNameBehavior() : PDOMBehaviorFunction

Get the help text of the interactive element.

setPDOMHeading( pdomHeading : PDOMValueType | null )

Set the Node heading content. This by default will be a heading tag whose level is dependent on how many parents Nodes are heading Nodes. See computeHeadingLevel() for more info

@experimental - NOTE: use with caution, a11y team reserves the right to change API (though unlikely). Not yet fully implemented, see

getPDOMHeading() : string | null

Get the value of this Node's heading. Use null to clear the heading

@experimental - NOTE: use with caution, a11y team reserves the right to change API (though unlikely). Not yet fully implemented, see

setPDOMHeadingBehavior( pdomHeadingBehavior : PDOMBehaviorFunction )

Set the behavior of how this.pdomHeading is set in the PDOM. See default behavior function for more information.

@experimental - NOTE: use with caution, a11y team reserves the right to change API (though unlikely). Not yet fully implemented, see

getPDOMHeadingBehavior() : PDOMBehaviorFunction

Get the help text of the interactive element.

@experimental - NOTE: use with caution, a11y team reserves the right to change API (though unlikely). Not yet fully implemented, see

getHeadingLevel() : number | null

Get the tag name of the DOM element representing this Node for accessibility.

@experimental - NOTE: use with caution, a11y team reserves the right to change API (though unlikely). Not yet fully implemented, see

setAccessibleHelpText( accessibleHelpText : PDOMValueType | null )

Sets the accessible help text for this Node. Help text usually provides additional information that describes what a Node is or how to interact with it. It will be read by a screen reader when discovered by the virtual cursor.

Part of the higher level API, the accessibleHelpTextBehavior function will set the appropriate options on this Node to create the desired help text. See the documentation for setAccessibleHelpTextBehavior() for more information.

getAccessibleHelpText() : string | null

Get the help text for this Node.

setAccessibleHelpTextBehavior( accessibleHelpTextBehavior : PDOMBehaviorFunction )

accessibleHelpTextBehavior is a function that will set the appropriate options on this Node to get the desired help text.

The default value does the best it can to create the help text based on the values for other ParallelDOM options. Usually, this is a paragraph element that comes after the Node's primary sibling in the PDOM. If you need to customize this behavior, you can provide your own function to meet your requirements. If you provide your own function, it is up to you to make sure that the help text is properly being set and is discoverable by AT.

getAccessibleHelpTextBehavior() : PDOMBehaviorFunction

Get the help text of the interactive element.

setTagName( tagName : string | null )

Set the tag name for the primary sibling in the PDOM. DOM element tag names are read-only, so this function will create a new DOM element each time it is called for the Node's PDOMPeer and reset the pdom content.

This is the "entry point" for Parallel DOM content. When a Node has a tagName it will appear in the Parallel DOM and other attributes can be set. Without it, nothing will appear in the Parallel DOM.

getTagName() : string | null

Get the tag name of the DOM element representing this Node for accessibility.

setLabelTagName( tagName : string | null )

Set the tag name for the accessible label sibling for this Node. DOM element tag names are read-only, so this will require creating a new PDOMPeer for this Node (reconstructing all DOM Elements). If labelContent is specified without calling this method, then the DEFAULT_LABEL_TAG_NAME will be used as the tag name for the label sibling. Use null to clear the label sibling element from the PDOM.

getLabelTagName() : string | null

Get the label sibling HTML tag name.

setDescriptionTagName( tagName : string | null )

Set the tag name for the description sibling. HTML element tag names are read-only, so this will require creating a new HTML element, and inserting it into the DOM. The tag name provided must support innerHTML and textContent. If descriptionContent is specified without this option, then descriptionTagName will be set to DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION_TAG_NAME.

Passing 'null' will clear away the description sibling.

getDescriptionTagName() : string | null

Get the HTML tag name for the description sibling.

setInputType( inputType : string | null )

Sets the type for an input element. Element must have the INPUT tag name. The input attribute is not specified as readonly, so invalidating pdom content is not necessary.

getInputType() : string | null

Get the input type. Input type is only relevant if this Node's primary sibling has tag name "INPUT".

setAppendLabel( appendLabel : boolean )

By default the label will be prepended before the primary sibling in the PDOM. This option allows you to instead have the label added after the primary sibling. Note: The label will always be in front of the description sibling. If this flag is set with appendDescription, the order will be

<container> <primary sibling/> <label sibling/> <description sibling/> </container>

getAppendLabel() : boolean

Get whether the label sibling should be appended after the primary sibling.

setAppendDescription( appendDescription : boolean )

By default the label will be prepended before the primary sibling in the PDOM. This option allows you to instead have the label added after the primary sibling. Note: The label will always be in front of the description sibling. If this flag is set with appendLabel, the order will be

<container> <primary sibling/> <label sibling/> <description sibling/> </container>

getAppendDescription() : boolean

Get whether the description sibling should be appended after the primary sibling.

setContainerTagName( tagName : string | null )

Set the container parent tag name. By specifying this container parent, an element will be created that acts as a container for this Node's primary sibling DOM Element and its label and description siblings. This containerTagName will default to DEFAULT_LABEL_TAG_NAME, and be added to the PDOM automatically if more than just the primary sibling is created.

For instance, a button element with a label and description will be contained like the following if the containerTagName is specified as 'section'.

<section id='parent-container-trail-id'> <button>Press me!</button> <p>Button label</p> <p>Button description</p> </section>

getContainerTagName() : string | null

Get the tag name for the container parent element.

setLabelContent( labelContent : PDOMValueType | null )

Set the content of the label sibling for the this Node. The label sibling will default to the value of DEFAULT_LABEL_TAG_NAME if no labelTagName is provided. If the label sibling is a LABEL html element, then the for attribute will automatically be added, pointing to the Node's primary sibling.

This method supports adding content in two ways, with HTMLElement.textContent and HTMLElement.innerHTML. The DOM setter is chosen based on if the label passes the containsFormattingTags.

Passing a null label value will not clear the whole label sibling, just the inner content of the DOM Element.

getLabelContent() : string | null

Get the content for this Node's label sibling DOM element.

setInnerContent( innerContent : PDOMValueType | null )

Set the inner content for the primary sibling of the PDOMPeers of this Node. Will be set as textContent unless content is html which uses exclusively formatting tags. A Node with inner content cannot have accessible descendants because this content will override the HTML of descendants of this Node.

getInnerContent() : string | null

Get the inner content, the string that is the innerHTML or innerText for the Node's primary sibling.

setDescriptionContent( descriptionContent : PDOMValueType | null )

Set the description content for this Node's primary sibling. The description sibling tag name must support innerHTML and textContent. If a description element does not exist yet, a default DEFAULT_LABEL_TAG_NAME will be assigned to the descriptionTagName.

getDescriptionContent() : string | null

Get the content for this Node's description sibling DOM Element.

setAriaRole( ariaRole : string | null )

Set the ARIA role for this Node's primary sibling. According to the W3C, the ARIA role is read-only for a DOM element. So this will create a new DOM element for this Node with the desired role, and replace the old element in the DOM. Note that the aria role can completely change the events that fire from an element, especially when using a screen reader. For example, a role of application will largely bypass the default behavior and logic of the screen reader, triggering keydown/keyup events even for buttons that would usually only receive a "click" event.

@param ariaRole - role for the element, see for a list of roles, states, and properties.

getAriaRole() : string | null

Get the ARIA role representing this Node.

setContainerAriaRole( ariaRole : string | null )

Set the ARIA role for this Node's container parent element. According to the W3C, the ARIA role is read-only for a DOM element. This will create a new DOM element for the container parent with the desired role, and replace it in the DOM.

@param ariaRole - role for the element, see for a list of roles, states, and properties.

getContainerAriaRole() : string | null

Get the ARIA role assigned to the container parent element.

setAriaValueText( ariaValueText : PDOMValueType | null )

Set the aria-valuetext of this Node independently from the changing value, if necessary. Setting to null will clear this attribute.

getAriaValueText() : string | null

Get the value of the aria-valuetext attribute for this Node's primary sibling. If null, then the attribute has not been set on the primary sibling.

setPDOMNamespace( pdomNamespace : string | null ) : this

Sets the namespace for the primary element (relevant for MathML/SVG/etc.)

For example, to create a MathML element: { tagName: 'math', pdomNamespace: '' }

or for SVG: { tagName: 'svg', pdomNamespace: '' }

@param pdomNamespace - Null indicates no namespace.

getPDOMNamespace() : string | null

Returns the accessible namespace (see setPDOMNamespace for more information).

setAriaLabel( ariaLabel : PDOMValueType | null )

Sets the 'aria-label' attribute for labelling the Node's primary sibling. By using the 'aria-label' attribute, the label will be read on focus, but can not be found with the virtual cursor. This is one way to set a DOM Element's Accessible Name.

@param ariaLabel - the text for the aria label attribute

getAriaLabel() : string | null

Get the value of the aria-label attribute for this Node's primary sibling.

setFocusHighlight( focusHighlight : Highlight )

Set the focus highlight for this Node. By default, the focus highlight will be a pink rectangle that surrounds the Node's local bounds. If focus highlight is set to 'invisible', the Node will not have any highlighting when it receives focus.

Use the local coordinate frame when drawing a custom highlight for this Node.

getFocusHighlight() : Highlight

Get the focus highlight for this Node.

setFocusHighlightLayerable( focusHighlightLayerable : boolean )

Setting a flag to break default and allow the focus highlight to be (z) layered into the scene graph. This will set the visibility of the layered focus highlight, it will always be invisible until this Node has focus.

getFocusHighlightLayerable() : boolean

Get the flag for if this Node is layerable in the scene graph (or if it is always on top, like the default).

setGroupFocusHighlight( groupHighlight : Node | boolean )

Set whether or not this Node has a group focus highlight. If this Node has a group focus highlight, an extra focus highlight will surround this Node whenever a descendant Node has focus. Generally useful to indicate nested keyboard navigation. If true, the group focus highlight will surround this Node's local bounds. Otherwise, the Node will be used.

TODO: Support more than one group focus highlight (multiple ancestors could have groupFocusHighlight), see

getGroupFocusHighlight() : Node | boolean

Get whether or not this Node has a 'group' focus highlight, see setter for more information.

setAriaLabelledbyAssociations( ariaLabelledbyAssociations : Association[] )

Very similar algorithm to setChildren in Node.js @param ariaLabelledbyAssociations - list of associationObjects, see this._ariaLabelledbyAssociations.

getAriaLabelledbyAssociations() : Association[]

addAriaLabelledbyAssociation( associationObject : Association )

Add an aria-labelledby association to this Node. The data in the associationObject will be implemented like "a peer's HTMLElement of this Node (specified with the string constant stored in thisElementName) will have an aria-labelledby attribute with a value that includes the otherNode's peer HTMLElement's id (specified with otherElementName)."

There can be more than one association because an aria-labelledby attribute's value can be a space separated list of HTML ids, and not just a single id, see

removeAriaLabelledbyAssociation( associationObject : Association )

Remove an aria-labelledby association object, see addAriaLabelledbyAssociation for more details


Trigger the view update for each PDOMPeer

getNodesThatAreAriaLabelledbyThisNode() : Node[]

The list of Nodes that are aria-labelledby this Node (other Node's peer element will have this Node's Peer element's id in the aria-labelledby attribute

setAriaDescribedbyAssociations( ariaDescribedbyAssociations : Association[] )

getAriaDescribedbyAssociations() : Association[]

addAriaDescribedbyAssociation( associationObject : Association )

Add an aria-describedby association to this Node. The data in the associationObject will be implemented like "a peer's HTMLElement of this Node (specified with the string constant stored in thisElementName) will have an aria-describedby attribute with a value that includes the otherNode's peer HTMLElement's id (specified with otherElementName)."

There can be more than one association because an aria-describedby attribute's value can be a space separated list of HTML ids, and not just a single id, see

hasAriaDescribedbyAssociation( associationObject : Association ) : boolean

Is this object already in the describedby association list

removeAriaDescribedbyAssociation( associationObject : Association )

Remove an aria-describedby association object, see addAriaDescribedbyAssociation for more details


Trigger the view update for each PDOMPeer

getNodesThatAreAriaDescribedbyThisNode() : Node[]

The list of Nodes that are aria-describedby this Node (other Node's peer element will have this Node's Peer element's id in the aria-describedby attribute

setActiveDescendantAssociations( activeDescendantAssociations : Association[] )

getActiveDescendantAssociations() : Association[]

addActiveDescendantAssociation( associationObject : Association )

Add an aria-activeDescendant association to this Node. The data in the associationObject will be implemented like "a peer's HTMLElement of this Node (specified with the string constant stored in thisElementName) will have an aria-activeDescendant attribute with a value that includes the otherNode's peer HTMLElement's id (specified with otherElementName)."

removeActiveDescendantAssociation( associationObject : Association )

Remove an aria-activeDescendant association object, see addActiveDescendantAssociation for more details

setPDOMOrder( pdomOrder : ( Node | null )[] | null )

Sets the PDOM/DOM order for this Node. This includes not only focused items, but elements that can be placed in the Parallel DOM. If provided, it will override the focus order between children (and optionally arbitrary subtrees). If not provided, the focus order will default to the rendering order (first children first, last children last), determined by the children array. A Node must be connected to a scene graph (via children) in order for pdomOrder to apply. Thus, setPDOMOrder cannot be used in exchange for setting a Node as a child.

In the general case, when pdomOrder is specified, it's an array of Nodes, with optionally one element being a placeholder for "the rest of the children", signified by null. This means that, for accessibility, it will act as if the children for this Node WERE the pdomOrder (potentially supplemented with other children via the placeholder).

For example, if you have the tree: a b d e c g f h

and we specify b.pdomOrder = [ e, f, d, c ], then the pdom structure will act as if the tree is: a b e f <--- the entire subtree of f gets placed here under b, pulling it out from where it was before. h d c <--- note that g is NOT under c anymore, because it got pulled out under b directly g

The placeholder (null) will get filled in with all direct children that are NOT in any pdomOrder. If there is no placeholder specified, it will act as if the placeholder is at the end of the order. The value null (the default) and the empty array ([]) both act as if the only order is the placeholder, i.e. [null].

Some general constraints for the orders are: - Nodes must be attached to a Display (in a scene graph) to be shown in a pdom order. - You can't specify a Node in more than one pdomOrder, and you can't specify duplicates of a value in a pdomOrder. - You can't specify an ancestor of a Node in that Node's pdomOrder (e.g. this.pdomOrder = this.parents ).

Note that specifying something in a pdomOrder will effectively remove it from all of its parents for the pdom tree (so if you create tmpNode.pdomOrder = [ a ] then toss the tmpNode without disposing it, a won't show up in the parallel DOM). If there is a need for that, disposing a Node effectively removes its pdomOrder.

See for more information on the decisions and design for this feature.

getPDOMOrder() : ( Node | null )[] | null

Returns the pdom (focus) order for this Node.

Making changes to the returned array will not affect this Node's order. It returns a defensive copy.

hasPDOMOrder() : boolean

Returns whether this Node has a pdomOrder that is effectively different than the default.

NOTE: null, [] and [null] are all effectively the same thing, so this will return true for any of those. Usage of null is recommended, as it doesn't create the extra object reference (but some code that generates arrays may be more convenient).

getPDOMParent() : Node | null

Returns our "PDOM parent" if available: the Node that specifies this Node in its pdomOrder.

setPdomVisibleProperty( newTarget : TReadOnlyProperty<boolean> | null ) : this

Sets what Property our pdomVisibleProperty is backed by, so that changes to this provided Property will change this Node's pdom visibility, and vice versa. This does not change this._pdomVisibleProperty. See TinyForwardingProperty.setTargetProperty() for more info.

getPdomVisibleProperty() : TProperty<boolean>

Get this Node's pdomVisibleProperty. See Node.getVisibleProperty for more information

setPDOMVisible( visible : boolean )

Hide completely from a screen reader and the browser by setting the hidden attribute on the Node's representative DOM element. If the sibling DOM Elements have a container parent, the container should be hidden so that all PDOM elements are hidden as well. Hiding the element will remove it from the focus order.

isPDOMVisible() : boolean

Get whether or not this Node's representative DOM element is visible.

isPDOMDisplayed() : boolean

Returns true if any of the PDOMInstances for the Node are globally visible and displayed in the PDOM. A PDOMInstance is globally visible if Node and all ancestors are pdomVisible. PDOMInstance visibility is updated synchronously, so this returns the most up-to-date information without requiring Display.updateDisplay

setInputValue( inputValue : PDOMValueType | number | null )

Set the value of an input element. Element must be a form element to support the value attribute. The input value is converted to string since input values are generally string for HTML.

getInputValue() : string | null

Get the value of the element. Element must be a form element to support the value attribute.

setPDOMChecked( checked : boolean )

Set whether or not the checked attribute appears on the dom elements associated with this Node's pdom content. This is only useful for inputs of type 'radio' and 'checkbox'. A 'checked' input is considered selected to the browser and assistive technology.

getPDOMChecked() : boolean

Get whether or not the pdom input is 'checked'.

getPDOMAttributes() : PDOMAttribute[]

Get an array containing all pdom attributes that have been added to this Node's primary sibling.

setPDOMAttributes( attributes : PDOMAttribute[] )

Sets all of the attributes for this Node's accessible content at once. See setPDOMAttribute for more information.

Clears the old list of attributes before setting to this attribute list.

setPDOMAttribute( attribute : string, value : PDOMValueType | boolean | number, providedOptions? : SetPDOMAttributeOptions )

Set a particular attribute or property for this Node's primary sibling, generally to provide extra semantic information for a screen reader.

@param attribute - string naming the attribute @param value - the value for the attribute, if boolean, then it will be set as a javascript property on the HTMLElement rather than an attribute @param [providedOptions]

removePDOMAttribute( attribute : string, providedOptions? : RemovePDOMAttributeOptions )

Remove a particular attribute, removing the associated semantic information from the DOM element.

It is HIGHLY recommended that you never call this function from an attribute set with type:'property', see setPDOMAttribute for the option details.

@param attribute - name of the attribute to remove @param [providedOptions]


Remove all attributes from this Node's dom element.

hasPDOMAttribute( attribute : string, providedOptions? : HasPDOMAttributeOptions ) : boolean

Remove a particular attribute, removing the associated semantic information from the DOM element.

@param attribute - name of the attribute to remove @param [providedOptions]

setPDOMClass( className : string, providedOptions? : SetPDOMClassOptions )

Add the class to the PDOM element's classList. The PDOM is generally invisible, but some styling occasionally has an impact on semantics so it is necessary to set styles. Add a class with this function and define the style in stylesheets (likely SceneryStyle).

removePDOMClass( className : string, providedOptions? : RemovePDOMClassOptions )

Remove a class from the classList of one of the elements for this Node.

getPDOMClasses() : PDOMClass[]

Get the list of classes assigned to PDOM elements for this Node.

setFocusable( focusable : boolean | null )

Make the DOM element explicitly focusable with a tab index. Native HTML form elements will generally be in the navigation order without explicitly setting focusable. If these need to be removed from the navigation order, call setFocusable( false ). Removing an element from the focus order does not hide the element from assistive technology.

@param focusable - null to use the default browser focus for the primary element

isFocusable() : boolean

Get whether or not the Node is focusable. Use the focusOverride, and then default to browser defined focusable elements.

setPDOMTransformSourceNode( node : Node | null )

Sets the source Node that controls positioning of the primary sibling. Transforms along the trail to this Node are observed so that the primary sibling is positioned correctly in the global coordinate frame.

The transformSourceNode cannot use DAG for now because we need a unique trail to observe transforms.

By default, transforms along trails to all of this Node's PDOMInstances are observed. But this function can be used if you have a visual Node represented in the PDOM by a different Node in the scene graph but still need the other Node's PDOM content positioned over the visual Node. For example, this could be required to catch all fake pointer events that may come from certain types of screen readers.

getPDOMTransformSourceNode() : Node | null

Get the source Node that controls positioning of the primary sibling in the global coordinate frame. See setPDOMTransformSourceNode for more in depth information.

setFocusPanTargetBoundsProperty( boundsProperty : null | TReadOnlyProperty<Bounds2> )

Used by the animatedPanZoomSingleton. It will try to keep these bounds visible in the viewport when this Node (or any ancestor) has a transform change while focused. This is useful if the bounds of your focusable Node do not accurately surround the conceptual interactive component. If null, this Node's local bounds are used.

At this time, the Property cannot be changed after it is set.

getFocusPanTargetBoundsProperty() : null | TReadOnlyProperty<Bounds2>

Returns the function for creating global bounds to keep in the viewport while the component has focus, see the setFocusPanTargetBoundsProperty function for more information.

setLimitPanDirection( limitPanDirection : LimitPanDirection | null )

Sets the direction that the global AnimatedPanZoomListener will pan while interacting with this Node. Pan will ONLY occur in this dimension. This is especially useful for panning to large Nodes where panning to the center of the Node would move other Nodes out of the viewport.

Set to null for default behavior (panning in all directions).

getLimitPanDirection() : LimitPanDirection | null

See setLimitPanDirection for more information.

setPositionInPDOM( positionInPDOM : boolean )

Sets whether the PDOM sibling elements are positioned in the correct place in the viewport. Doing so is a requirement for custom gestures on touch based screen readers. However, doing this DOM layout is expensive so only do this when necessary. Generally only needed for elements that utilize a "double tap and hold" gesture to drag and drop.

Positioning the PDOM element will caused some screen readers to send both click and pointer events to the location of the Node in global coordinates. Do not position elements that use click listeners since activation will fire twice (once for the pointer event listeners and once for the click event listeners).

getPositionInPDOM() : boolean

Gets whether or not we are positioning the PDOM sibling elements. See setPositionInPDOM().


This function should be used sparingly as a workaround. If used, any DOM input events received from the label sibling will not be dispatched as SceneryEvents in Input.js. The label sibling may receive input by screen readers if the virtual cursor is over it. That is usually fine, but there is a bug with NVDA and Firefox where both the label sibling AND primary sibling receive events in this case, and both bubble up to the root of the PDOM, and so we would otherwise dispatch two SceneryEvents instead of one.

See for more information.

isInsidePhetioArchetype( node : Node ) : boolean

Return true if this Node is a PhET-iO archetype or it is a Node descendant of a PhET-iO archetype. See

alertDescriptionUtterance( utterance : TAlertable )

Alert on all interactive description utteranceQueues located on each connected Display. See Node.getConnectedDisplays. Note that if your Node is not connected to a Display, this function will have no effect.

forEachUtteranceQueue( callback : ( queue: UtteranceQueue ) => void )

Apply a callback on each utteranceQueue that this Node has a connection to (via Display). Note that only accessible Displays have utteranceQueues that this function will interface with.

onPDOMAddChild( node : Node )


Called when the Node is added as a child to this Node AND the Node's subtree contains pdom content. We need to notify all Displays that can see this change, so that they can update the PDOMInstance tree.

onPDOMRemoveChild( node : Node )


Called when the Node is removed as a child from this Node AND the Node's subtree contains pdom content. We need to notify all Displays that can see this change, so that they can update the PDOMInstance tree.



Called when this Node's children are reordered (with nothing added/removed).

updateLinkedElementForProperty( tandemName : string, oldProperty? : TReadOnlyProperty<T> | null, newProperty? : TReadOnlyProperty<T> | null )

Handles linking and checking child PhET-iO Properties such as Node.visibleProperty and Node.enabledProperty.

Instance Properties

focusHighlightChangedEmitter : TEmitter


Emits an event when the focus highlight is changed.

pdomParentChangedEmitter : TEmitter


Emits an event when the pdom parent of this Node has changed

pdomDisplaysEmitter : TEmitter


Fired when the PDOM Displays for this Node have changed (see PDOMInstance)

pdomBoundInputEnabledListener : ( enabled: boolean ) => void


PDOM specific enabled listener

Static Methods

BASIC_ACCESSIBLE_NAME_BEHAVIOR( node : Node, options : ParallelDOMOptions, accessibleName : PDOMValueType ) : ParallelDOMOptions

forwardAccessibleName( node : ParallelDOM, otherNode : ParallelDOM )

A behavior function for accessible name so that when accessibleName is set on the provided Node, it will be forwarded to otherNode. This is useful when a component is composed of other Nodes that implement the accessibility, but the high level API should be available for the entire component.

forwardHelpText( node : ParallelDOM, otherNode : ParallelDOM )

A behavior function for help text so that when accessibleHelpText is set on the provided 'node', it will be forwarded otherNode. This is useful when a component is composed of other Nodes that implement the accessibility, but the high level API should be available for the entire component.

HELP_TEXT_BEFORE_CONTENT( node : Node, options : ParallelDOMOptions, accessibleHelpText : PDOMValueType ) : ParallelDOMOptions

HELP_TEXT_AFTER_CONTENT( node : Node, options : ParallelDOMOptions, accessibleHelpText : PDOMValueType ) : ParallelDOMOptions

Type Association

import type { Association } from 'scenerystack/scenery';
  • otherNode: Node
  • otherElementName: string
  • thisElementName: string

Type LimitPanDirection

import type { LimitPanDirection } from 'scenerystack/scenery';

"horizontal" | "vertical"

Type ParallelDOMOptions

Most options use null for their default behavior, see the setters for each option for a description of how null behaves as a default.

import type { ParallelDOMOptions } from 'scenerystack/scenery';

Type PDOMBehaviorFunction

@param node - the Node that the pdom behavior is being applied to @param options - options to mutate within the function @param value - the value that you are setting the behavior of, like the accessibleName @param callbacksForOtherNodes - behavior function also support taking state from a Node and using it to set the accessible content for another Node. If this is the case, that logic should be set in a closure and added to this list for execution after this Node is fully created. See discussion in @returns the options that have been mutated by the behavior function.

import type { PDOMBehaviorFunction } from 'scenerystack/scenery';

( node: Node, options: ParallelDOMOptions, value: PDOMValueType, callbacksForOtherNodes: ( () => void )[] ) => ParallelDOMOptions

Type PDOMValueType

import type { PDOMValueType } from 'scenerystack/scenery';

string | TReadOnlyProperty<string>

Type RemoveParallelDOMOptions

Removes all options from T that are in ParallelDOMSelfOptions.

import type { RemoveParallelDOMOptions } from 'scenerystack/scenery';

StrictOmit<T, keyof ParallelDOMSelfOptions>

Type TrimParallelDOMOptions

Removes all options from T that are in ParallelDOMSelfOptions, except for the most fundamental ones. This is useful for creating a ParallelDOM subclass that only exposes these high-level options while implementing accessibility with the lower-level API.

import type { TrimParallelDOMOptions } from 'scenerystack/scenery';

RemoveParallelDOMOptions<T> & PickOptional<ParallelDOMSelfOptions, "accessibleName" | "accessibleHelpText" | "accessibleParagraph" | "focusable" | "pdomVisible">

Source Code

See the source for ParallelDOM.ts in the scenery repository.