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Under Construction

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Supertype for layout Nodes

@author Jonathan Olson <>

Class LayoutNode

import { LayoutNode } from 'scenerystack/scenery';


new LayoutNode( providedOptions? : LayoutNodeOptions )

Instance Methods



setExcludeInvisibleChildrenFromBounds( excludeInvisibleChildrenFromBounds : boolean )

setChildren( children : Node[] ) : this


Manually run the layout (for instance, if resize:false is currently set, or if there is other hackery going on).


Releases references

Instance Properties

layoutOriginProperty : TProperty<Vector2>


Type LayoutNodeOptions

import type { LayoutNodeOptions } from 'scenerystack/scenery';
  • resize?: boolean
    Controls whether the layout container will re-trigger layout automatically after the "first" layout during construction. The layout container will layout once after processing the options object, but if resize:false, then after that manual layout calls will need to be done (with updateLayout())
  • layoutOrigin?: Vector2
    Controls where the origin of the "layout" is placed (usually within the Node itself). For typical usages, this will be (0,0) and the upper-left of the content will be placed there. layoutOrigin will adjust this point. NOTE: If there is origin-based content, that content will be placed at this origin (and may go to the top/left of this layoutOrigin).
  • & NodeOptions & SizableOptions

Source Code

See the source for LayoutNode.ts in the scenery repository.