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Under Construction

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?fuzzBoard keyboard fuzzer TODO: keep track of keyState so that we don't trigger a keydown of keyA before the previous keyA keyup event has been called.

@author Michael Kauzmann (PhET Interactive Simulations)

Class KeyboardFuzzer

import { KeyboardFuzzer } from 'scenerystack/scenery';


new KeyboardFuzzer( display : Display, seed : number )

Instance Methods

fuzzBoardEvents( fuzzRate : number )

A random event creator that sends keyboard events. Based on the idea of fuzzMouse, but to test/spam accessibility related keyboard navigation and alternate input implementation.

TODO: NOTE: Right now this is a very experimental implementation. Tread wearily TODO: @param keyboardPressesPerFocusedItem {number} - basically would be the same as fuzzRate, but handling TODO: the keydown events for a focused item

Source Code

See the source for KeyboardFuzzer.ts in the scenery repository.