Under Construction
This documentation is auto-generated, and is a work in progress. Please see the source code at for the most up-to-date information.
An input listener for keyboard-based drag interactions, allowing objects to be moved using the arrow keys or the W, A, S, D keys.
Key features: - Supports both discrete (step-based) and continuous (speed-based) dragging modes. - Allows restricting movement to specific axes (e.g., horizontal or vertical only) or allowing free 2D movement. - Configurable drag speed and drag delta values, with separate configurations when the shift key is held for finer control. - Optionally synchronizes with a 'positionProperty' to allow for model-view coordination with custom transformations if needed. - Provides hooks for start, drag (movement), and end phases of a drag interaction through callback options. - Includes support for drag bounds, restricting the draggable area within specified model coordinates. - Uses stepTimer for smooth, timed updates during drag operations, especially useful in continuous 'dragSpeed' mode.
Usage: Attach an instance of KeyboardDragListener to a Node via the addInputListener
const myNode = new Node(); const dragListener = new KeyboardDragListener( { dragDelta: 2, shiftDragDelta: 2, start: (event, listener) => { console.log('Drag started'); }, drag: (event, listener) => { console.log('Dragging'); }, end: (event, listener) => { console.log('Drag ended'); }, positionProperty: myNode.positionProperty, transform: myNode.getTransform() } ); myNode.addInputListener(dragListener);
@author Jesse Greenberg (PhET Interactive Simulations) @author Michael Barlow @author Michael Kauzmann (PhET Interactive Simulations)
Class KeyboardDragListener¶
new KeyboardDragListener( providedOptions? : KeyboardDragListenerOptions )¶
Instance Methods¶
getDragBounds() : Bounds2 | null¶
Returns the drag bounds in model coordinates.
setTransform( transform : Transform3 | TReadOnlyProperty<Transform3> | null )¶
Sets the drag transform of the listener.
getTransform() : Transform3 | TReadOnlyProperty<Transform3> | null¶
Returns the transform of the listener.
movingLeft() : boolean¶
Are keys pressed that would move the target Node to the left?
movingRight() : boolean¶
Are keys pressed that would move the target Node to the right?
movingUp() : boolean¶
Are keys pressed that would move the target Node up?
movingDown() : boolean¶
Are keys pressed that would move the target Node down?
getCurrentTarget() : Node¶
Get the current target Node of the drag.
keydown( event : SceneryEvent<KeyboardEvent> )¶
Scenery internal. Part of the events API. Do not call directly.
Does specific work for the keydown event. This is called during scenery event dispatch, and AFTER any global key state updates. This is important because interruption needs to happen after hotkeyManager has fully processed the key state. And this implementation assumes that the keydown event will happen after Hotkey updates (see startNextKeyboardEvent).
mapModelPoint( modelPoint : Vector2 ) : Vector2¶
Apply a mapping from the drag target's model position to an allowed model position.
A common example is using dragBounds, where the position of the drag target is constrained to within a bounding box. This is done by mapping points outside the bounding box to the closest position inside the box. More general mappings can be used.
Should be overridden (or use mapPosition) if a custom transformation is needed.
@returns - A point in the model coordinate frame
Make eligible for garbage collection.
Instance Properties¶
modelDelta : Vector2¶
The vector delta in model coordinates that is used to move the object during a drag operation.
modelPoint : Vector2¶
The current drag point in the model coordinate frame.
Type KeyboardDragListenerCallback¶
SceneryListenerCallback<Listener, KeyboardDragListenerDOMEvent>
Type KeyboardDragListenerDOMEvent¶
Type KeyboardDragListenerNullableCallback¶
SceneryListenerNullableCallback<Listener, KeyboardDragListenerDOMEvent>
Type KeyboardDragListenerOptions¶
- dragDelta?: number
How much the position Property will change in view (parent) coordinates every moveOnHoldInterval. Object will move in discrete steps at this interval. If you would like smoother "animated" motion use dragSpeed instead. dragDelta produces a UX that is more typical for applications but dragSpeed is better for video game-like components. dragDelta and dragSpeed are mutually exclusive options. - shiftDragDelta?: number
How much the PositionProperty will change in view (parent) coordinates every moveOnHoldInterval while the shift modifier key is pressed. Shift modifier should produce more fine-grained motion so this value needs to be less than dragDelta if provided. Object will move in discrete steps. If you would like smoother "animated" motion use dragSpeed options instead. dragDelta options produce a UX that is more typical for applications but dragSpeed is better for game-like components. dragDelta and dragSpeed are mutually exclusive options. - dragSpeed?: number
While a direction key is held down, the target will move by this amount in view (parent) coordinates every second. This is an alternative way to control motion with keyboard than dragDelta and produces smoother motion for the object. dragSpeed and dragDelta options are mutually exclusive. See dragDelta for more information. - shiftDragSpeed?: number
While a direction key is held down with the shift modifier key, the target will move by this amount in parent view coordinates every second. Shift modifier should produce more fine-grained motion so this value needs to be less than dragSpeed if provided. This is an alternative way to control motion with keyboard than dragDelta and produces smoother motion for the object. dragSpeed and dragDelta options are mutually exclusive. See dragDelta for more information. - keyboardDragDirection?: KeyboardDragDirection
Specifies the direction of motion for the KeyboardDragListener. By default, the position Vector2 can change in both directions by pressing the arrow keys. But you can constrain dragging to 1D left-right or up-down motion with this value. - moveOnHoldDelay?: number
Arrow keys must be pressed this long to begin movement set on moveOnHoldInterval, in ms - moveOnHoldInterval?: number
Time interval at which the object will change position while the arrow key is held down, in ms. This must be larger than 0 to prevent dragging that is based on how often animation-frame steps occur. - & AllDragListenerOptions<Listener, KeyboardDragListenerDOMEvent> & Pick<PhetioObjectOptions, "tandem" | "phetioReadOnly"> & PickOptional<ParentOptions, "focus" | "blur"> & EnabledComponentOptions
Source Code¶
See the source for KeyboardDragListener.ts in the scenery repository.