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A collection of fields that describes keys for a Hotkey. This includes a key that should be pressed to fire the behavior, modifier keys that must be pressed in addition to the key, and ignored modifier keys that will not prevent the hotkey from firing even if they are down.

See the KeyDescriptorOptions for detailed information.

@author Jesse Greenberg (PhET Interactive Simulations)

Class KeyDescriptor

import { KeyDescriptor } from 'scenerystack/scenery';


new KeyDescriptor( providedOptions? : KeyDescriptorOptions )

Instance Methods

getHotkeyString() : OneKeyStroke[number]

Returns a string representation of the hotkey in the format of "natural" english. Modifier keys first, followed by the final key. For example, if the key is 't' and the modifier keys are 'shift', the string would be 'shift+t'.

Instance Properties

key : AllowedKeysString


modifierKeys : AllowedKeysString[]


ignoredModifierKeys : AllowedKeysString[]


Static Methods

keyStrokeToKeyDescriptor( keyStroke : OneKeyStroke ) : KeyDescriptor

Parses an input string to extract the main key and its associated modifier keys, while considering ignored modifier keys based on the placement of the '?' delimiter.

See KeyboardListener for a description of key and modifierKey behavior.

The function handles the following cases: 1. If a word is followed by '?', it is added to ignoredModifierKeys. 2. If a word is preceded by '?', it indicates all other default modifier keys should be ignored, except the word itself, which is added to modifierKeys.

keyStrokeToKeyDescriptor('r'); // Output: { key: 'r', modifierKeys: [], ignoredModifierKeys: [] }

keyStrokeToKeyDescriptor('alt+r'); // Output: { key: 'r', modifierKeys: ['alt'], ignoredModifierKeys: [] }

keyStrokeToKeyDescriptor('alt+j+r'); // Output: { key: 'r', modifierKeys: ['alt', 'j'], ignoredModifierKeys: [] }

keyStrokeToKeyDescriptor('alt?+j+r'); // Output: { key: 'r', modifierKeys: ['j'], ignoredModifierKeys: ['alt'] }

keyStrokeToKeyDescriptor('shift?+t'); // Output: { key: 't', modifierKeys: [], ignoredModifierKeys: ['shift'] }

keyStrokeToKeyDescriptor('?shift+t'); // Output: { key: 't', modifierKeys: ['shift'], ignoredModifierKeys: ['alt', 'control', 'meta'] }

keyStrokeToKeyDescriptor('?shift+t+j'); // Output: { key: 'j', modifierKeys: ['shift', 't'], ignoredModifierKeys: ['alt', 'control', 'meta'] }

Type AllowedKeysString

Allowed keys as a string - the format they will be provided by the user.

import type { AllowedKeysString } from 'scenerystack/scenery';


Type KeyDescriptorOptions

These combinations are not supported by TypeScript: "TS2590: Expression produces a union type that is too complex to represent." See above note and ${AllowedKeys}+${AllowedKeys}+${AllowedKeys}+${AllowedKeys}; type KeyCombinations = ${OneKeyStroke} | ${OneKeyStroke},${OneKeyStroke};

import type { KeyDescriptorOptions } from 'scenerystack/scenery';
  • key: AllowedKeysString
    The key that should be pressed to trigger the hotkey (in fireOnDown:true mode) or released to trigger the hotkey (in fireOnDown:false mode).
  • modifierKeys?: AllowedKeysString[]
    A set of modifier keys that:

  • Need to be pressed before the main key before this hotkey is considered pressed.

  • Must NOT be pressed for other hotkeys to be activated when this hotkey is present.

A Hotkey will also not activate if the standard modifier keys (ctrl/alt/meta/shift) are pressed, unless they are explicitly included in the modifierKeys array.

NOTE: This is a generalization of the normal concept of "modifier key" ( It is a PhET-specific concept that allows other non-standard modifier keys to be used as modifiers. The standard modifier keys (ctrl/alt/meta/shift) are automatically handled by the hotkey system, but this can expand the set of modifier keys that can be used. When a modifier key is added, pressing it will prevent any other Hotkeys from becoming active. This is how the typical modifier keys behave and so that is kept consistent for PhET-specific modifier keys.

Note that the release of a modifier key may "activate" the hotkey for "fire-on-hold", but not for "fire-on-down". - ignoredModifierKeys?: AllowedKeysString[]
A set of modifier keys that can be down and the hotkey will still fire. Essentially ignoring the modifier key behavior for this key.

Type OneKeyStroke

import type { OneKeyStroke } from 'scenerystack/scenery';

${AllowedKeys} | ${ModifierKey}+${AllowedKeys} | ${ModifierKey}+${ModifierKey}+${AllowedKeys} | ${IgnoreModifierKey}+${AllowedKeys} | ${IgnoreModifierKey}+${ModifierKey}+${AllowedKeys} | ${IgnoreOtherModifierKeys}+${AllowedKeys} | ${IgnoreOtherModifierKeys}+${ModifierKey}+${AllowedKeys}

Type OneKeyStrokeEntry

A key stroke entry is a single key or a key with "ignore" modifiers, see examples and keyStrokeToKeyDescriptor.

import type { OneKeyStrokeEntry } from 'scenerystack/scenery';

${AllowedKeys} | ${IgnoreModifierKey}+${[EnglishKey](../scenery/} | ${IgnoreOtherModifierKeys}+${[EnglishKey](../scenery/}

Source Code

See the source for KeyDescriptor.ts in the scenery repository.