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A trait for Node that mixes functionality to support visual highlights that appear on hover with a pointer.

@author Jesse Greenberg (PhET Interactive Simulations)

Type InteractiveHighlightingNodeType

NOTE!!! This used to be called "InteractiveHighlightingNode", which conflicts with (or is confusing) with the actual InteractiveHighlightingNode.ts type. Renamed here so they can be in the same namespace.

import type { InteractiveHighlightingNodeType } from 'scenerystack/scenery';

Node & TInteractiveHighlighting

Type InteractiveHighlightingOptions

import type { InteractiveHighlightingOptions } from 'scenerystack/scenery';
  • interactiveHighlight?: Highlight
  • interactiveHighlightLayerable?: boolean
  • interactiveHighlightEnabled?: boolean

Source Code

See the source for InteractiveHighlighting.ts in the scenery repository.