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Under Construction

This documentation is auto-generated, and is a work in progress. Please see the source code at for the most up-to-date information.


An overlay that implements highlights for a Display. This is responsible for drawing the highlights and observing Properties or Emitters that dictate when highlights should become active. A highlight surrounds a Node to indicate that it is in focus or relevant.

@author Jesse Greenberg (PhET Interactive Simulations) @author Jonathan Olson <>

Class HighlightOverlay

import { HighlightOverlay } from 'scenerystack/scenery';


new HighlightOverlay( display : Display, focusRootNode : Node, DisplayType : typeof Display, providedOptions? : HighlightOverlayOptions )

Instance Methods


Releases references

hasHighlight() : boolean

Returns whether or not this HighlightOverlay is displaying some highlight.

hasReadingBlockHighlight() : boolean

Returns true if there is an active highlight around a ReadingBlock while the voicingManager is speaking its Voicing content.


Called by Display, updates this overlay in the Display.updateDisplay call.

Instance Properties

domElement : HTMLElement


HTML element of the display

Static Methods

setInnerHighlightColor( color : TPaint )

Set the inner color of all focus highlights.

getInnerHighlightColor() : TPaint

Get the inner color of all focus highlights.

setOuterHilightColor( color : TPaint )

Set the outer color of all focus highlights.

getOuterHighlightColor() : TPaint

Get the outer color of all focus highlights.

setInnerGroupHighlightColor( color : TPaint )

Set the inner color of all group focus highlights.

getInnerGroupHighlightColor() : TPaint

Get the inner color of all group focus highlights

setOuterGroupHighlightColor( color : TPaint )

Set the outer color of all group focus highlight.

getOuterGroupHighlightColor() : TPaint

Get the outer color of all group focus highlights.

Type HighlightOverlayOptions

import type { HighlightOverlayOptions } from 'scenerystack/scenery';
  • pdomFocusHighlightsVisibleProperty?: TProperty<boolean>
    Controls whether highlights related to DOM focus are visible
  • interactiveHighlightsVisibleProperty?: TProperty<boolean>
    Controls whether highlights related to Interactive Highlights are visible
  • readingBlockHighlightsVisibleProperty?: TProperty<boolean>
    Controls whether highlights associated with ReadingBlocks (of the Voicing feature set) are shown when pointerFocusProperty changes

Source Code

See the source for HighlightOverlay.ts in the scenery repository.