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Under Construction

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Immutable font object.

Examples: new phet.scenery.Font().font // "10px sans-serif" (the default) new phet.scenery.Font( { family: 'serif' } ).font // "10px serif" new phet.scenery.Font( { weight: 'bold' } ).font // "bold 10px sans-serif" new phet.scenery.Font( { size: 16 } ).font // "16px sans-serif" var font = new phet.scenery.Font( { family: '"Times New Roman", serif', style: 'italic', lineHeight: 10 } ); font.font; // "italic 10px/10 'Times New Roman', serif"; // "'Times New Roman', serif" font.weight; // 400 (the default)

Useful specs:

@author Jonathan Olson <>

Class Font

import { Font } from 'scenerystack/scenery';


new Font( providedOptions? : FontOptions )

Instance Methods

getFont() : string

Returns this font's CSS shorthand, which includes all of the font's information reduced into a single string.

This can be used for CSS as the 'font' attribute, or is needed to set Canvas fonts. contains detailed information on how this is formatted.

getStyle() : FontStyle

Returns this font's style. See the constructor for more details on valid values.

getVariant() : FontVariant

Returns this font's variant. See the constructor for more details on valid values.

getWeight() : FontWeight

Returns this font's weight. See the constructor for more details on valid values.

NOTE: If a numeric weight was passed in, it has been cast to a string, and a string will be returned here.

getStretch() : FontStretch

Returns this font's stretch. See the constructor for more details on valid values.

getSize() : string

Returns this font's size. See the constructor for more details on valid values.

NOTE: If a numeric size was passed in, it has been cast to a string, and a string will be returned here.

getNumericSize() : number

Returns an approximate value of this font's size in px.

getLineHeight() : string

Returns this font's line-height. See the constructor for more details on valid values.

getFamily() : string

Returns this font's family. See the constructor for more details on valid values.

copy( options? : FontOptions ) : Font

Returns a new Font object, which is a copy of this object. If options are provided, they override the current values in this object.

toCSS() : string

Returns this font's CSS shorthand, which includes all of the font's information reduced into a single string.

NOTE: This is an alias of getFont().

This can be used for CSS as the 'font' attribute, or is needed to set Canvas fonts. contains detailed information on how this is formatted.

Static Methods

castSize( size : string | number ) : string

Converts a generic size to a specific CSS pixel string, assuming 'px' for numbers.

@param size - If it's a number, 'px' will be appended

isFontStyle( style : string ) : style is FontStyle

isFontVariant( variant : string ) : variant is FontVariant

isFontWeight( weight : string ) : weight is FontWeight

isFontStretch( stretch : string ) : stretch is FontStretch

fromCSS( cssString : string ) : Font

Parses a CSS-compliant "font" shorthand string into a Font object.

Font strings should be a valid CSS3 font declaration value (see which consists of the following pattern: [ [ <‘font-style’> || <font-variant-css21> || <‘font-weight’> || <‘font-stretch’> ]? <‘font-size’> [ / <‘line-height’> ]? <‘font-family’> ]

Static Properties

FontIO : IOType<Font, FontState>



{Font} - Default Font object (since they are immutable).

Type FontOptions

import type { FontOptions } from 'scenerystack/scenery';

Type FontStretch

import type { FontStretch } from 'scenerystack/scenery';

"normal" | "ultra-condensed" | "extra-condensed" | "condensed" | "semi-condensed" | "semi-expanded" | "expanded" | "extra-expanded" | "ultra-expanded"

Type FontStyle

import type { FontStyle } from 'scenerystack/scenery';

"normal" | "italic" | "oblique"

Type FontVariant

import type { FontVariant } from 'scenerystack/scenery';

"normal" | "small-caps"

Type FontWeight

import type { FontWeight } from 'scenerystack/scenery';

"normal" | "bold" | "bolder" | "lighter" | "100" | "200" | "300" | "400" | "500" | "600" | "700" | "800" | "900"

Source Code

See the source for Font.ts in the scenery repository.