Under Construction
This documentation is auto-generated, and is a work in progress. Please see the source code at https://github.com/phetsims/scenery/blob/main/js/layout/constraints/FlowConstraint.ts for the most up-to-date information.
Main flow-layout logic. Usually used indirectly through FlowBox, but can also be used directly (say, if nodes don't have the same parent, or a FlowBox can't be used).
@author Jonathan Olson <jonathan.olson@colorado.edu>
Class FlowConstraint¶
new FlowConstraint( ancestorNode : Node, providedOptions? : FlowConstraintOptions )¶
Instance Methods¶
insertCell( index : number, cell : FlowCell )¶
removeCell( cell : FlowCell )¶
getCellQuantity() : number¶
reorderCells( cells : FlowCell[], minChangeIndex : number, maxChangeIndex : number )¶
Releases references
Static Methods¶
create( ancestorNode : Node, options? : FlowConstraintOptions ) : FlowConstraint¶
Type FlowConstraintOptions¶
- spacing?: number
The default spacing in-between elements in the primary direction. If additional (or less) spacing is desired for certain elements, per-element margins (even negative) can be set in the layoutOptions of nodes contained. - lineSpacing?: number
The default spacing in-between lines long the secondary axis. - justify?: HorizontalLayoutJustification | VerticalLayoutJustification
How extra space along the primary axis is allocated. The default is spaceBetween. - justifyLines?: HorizontalLayoutJustification | VerticalLayoutJustification | null
How extra space along the secondary axis is allocated. The default is null (which will expand content to fit) - wrap?: boolean
Whether line-wrapping is enabled. If so, the primary preferred axis will determine where things are wrapped. - preferredWidthProperty?: TProperty<number | null>
The preferred width/height (ideally from a container's localPreferredWidth/localPreferredHeight. - preferredHeightProperty?: TProperty<number | null>
- minimumWidthProperty?: TProperty<number | null>
The minimum width/height (ideally from a container's localMinimumWidth/localMinimumHeight. - minimumHeightProperty?: TProperty<number | null>
- & ExternalFlowConfigurableOptions & NodeLayoutAvailableConstraintOptions
Source Code¶
See the source for FlowConstraint.ts in the scenery repository.