Under Construction
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A color with RGBA values, assuming the sRGB color space is used.
TODO: make a getHue, getSaturation, getLightness. we can then expose them via ES5!
@author Jonathan Olson <>
Class Color¶
new Color( color : Color )¶
Instance Methods¶
copy() : Color¶
Returns a copy of this color.
set( r : number | Color | string | null, g? : number, b? : number, a? : number ) : this¶
Sets the values of this Color. Supported styles:
- set( color ) is a copy constructor
- set( string ) will parse the string assuming it's a CSS-compatible color, e.g. set( 'red' )
- set( r, g, b ) is equivalent to setRGBA( r, g, b, 1 ), e.g. set( 255, 0, 128 )
- set( r, g, b, a ) is equivalent to setRGBA( r, g, b, a ), e.g. set( 255, 0, 128, 0.5 )
- set( hex ) will set RGB with alpha=1, e.g. set( 0xFF0000 )
- set( hex, alpha ) will set RGBA, e.g. set( 0xFF0000, 1 )
- set( null ) will be transparent
@param r - See above for the possible overloaded values @param [g] - If provided, should be the green value (or the alpha value if a hex color is given) @param [b] - If provided, should be the blue value @param [a] - If provided, should be the alpha value
getRed() : number¶
Returns the red value as an integer between 0 and 255
setRed( value : number ) : this¶
Sets the red value.
@param value - Will be clamped to an integer between 0 and 255
getGreen() : number¶
Returns the green value as an integer between 0 and 255
setGreen( value : number ) : this¶
Sets the green value.
@param value - Will be clamped to an integer between 0 and 255
getBlue() : number¶
Returns the blue value as an integer between 0 and 255
setBlue( value : number ) : this¶
Sets the blue value.
@param value - Will be clamped to an integer between 0 and 255
getAlpha() : number¶
Returns the alpha value as a floating-point value between 0 and 1
setAlpha( value : number ) : this¶
Sets the alpha value.
@param value - Will be clamped between 0 and 1
setRGBA( red : number, green : number, blue : number, alpha : number ) : this¶
Sets the value of this Color using RGB integral between 0-255, alpha (float) between 0-1.
blend( otherColor : Color, ratio : number ) : Color¶
A linear (gamma-corrected) interpolation between this color (ratio=0) and another color (ratio=1).
@param otherColor @param ratio - Not necessarily constrained in [0, 1]
toCSS() : string¶
Returns the value of this Color as a CSS string.
setCSS( cssString : string ) : this¶
Sets this color for a CSS color string.
toNumber() : number¶
Returns this color's RGB information in the hexadecimal number equivalent, e.g. 0xFF00FF
setImmutable() : this¶
Allow setting this Color to be immutable when assertions are disabled. any change will throw an error
getCanvasStyle() : string¶
Returns an object that can be passed to a Canvas context's fillStyle or strokeStyle.
setHSLA( hue : number, saturation : number, lightness : number, alpha : number ) : this¶
Sets this color using HSLA values.
TODO: make a getHue, getSaturation, getLightness. we can then expose them via ES5!
@param hue - integer modulo 360 @param saturation - percentage @param lightness - percentage @param alpha
equals( color : Color ) : boolean¶
withAlpha( alpha : number ) : Color¶
Returns a copy of this color with a different alpha value.
brighterColor( factor? : number ) : Color¶
Matches Java's Color.brighter()
colorUtilsBrighter( factor? : number ) : Color¶
Brightens a color in RGB space. Useful when creating gradients from a single base color.
@param [factor] - 0 (no change) to 1 (white) @returns - (closer to white) version of the original color.
darkerColor( factor? : number ) : Color¶
Matches Java's Color.darker()
colorUtilsDarker( factor? : number ) : Color¶
Darken a color in RGB space. Useful when creating gradients from a single base color.
@param [factor] - 0 (no change) to 1 (black) @returns - darker (closer to black) version of the original color.
colorUtilsBrightness( factor : number ) : Color¶
Like colorUtilsBrighter/Darker, however factor should be in the range -1 to 1, and it will call: colorUtilsBrighter( factor ) for factor > 0 this for factor == 0 colorUtilsDarker( -factor ) for factor < 0
@param factor from -1 (black), to 0 (no change), to 1 (white)
toString() : string¶
Returns a string form of this object
toHexString() : string¶
Convert to a hex string, that starts with "#".
toStateObject() : { r: number; g: number; b: number; a: number }¶
Instance Properties¶
r : number¶
RGBA values
g : number¶
b : number¶
a : number¶
changeEmitter : TEmitter¶
Fires when the color is changed
Static Methods¶
hueToRGB( m1 : number, m2 : number, h : number ) : number¶
Utility function, see
toColor( colorSpec : TColor ) : Color¶
Convenience function that converts a color spec to a color object if necessary, or simply returns the color object if not.
Please note there is no defensive copy when a color is passed in unlike PaintDef.
interpolateRGBA( color1 : Color, color2 : Color, distance : number ) : Color¶
Interpolates between 2 colors in RGBA space. When distance is 0, color1 is returned. When distance is 1, color2 is returned. Other values of distance return a color somewhere between color1 and color2. Each color component is interpolated separately.
@param color1 @param color2 @param distance distance between color1 and color2, 0 <= distance <= 1
supersampleBlend( colors : Color[] ) : Color¶
Returns a blended color as a mix between the given colors.
fromStateObject( stateObject : { r: number; g: number; b: number; a: number } ) : Color¶
hsla( hue : number, saturation : number, lightness : number, alpha : number ) : Color¶
checkPaintString( cssString : string )¶
checkPaint( paint : TPaint )¶
A Paint of the type that Paintable accepts as fills or strokes
getLuminance( color : Color | string ) : number¶
Gets the luminance of a color, per ITU-R recommendation BT.709, Green contributes the most to the intensity perceived by humans, and blue the least. This algorithm works correctly with a grayscale color because the RGB coefficients sum to 1.
@returns - a value in the range [0,255]
toGrayscale( color : Color | string ) : Color¶
Converts a color to grayscale.
isDarkColor( color : Color | string, luminanceThreshold ) : boolean¶
Determines whether a color is 'dark'.
@param color - colors with luminance < this value are dark, range [0,255], default 186 @param luminanceThreshold - colors with luminance < this value are dark, range [0,255], default 186
isLightColor( color : Color | string, luminanceThreshold? : number ) : boolean¶
Determines whether a color is 'light'.
@param color @param [luminanceThreshold] - colors with luminance >= this value are light, range [0,255], default 186
grayColor( rgb : number, a? : number ) : Color¶
Creates a Color that is a shade of gray. @param rgb - used for red, blue, and green components @param [a] - defaults to 1
isCSSColorString( cssString : string ) : boolean¶
Whether the specified CSS string is a valid CSS color string
Static Properties¶
formatParsers : FormatParser[]¶
basicColorKeywords : Record<string, string>¶
colorKeywords : Record<string, string>¶
BLACK : Color¶
BLUE : Color¶
CYAN : Color¶
DARK_GRAY : Color¶
GRAY : Color¶
GREEN : Color¶
MAGENTA : Color¶
ORANGE : Color¶
PINK : Color¶
RED : Color¶
WHITE : Color¶
YELLOW : Color¶
black : Color¶
blue : Color¶
cyan : Color¶
darkGray : Color¶
gray : Color¶
green : Color¶
lightGray : Color¶
magenta : Color¶
orange : Color¶
pink : Color¶
red : Color¶
white : Color¶
yellow : Color¶
transparent : Color¶
ColorIO : IOType¶
Type ColorState¶
- r: number
- g: number
- b: number
- a: number