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Under Construction

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NumberControl is a control for changing a Property<number>, with flexible layout. It consists of a labeled value, slider, and arrow buttons.

@author Chris Malley (PixelZoom, Inc.)

Class NumberControl

import { NumberControl } from 'scenerystack/scenery-phet';


new NumberControl( title : string | TReadOnlyProperty<string>, numberProperty : PhetioProperty<number>, numberRange : Range, providedOptions? : NumberControlOptions )

Instance Methods


Instance Properties

slider : HSlider


Static Methods

withMinMaxTicks( label : string, property : Property<number>, range : Range, providedOptions? : WithMinMaxOptions ) : NumberControl

Creates a NumberControl with default tick marks for min and max values.

createLayoutFunction1( providedOptions? : NumberControlLayoutFunction1Options ) : LayoutFunction

Creates one of the pre-defined layout functions that can be used for options.layoutFunction. Arranges subcomponents like this:

title number < ------|------ >

createLayoutFunction2( providedOptions? : NumberControlLayoutFunction2Options ) : LayoutFunction

Creates one of the pre-defined layout functions that can be used for options.layoutFunction. Arranges subcomponents like this:

title < number > ------|------

createLayoutFunction3( providedOptions? : NumberControlLayoutFunction3Options ) : LayoutFunction

Creates one of the pre-defined layout functions that can be used for options.layoutFunction. Arranges subcomponents like this:

title < number > -------|-------

createLayoutFunction4( providedOptions? : NumberControlLayoutFunction4Options ) : LayoutFunction

Creates one of the pre-defined layout functions that can be used for options.layoutFunction. Like createLayoutFunction1, but the title and value go all the way to the edges.

Static Properties

NumberControlIO : IOType




Type LayoutFunction

import type { LayoutFunction } from 'scenerystack/scenery-phet';

( titleNode: Node, numberDisplay: NumberDisplay, slider: Slider, decrementButton: ArrowButton | null, incrementButton: ArrowButton | null ) => Node

Type NumberControlLayoutFunction1Options

import type { NumberControlLayoutFunction1Options } from 'scenerystack/scenery-phet';
  • align?: "center" | "left" | "right"
    horizontal alignment of rows, 'left'|'right'|'center'
  • titleXSpacing?: number
    horizontal spacing between title and number
  • arrowButtonsXSpacing?: number
    horizontal spacing between arrow buttons and slider
  • ySpacing?: number
    vertical spacing between rows

Type NumberControlLayoutFunction2Options

import type { NumberControlLayoutFunction2Options } from 'scenerystack/scenery-phet';
  • align?: "center" | "left" | "right"
    horizontal alignment of rows, 'left'|'right'|'center'
  • xSpacing?: number
    horizontal spacing in top row
  • ySpacing?: number
    vertical spacing between rows

Type NumberControlLayoutFunction3Options

import type { NumberControlLayoutFunction3Options } from 'scenerystack/scenery-phet';
  • alignTitle?: "center" | "left" | "right"
    horizontal alignment of title, relative to slider, 'left'|'right'|'center'
  • alignNumber?: "center" | "left" | "right"
    horizontal alignment of number display, relative to slider, 'left'|'right'|'center'
  • titleLeftIndent?: number
    if provided, indent the title on the left to push the title to the right
  • xSpacing?: number
    horizontal spacing between arrow buttons and slider
  • ySpacing?: number
    vertical spacing between rows

Type NumberControlLayoutFunction4Options

import type { NumberControlLayoutFunction4Options } from 'scenerystack/scenery-phet';
  • sliderPadding?: number
    adds additional horizontal space between title and NumberDisplay
  • verticalSpacing?: number
    vertical spacing between slider and title/NumberDisplay
  • arrowButtonSpacing?: number
    spacing between slider and arrow buttons
  • numberDisplayParentNodeOptions?: StrictOmit<NodeOptions, "children">
    Provided to the containing Node of the NumberDisplay
  • createBottomContent?: ( ( box: HBox ) => Node ) | null
    Supports Pendulum Lab's questionText where a question is substituted for the slider
  • layoutInvisibleButtons?: boolean
    Whether invisible increment/decrement buttons (or the slider itself) should be laid out as if they were there

Type NumberControlOptions

import type { NumberControlOptions } from 'scenerystack/scenery-phet';
  • startCallback?: () => void
    called when interaction begins, default value set in validateCallbacks()
  • endCallback?: () => void
    called when interaction ends, default value set in validateCallbacks()
  • delta?: number
  • disabledOpacity?: number
    opacity used to make the control look disabled
  • includeArrowButtons?: boolean
    If set to true, then increment/decrement arrow buttons will be added to the NumberControl
  • numberDisplayOptions?: NumberDisplayOptions
    Subcomponent options objects
  • sliderOptions?: NumberControlSliderOptions
  • arrowButtonOptions?: StrictOmit<ArrowButtonOptions, "fireOnDown"> & { enabledEpsilon?: number; leftStart?: () => void; leftEnd?: ( over: boolean ) => void; rightStart?: () => void; rightEnd?: ( over: boolean ) => void }
    fireOnDown is buggy, so omit it, see
  • useRichText?: boolean
  • titleNodeOptions?: TextOptions | RichTextOptions
    options passed to Text or RichText (depending on the value of options.useRichText) that displays the value
  • enabledRangeProperty?: SliderOptions[ 'enabledRangeProperty' ]
    If provided, this will be provided to the slider and arrow buttons in order to constrain the range of actual values to within this range.
  • soundGenerator?: ValueChangeSoundPlayer | null
    This is used to generate sounds as the value of the number is changed using the slider or the buttons. If not provided, a default sound generator will be created. If set to null, the number control will generate no sound.
  • valueChangeSoundGeneratorOptions?: ValueChangeSoundPlayerOptions
    Options for the default sound generator. These should only be provided when NOT providing a custom sound player.
  • layoutFunction?: LayoutFunction
    A {function} that handles layout of subcomponents. It has signature function( titleNode, numberDisplay, slider, decrementButton, incrementButton ) and returns a Node. If you want to customize the layout, use one of the predefined creators (see createLayoutFunction*) or create your own function. Arrow buttons will be null if includeArrowButtons:false
  • & StrictOmit<TrimParallelDOMOptions<NodeOptions>, "children">

Type NumberControlSliderOptions

Other slider options that are specific to NumberControl. Accessibility options should be set on the NumberControl.

import type { NumberControlSliderOptions } from 'scenerystack/scenery-phet';

StrictOmit<RemoveParallelDOMOptions<SliderOptions>, "enabledRangeProperty"> & { majorTicks?: NumberControlMajorTick[]; minorTickSpacing?: number }

Type WithMinMaxOptions

import type { WithMinMaxOptions } from 'scenerystack/scenery-phet';

Source Code

See the source for NumberControl.ts in the scenery-phet repository.