Under Construction
This documentation is auto-generated, and is a work in progress. Please see the source code at for the most up-to-date information.
A laser pointer, with optional on/off button (toggle or momentary). Default orientation is pointing to the right. Origin is at right center (the edge of the output nozzle).
@author Chris Malley (PixelZoom, Inc.)
Class LaserPointerNode¶
new LaserPointerNode( onProperty : TProperty<boolean>, providedOptions? : LaserPointerNodeOptions )¶
Instance Methods¶
Instance Properties¶
onOffButton : Node | null¶
Read-only access to see if the pointer is over the button specifically, ok to add listeners, but do not mutate.
Static Properties¶
Type LaserPointerNodeOptions¶
- bodySize?: Dimension2
nozzle and body options - nozzleSize?: Dimension2
- topColor?: TColor
- bottomColor?: TColor
- highlightColor?: TColor
- highlightColorStop?: number
- stroke?: TColor
- lineWidth?: number
- cornerRadius?: number
- hasButton?: boolean
button options - buttonType?: ButtonType
- buttonOptions?: ButtonOptions
- getButtonLocation?: ( bodyNode: Node ) => Vector2
where to position the button within the body - hasGlass?: boolean
When enabled, the glass shows a semi-circular blue-ish lens on the output of the laser pointer node. It does not change the origin of the laser pointer node, which is at the center of the casing. The glass is sometimes used to help cue the user that it is a non-laser light source. See - glassOptions?:
propagated to ShadedSphereNode, used to draw the lens at the output of the laser pointer - heightProportion?: number
The fraction of the nozzle height, between 0 (no height) and 1 (the nozzle height) - proportionStickingOut?: number
The amount the glass "sticks out" between 0 (not at all) and 1 (hemisphere) - & ShadedSphereNodeOptions
- & TrimParallelDOMOptions<NodeOptions>
Source Code¶
See the source for LaserPointerNode.ts in the scenery-phet repository.