Under Construction
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Reusable icons to be created for keyboard help shortcuts dialogs. This type is only a collection of static methods, and should not be instantiated.
@author Michael Kauzmann (PhET Interactive Simulations)
Class KeyboardHelpIconFactory¶
new KeyboardHelpIconFactory()¶
Instance Methods¶
Static Methods¶
iconRow( icons : Node[], providedOptions? : KeyboardHelpIconFactoryOptions ) : Node¶
Horizontal layout of a set of icons, in left-to-right order.
iconOrIcon( leftIcon : Node, rightIcon : Node, providedOptions? : KeyboardHelpIconFactoryOptions ) : Node¶
Two icons with horizontal layout, separated by 'or' text.
iconToIcon( leftIcon : Node, rightIcon : Node, providedOptions? : KeyboardHelpIconFactoryOptions ) : Node¶
Two icons with horizontal layout, and separated by '-' text. This is useful for a range, like 0-9.
iconPlusIcon( leftIcon : Node, rightIcon : Node, providedOptions? : WithPlusIconOptions ) : Node¶
Two icons with horizontal layout, separated by '+' text.
iconPlusIconRow( iconList : Node[], providedOptions? : WithPlusIconOptions ) : Node¶
Returns a row of icons separated by '+'. Useful when a keyboard shortcut has multiple modifier keys for one key press listener.
shiftPlusIcon( icon : Node, providedOptions? : WithPlusIconOptions ) : Node¶
An icon with horizontal layout in order: shift, plus, and provided icon.
altPlusIcon( icon : Node, providedOptions? : WithPlusIconOptions ) : Node¶
An icon with horizontal layout in order: alt, plus, and provided icon.
spaceOrEnter() : Node¶
"Space or Enter" icon
upOrDown() : Node¶
An icon with up and down arrows, separated by 'or', in horizontal layout.
wasdRowIcon( providedOptions? : KeyboardHelpIconFactoryOptions ) : Node¶
An icon with up and down arrow keys, in a horizontal layout.
arrowKeysRowIcon( providedOptions? : KeyboardHelpIconFactoryOptions ) : Node¶
An icon with the 4 arrow keys, in a horizontal layout.
arrowOrWasdKeysRowIcon( providedOptions? : KeyboardHelpIconFactoryOptions ) : Node¶
An icon with the 4 arrow keys, WASD keys, separated by "or", in horizontal layout.
pageUpPageDownRowIcon( providedOptions? : KeyboardHelpIconFactoryOptions ) : Node¶
An icon with page up/down keys, in horizontal layout.
upDownArrowKeysRowIcon( providedOptions? : KeyboardHelpIconFactoryOptions ) : Node¶
An icon with up and down arrow keys, in horizontal layout.
leftRightArrowKeysRowIcon( providedOptions? : KeyboardHelpIconFactoryOptions ) : Node¶
An icon with left and right arrow keys, in horizontal layout.
fromHotkeyData( hotkeyData : HotkeyData ) : Node¶
Create an icon Node for a hotkey, based on the provided HotkeyData. Combines key icons with plus icons. For example, a HotkeyData with 'shift+r' would produce a row with the shift icon, a plus icon, and the r icon.
Static Properties¶
Maps English key strings to their corresponding icon nodes.
Source Code¶
See the source for KeyboardHelpIconFactory.ts in the scenery-phet repository.