Under Construction
This documentation is auto-generated, and is a work in progress. Please see the source code at https://github.com/phetsims/scenery-phet/blob/main/js/EyeDropperNode.ts for the most up-to-date information.
Eye dropper, with a button for dispensing whatever is in the dropper.
@author Chris Malley (PixelZoom, Inc.)
Class EyeDropperNode¶
new EyeDropperNode( provideOptions? : EyeDropperNodeOptions )¶
Instance Methods¶
getFluidColor() : TPaint¶
Gets the color of the fluid in the dropper.
setFluidColor( color : TPaint )¶
Sets the color of the fluid in the dropper.
Instance Properties¶
isDispensingProperty : Property<boolean>¶
is the dropper dispensing?
isEmptyProperty : Property<boolean>¶
is the dropper empty of fluid?
button : Node¶
for clients who want to hide the button
Static Properties¶
You'll need these if you want to create fluid coming out of the tip.
You'll need these if you want to put a label on the glass. Values are relative to bottom center.
Type EyeDropperNodeOptions¶
- isDispensingProperty?: Property<boolean>
is the dropper dispensing? - isEmptyProperty?: Property<boolean>
does the dropper appear to be empty? - fluidColor?: TPaint
color of the fluid in the glass - buttonOptions?: RoundMomentaryButtonOptions
propagated to RoundMomentaryButton - & StrictOmit<NodeOptions, "children">
Source Code¶
See the source for EyeDropperNode.ts in the scenery-phet repository.