SphereBucket is a model of a bucket that can be used to store spherical objects. It manages the addition and removal of the spheres, stacks them as they are added, and manages the stack as spheres are removed.
This expects the spheres to have certain properties, please inspect the code to understand the 'contract' between the bucket and the spheres.
@author John Blanco
Class SphereBucket¶
new SphereBucket( providedOptions? : SphereBucketOptions )¶
Instance Methods¶
addParticleFirstOpen( particle : Particle, animate : boolean )¶
add a particle to the first open position in the stacking order
addParticleNearestOpen( particle : Particle, animate : boolean )¶
add a particle to the nearest open position in the particle stack
removeParticle( particle : ParticleWithBucketRemovalListener<Particle>, skipLayout )¶
remove a particle from the bucket, updating listeners as necessary
containsParticle( particle : Particle ) : boolean¶
extractClosestParticle( position : Vector2 ) : Particle | null¶
extract the particle that is closest to the provided position from the bucket
getParticleList() : Particle[]¶
get the list of particles currently contained within this bucket
Instance Properties¶
sphereBucketTandem : Tandem¶
Static Properties¶
SphereBucketIO : IOType¶
Source Code¶
See the source for SphereBucket.ts in the phetcommon repository.