Under Construction
This documentation is auto-generated, and is a work in progress. Please see the source code at https://github.com/phetsims/phet-core/blob/main/js/EnumerationMap.ts for the most up-to-date information.
An object that contains a value for each item in an enumeration.
@author Jonathan Olson <jonathan.olson@colorado.edu>
Class EnumerationMap¶
T = enumeration value type U = mapped value type
new EnumerationMap( enumeration : TEnumeration<T>, factory : ( t: T ) => U )¶
Instance Methods¶
get( entry : T ) : U¶
Returns the value associated with the given enumeration entry.
set( entry : T, value : U )¶
Sets the value associated with the given enumeration entry.
map( mapFunction : ( u: U, t: T ) => U ) : EnumerationMap<T, U>¶
Returns a new EnumerationMap with mapped values.
@param mapFunction - function( {}, {TEnumeration.} ): {*} @returns With the mapped values
forEach( callback : ( u: U, t: T ) => void )¶
Calls the callback on each item of the enumeration map.
@param callback - function(value:, enumerationValue:)
values() : U[]¶
Returns the values stored in the map, as an array
Source Code¶
See the source for EnumerationMap.ts in the phet-core repository.