Under Construction
This documentation is auto-generated, and is a work in progress. Please see the source code at for the most up-to-date information.
Encapsulates the main three.js primitives needed for a stage (scene/camera/renderer).
@author Jonathan Olson <>
Class ThreeStage¶
new ThreeStage( providedOptions? : ThreeStageOptions )¶
Instance Methods¶
renderToCanvas( supersampleMultiplier, backingMultiplier, scale ) : HTMLCanvasElement¶
Returns a Canvas containing the displayed content in this scene.
projectPoint( point : Vector3 ) : Vector2¶
Projects a 3d point in the global coordinate frame to one within the 2d global coordinate frame.
unprojectPoint( point : Vector2, modelZ ) : Vector3¶
Project a 2d global screen coordinate into 3d global coordinates using THREE/Vector3.unproject()
getRayFromScreenPoint( screenPoint : Vector2 ) : Ray3¶
Given a screen point, returns a 3D ray representing the camera's position and direction that point would be in the 3D scene.
setDimensions( width : number, height : number )¶
adjustViewOffset( cameraBounds : Bounds2 )¶
Adjusts the camera's view offsets so that it displays the camera's main output within the specified cameraBounds. This is a generalization of the isometric FOV computation, as it also supports other combinations such as properly handling pan/zoom. See
render( target : THREE.WebGLRenderTarget | undefined, autoClear )¶
Renders the simulation to a specific rendering target
@param target - undefined for the default target @param autoClear - when true, THREE will clear all pixels prior to rendering the next frame onto it. This is expensive, but can clean up animations where objects look laggy/warped in certain contexts.
Releases references.
Instance Properties¶
activeScale : number¶
Scale applied to interaction that isn't directly tied to screen coordinates (rotation), updated in layout
canvasWidth : number¶
canvasHeight : number¶
threeScene : THREE.Scene¶
threeCamera : THREE.PerspectiveCamera¶
threeRenderer : THREE.WebGLRenderer | null¶
dimensionsChangedEmitter : TEmitter¶
contextLostEmitter : TEmitter¶
contextRestoredEmitter : TEmitter¶
Static Methods¶
computeIsometricFOV( fov : number, canvasWidth : number, canvasHeight : number, layoutWidth : number, layoutHeight : number ) : number¶
It's a bit tricky, since if we are vertically-constrained, we don't need to adjust the camera's FOV (since the width of the scene will scale proportionally to the scale we display our contents at). It's only when our view is horizontally-constrained where we have to account for the changed aspect ratio, and adjust the FOV so that the content shows up at a scale of "sy / sx" compared to the normal case. Note that sx === sy is where our layout bounds fit perfectly in the self, so we don't really have a constraint. Most of the complexity here is that threeCamera.fov is in degrees, and our ideal vertically-constrained FOV is 50 (so there's conversion factors in place).
Type ThreeStageOptions¶
- backgroundColorProperty?: TReadOnlyProperty<Color>
- cameraPosition?: Vector3
The initial camera position - threeRendererOptions?: THREE.WebGLRendererParameters
- threeRendererPixelRatio?: number
Source Code¶
See the source for ThreeStage.ts in the mobius repository.