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Represents a single direction/side of an Edge. There are two half-edges for each edge, representing each direction. The half-edge also stores face information for the face that would be to the left of the direction of travel.

@author Jonathan Olson <>

Class HalfEdge

import { HalfEdge } from 'scenerystack/kite';

Instance Methods

initialize( edge, isReversed )

Similar to a usual constructor, but is set up so it can be called multiple times (with dispose() in-between) to support pooling. @private

@param {Edge} edge @param {boolean} isReversed @returns {HalfEdge} - This reference for chaining


Returns an object form that can be turned back into a segment with the corresponding deserialize method. @public

@returns {Object}


Removes references (so it can allow other objects to be GC'ed or pooled), and frees itself to the pool so it can be reused. @public

getNext( filter )

Returns the next half-edge, walking around counter-clockwise as possible. Assumes edges have been sorted. @public

@param {function} [filter] - function( {Edge} ) => {boolean}. If it returns false, the edge will be skipped, and not returned by getNext


Update possibly reversed vertex references. @private


Returns the tangent of the edge at the end vertex (in the direction away from the vertex). @public

@returns {Vector2}


Returns the curvature of the edge at the end vertex. @public

@returns {number}


Returns the opposite half-edge for the same edge. @public

@returns {HalfEdge}


Returns a segment that starts at our startVertex and ends at our endVertex (may be reversed to accomplish that). @public

@returns {Segment}



Static Properties

pool : Pool


Source Code

See the source for HalfEdge.js in the kite repository.