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A universal locale Property that is accessible independently of the running Sim instance.

@author Jonathan Olson <>

Type Locale

Hard coding a few locales here is better than relying on a generated output of the "ground truth" localeData in babel, which could change at any time and cause a type error here (either on main or worse, in release branches). Also we could reach the TypeScript maximum for number of string union entries, (see Feel free to add any locale here as needed for the type. JO 2024-12-23: This is blocking scenerystack manually specifying locales. JO: manually adding full list of locales.

import type { Locale } from 'scenerystack/joist';

"aa" | "ab" | "ac" | "ad" | "af" | "ag" | "ah" | "ai" | "aj" | "ak" | "ak_FT" | "al" | "am" | "an" | "ao" | "ap" | "ar" | "ar_AE" | "ar_BH" | "ar_DJ" | "ar_DZ" | "ar_EG" | "ar_EH" | "ar_ER" | "ar_IQ" | "ar_JO" | "ar_KM" | "ar_KW" | "ar_LB" | "ar_LY" | "ar_MA" | "ar_MR" | "ar_OM" | "ar_QA" | "ar_SA" | "ar_SD" | "ar_SO" | "ar_SY" | "ar_TD" | "ar_TN" | "ar_YE" | "as" | "at" | "au" | "av" | "aw" | "ax" | "ay" | "az" | "ba" | "bb" | "bc" | "bd" | "be" | "bg" | "bi" | "bj" | "bk" | "bl" | "bm" | "bn" | "bo" | "bp" | "bq" | "br" | "bs" | "bt" | "bu" | "bx" | "by" | "ca" | "cb" | "cc" | "cd" | "ce" | "ch" | "ci" | "cj" | "ck" | "cl" | "cm" | "cn" | "co" | "cp" | "cq" | "cr" | "cs" | "ct" | "cv" | "cw" | "cy" | "cz" | "da" | "db" | "de" | "de_AT" | "de_CH" | "de_LI" | "de_LU" | "dg" | "di" | "dk" | "dl" | "dm" | "dn" | "dr" | "ds" | "du" | "dv" | "dw" | "dy" | "dz" | "ed" | "ee" | "ef" | "ek" | "el" | "em" | "en" | "en_AU" | "en_BI" | "en_BW" | "en_BZ" | "en_CA" | "en_CB" | "en_CM" | "en_ER" | "en_ET" | "en_GB" | "en_GH" | "en_GM" | "en_IE" | "en_IN" | "en_JM" | "en_KE" | "en_LR" | "en_LS" | "en_MU" | "en_MW" | "en_MY" | "en_NA" | "en_NG" | "en_NZ" | "en_PH" | "en_RW" | "en_SC" | "en_SL" | "en_SS" | "en_SZ" | "en_TT" | "en_TZ" | "en_UG" | "en_ZA" | "en_ZM" | "en_ZW" | "er" | "es" | "es_AR" | "es_BO" | "es_CL" | "es_CO" | "es_CR" | "es_DO" | "es_EC" | "es_ES" | "es_GQ" | "es_GT" | "es_HN" | "es_MX" | "es_NI" | "es_PA" | "es_PE" | "es_PR" | "es_PY" | "es_SV" | "es_US" | "es_UY" | "es_VE" | "et" | "eu" | "ew" | "fa" | "fa_DA" | "ff" | "fg" | "fi" | "fj" | "fl" | "fn" | "fo" | "fr" | "fr_BE" | "fr_BF" | "fr_BI" | "fr_BJ" | "fr_CA" | "fr_CD" | "fr_CF" | "fr_CG" | "fr_CH" | "fr_CI" | "fr_CM" | "fr_DJ" | "fr_EH" | "fr_GA" | "fr_GN" | "fr_GQ" | "fr_KM" | "fr_LU" | "fr_MC" | "fr_MG" | "fr_ML" | "fr_NE" | "fr_RW" | "fr_SC" | "fr_SN" | "fr_TD" | "fr_TG" | "fs" | "fu" | "fy" | "ga" | "gb" | "gc" | "gd" | "gf" | "gg" | "gk" | "gl" | "gn" | "go" | "gr" | "gs" | "gt" | "gu" | "gv" | "gw" | "gy" | "ha" | "hd" | "hh" | "hi" | "hk" | "hl" | "hm" | "hn" | "ho" | "hp" | "hr" | "hr_BA" | "hs" | "ht" | "hu" | "hw" | "hx" | "hy" | "hz" | "ib" | "ig" | "ih" | "ii" | "ik" | "il" | "im" | "in" | "iq" | "is" | "it" | "it_CH" | "iu" | "iv" | "iw" | "ix" | "ja" | "jb" | "jp" | "jr" | "jv" | "ka" | "kb" | "kc" | "kd" | "ke" | "kf" | "kg" | "kh" | "ki" | "kj" | "kk" | "kl" | "km" | "kn" | "ko" | "kp" | "kq" | "kr" | "ks" | "kt" | "ku" | "ku_TR" | "kv" | "kw" | "kx" | "ky" | "kz" | "lb" | "ld" | "lg" | "lh" | "li" | "lk" | "ll" | "lm" | "ln" | "lo" | "lp" | "ls" | "lt" | "lu" | "lv" | "lw" | "lx" | "ly" | "lz" | "ma" | "mb" | "mc" | "md" | "me" | "mf" | "mg" | "mh" | "mi" | "mk" | "ml" | "mm" | "mn" | "mo" | "mq" | "mr" | "ms" | "ms_MY" | "mt" | "mu" | "mv" | "mw" | "mx" | "my" | "mz" | "na" | "nb" | "nc" | "nd" | "ne" | "nf" | "ng" | "nh" | "ni" | "nk" | "nl" | "nl_BE" | "nm" | "nn" | "np" | "nq" | "nr" | "ns" | "nt" | "nu" | "nv" | "nw" | "nx" | "ny" | "nz" | "oa" | "oc" | "oe" | "og" | "oi" | "oj" | "ok" | "ol" | "om" | "oo" | "op" | "or" | "os" | "ot" | "ou" | "pa" | "pg" | "pl" | "pm" | "pn" | "pp" | "ps" | "pt" | "pt_AO" | "pt_BR" | "pt_CV" | "pt_GQ" | "pt_GW" | "pt_MZ" | "pt_ST" | "pu" | "qc" | "qe" | "qu" | "ra" | "rb" | "rc" | "re" | "rh" | "ri" | "rj" | "rl" | "rn" | "ro" | "rp" | "rr" | "ru" | "rw" | "ry" | "rz" | "sb" | "sc" | "sd" | "se" | "sg" | "sh" | "si" | "sj" | "sk" | "sl" | "sm" | "sn" | "so" | "sp" | "sq" | "sr" | "sr_BA" | "ss" | "st" | "su" | "sv" | "sv_FI" | "sw" | "sx" | "sy" | "sz" | "ta" | "tc" | "te" | "tg" | "th" | "ti" | "tj" | "tk" | "tl" | "tm" | "tn" | "to" | "tp" | "tq" | "tr" | "ts" | "tt" | "tu" | "tv" | "tw" | "tx" | "ty" | "tz" | "ua" | "ud" | "ug" | "ui" | "uk" | "um" | "un" | "ur" | "ut" | "uy" | "uz" | "va" | "ve" | "vi" | "vs" | "vt" | "wa" | "wl" | "wo" | "wr" | "ws" | "xa" | "xh" | "xl" | "xr" | "xs" | "xt" | "ya" | "yi" | "yk" | "yn" | "yo" | "yp" | "za" | "ze" | "zg" | "zh_CN" | "zh_HK" | "zh_MO" | "zh_SG" | "zh_TW" | "zn" | "zp" | "zt" | "zu" | "zz"

Class LocaleProperty

import { LocaleProperty } from 'scenerystack/joist';


new LocaleProperty( value : Locale, providedOptions? : LocalePropertyOptions )

Instance Methods

unguardedSet( value : Locale )


Override to provide grace and support for the full definition of allowed locales (aligned with the query parameter schema). For example three letter values, and case insensitivity. See checkAndRemapLocale() for details. NOTE that this will assert if the locale doesn't match the right format.

toStateObject() : ReadOnlyPropertyState<StateType>


This improves the PhET-iO Studio interface, by giving available values, without triggering validation if you want to use the more general locale schema (three digit/case-insensitive/etc).

Instance Properties

availableRuntimeLocales : Locale[]


Source Code

See the source for localeProperty.ts in the joist repository.