A universal locale Property that is accessible independently of the running Sim instance.
@author Jonathan Olson <jonathan.olson@colorado.edu>
Type Locale¶
Hard coding a few locales here is better than relying on a generated output of the "ground truth" localeData in babel, which could change at any time and cause a type error here (either on main or worse, in release branches). Also we could reach the TypeScript maximum for number of string union entries, (see https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/41160#issuecomment-1287271132). Feel free to add any locale here as needed for the type. JO 2024-12-23: This is blocking scenerystack manually specifying locales. JO: manually adding full list of locales.
"aa" | "ab" | "ac" | "ad" | "af" | "ag" | "ah" | "ai" | "aj" | "ak" | "ak_FT" | "al" | "am" | "an" | "ao" | "ap" | "ar" | "ar_AE" | "ar_BH" | "ar_DJ" | "ar_DZ" | "ar_EG" | "ar_EH" | "ar_ER" | "ar_IQ" | "ar_JO" | "ar_KM" | "ar_KW" | "ar_LB" | "ar_LY" | "ar_MA" | "ar_MR" | "ar_OM" | "ar_QA" | "ar_SA" | "ar_SD" | "ar_SO" | "ar_SY" | "ar_TD" | "ar_TN" | "ar_YE" | "as" | "at" | "au" | "av" | "aw" | "ax" | "ay" | "az" | "ba" | "bb" | "bc" | "bd" | "be" | "bg" | "bi" | "bj" | "bk" | "bl" | "bm" | "bn" | "bo" | "bp" | "bq" | "br" | "bs" | "bt" | "bu" | "bx" | "by" | "ca" | "cb" | "cc" | "cd" | "ce" | "ch" | "ci" | "cj" | "ck" | "cl" | "cm" | "cn" | "co" | "cp" | "cq" | "cr" | "cs" | "ct" | "cv" | "cw" | "cy" | "cz" | "da" | "db" | "de" | "de_AT" | "de_CH" | "de_LI" | "de_LU" | "dg" | "di" | "dk" | "dl" | "dm" | "dn" | "dr" | "ds" | "du" | "dv" | "dw" | "dy" | "dz" | "ed" | "ee" | "ef" | "ek" | "el" | "em" | "en" | "en_AU" | "en_BI" | "en_BW" | "en_BZ" | "en_CA" | "en_CB" | "en_CM" | "en_ER" | "en_ET" | "en_GB" | "en_GH" | "en_GM" | "en_IE" | "en_IN" | "en_JM" | "en_KE" | "en_LR" | "en_LS" | "en_MU" | "en_MW" | "en_MY" | "en_NA" | "en_NG" | "en_NZ" | "en_PH" | "en_RW" | "en_SC" | "en_SL" | "en_SS" | "en_SZ" | "en_TT" | "en_TZ" | "en_UG" | "en_ZA" | "en_ZM" | "en_ZW" | "er" | "es" | "es_AR" | "es_BO" | "es_CL" | "es_CO" | "es_CR" | "es_DO" | "es_EC" | "es_ES" | "es_GQ" | "es_GT" | "es_HN" | "es_MX" | "es_NI" | "es_PA" | "es_PE" | "es_PR" | "es_PY" | "es_SV" | "es_US" | "es_UY" | "es_VE" | "et" | "eu" | "ew" | "fa" | "fa_DA" | "ff" | "fg" | "fi" | "fj" | "fl" | "fn" | "fo" | "fr" | "fr_BE" | "fr_BF" | "fr_BI" | "fr_BJ" | "fr_CA" | "fr_CD" | "fr_CF" | "fr_CG" | "fr_CH" | "fr_CI" | "fr_CM" | "fr_DJ" | "fr_EH" | "fr_GA" | "fr_GN" | "fr_GQ" | "fr_KM" | "fr_LU" | "fr_MC" | "fr_MG" | "fr_ML" | "fr_NE" | "fr_RW" | "fr_SC" | "fr_SN" | "fr_TD" | "fr_TG" | "fs" | "fu" | "fy" | "ga" | "gb" | "gc" | "gd" | "gf" | "gg" | "gk" | "gl" | "gn" | "go" | "gr" | "gs" | "gt" | "gu" | "gv" | "gw" | "gy" | "ha" | "hd" | "hh" | "hi" | "hk" | "hl" | "hm" | "hn" | "ho" | "hp" | "hr" | "hr_BA" | "hs" | "ht" | "hu" | "hw" | "hx" | "hy" | "hz" | "ib" | "ig" | "ih" | "ii" | "ik" | "il" | "im" | "in" | "iq" | "is" | "it" | "it_CH" | "iu" | "iv" | "iw" | "ix" | "ja" | "jb" | "jp" | "jr" | "jv" | "ka" | "kb" | "kc" | "kd" | "ke" | "kf" | "kg" | "kh" | "ki" | "kj" | "kk" | "kl" | "km" | "kn" | "ko" | "kp" | "kq" | "kr" | "ks" | "kt" | "ku" | "ku_TR" | "kv" | "kw" | "kx" | "ky" | "kz" | "lb" | "ld" | "lg" | "lh" | "li" | "lk" | "ll" | "lm" | "ln" | "lo" | "lp" | "ls" | "lt" | "lu" | "lv" | "lw" | "lx" | "ly" | "lz" | "ma" | "mb" | "mc" | "md" | "me" | "mf" | "mg" | "mh" | "mi" | "mk" | "ml" | "mm" | "mn" | "mo" | "mq" | "mr" | "ms" | "ms_MY" | "mt" | "mu" | "mv" | "mw" | "mx" | "my" | "mz" | "na" | "nb" | "nc" | "nd" | "ne" | "nf" | "ng" | "nh" | "ni" | "nk" | "nl" | "nl_BE" | "nm" | "nn" | "np" | "nq" | "nr" | "ns" | "nt" | "nu" | "nv" | "nw" | "nx" | "ny" | "nz" | "oa" | "oc" | "oe" | "og" | "oi" | "oj" | "ok" | "ol" | "om" | "oo" | "op" | "or" | "os" | "ot" | "ou" | "pa" | "pg" | "pl" | "pm" | "pn" | "pp" | "ps" | "pt" | "pt_AO" | "pt_BR" | "pt_CV" | "pt_GQ" | "pt_GW" | "pt_MZ" | "pt_ST" | "pu" | "qc" | "qe" | "qu" | "ra" | "rb" | "rc" | "re" | "rh" | "ri" | "rj" | "rl" | "rn" | "ro" | "rp" | "rr" | "ru" | "rw" | "ry" | "rz" | "sb" | "sc" | "sd" | "se" | "sg" | "sh" | "si" | "sj" | "sk" | "sl" | "sm" | "sn" | "so" | "sp" | "sq" | "sr" | "sr_BA" | "ss" | "st" | "su" | "sv" | "sv_FI" | "sw" | "sx" | "sy" | "sz" | "ta" | "tc" | "te" | "tg" | "th" | "ti" | "tj" | "tk" | "tl" | "tm" | "tn" | "to" | "tp" | "tq" | "tr" | "ts" | "tt" | "tu" | "tv" | "tw" | "tx" | "ty" | "tz" | "ua" | "ud" | "ug" | "ui" | "uk" | "um" | "un" | "ur" | "ut" | "uy" | "uz" | "va" | "ve" | "vi" | "vs" | "vt" | "wa" | "wl" | "wo" | "wr" | "ws" | "xa" | "xh" | "xl" | "xr" | "xs" | "xt" | "ya" | "yi" | "yk" | "yn" | "yo" | "yp" | "za" | "ze" | "zg" | "zh_CN" | "zh_HK" | "zh_MO" | "zh_SG" | "zh_TW" | "zn" | "zp" | "zt" | "zu" | "zz"
Source Code¶
See the source for localeProperty.ts in the joist repository.