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A toggle switch for "Projector Mode". Changes the color scheme for better contrast on projectors. The sim must have a projector mode color profile. This toggle switch appears in the PreferencesDialog in the Visual panel.

@author Jesse Greenberg (PhET Interactive Simulations)

Class ProjectorModeToggleSwitch

import { ProjectorModeToggleSwitch } from 'scenerystack/joist';


new ProjectorModeToggleSwitch( colorProfileProperty : Property<string>, providedOptions? : ProjectorModeToggleSwitchOptions )

Instance Methods

Type ProjectorModeToggleSwitchOptions

import type { ProjectorModeToggleSwitchOptions } from 'scenerystack/joist';

StrictOmit<ParentOptions, "labelNode" | "descriptionNode">

Source Code

See the source for ProjectorModeToggleSwitch.ts in the joist repository.