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Under Construction

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The tabs for the PreferencesDialog. Activating a tab will select a PreferencesTabPanel to be displayed to the user. The actual tabs are implemented as radio buttons, styled to look like flat like a set of tabs.

@author Jesse Greenberg (PhET Interactive Simulations)

Class PreferencesTabs

import { PreferencesTabs } from 'scenerystack/joist';


new PreferencesTabs( supportedTabs : PreferencesType[], selectedPanelProperty : TProperty<PreferencesType>, providedOptions : PreferencesTabsOptions )

Instance Methods

getTabVisibleProperty( preferencesType : PreferencesType ) : TReadOnlyProperty<boolean>

Returns the visibleProperty for the Tab associated with the PreferencesType. PreferencesTabs need to be hidden if the Tab becomes invisible (mostly needed for PhET-iO).


Move focus to the selected tab. Useful when the Preferences dialog is opened.

Type PreferencesTabsOptions

import type { PreferencesTabsOptions } from 'scenerystack/joist';

HBoxOptions & PickRequired<HBoxOptions, "tandem">

Source Code

See the source for PreferencesTabs.ts in the joist repository.