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Under Construction

This documentation is auto-generated, and is a work in progress. Please see the source code at for the most up-to-date information.


A section of content in a PreferencesPanel of the PreferencseDialog. Handles layout for the title of the section and its content. The preferences panels are responsible for layout of multiple PreferencesTabPanelSections.

@author Jesse Greenberg (PhET Interactive Simulations)

Class PreferencesPanelSection

import { PreferencesPanelSection } from 'scenerystack/joist';


new PreferencesPanelSection( providedOptions? : PreferencesPanelSectionOptions )

Instance Methods

Type PreferencesPanelSectionOptions

import type { PreferencesPanelSectionOptions } from 'scenerystack/joist';
  • titleNode?: Node | null
    if provided, will be the title for the section and content will be nested under the titleNode indented with contentLeftMargin
  • contentNode?: Node | null
    if provided, the content for the section which will be nested under the titleNode
  • contentNodeOptions?: StrictOmit<NodeOptions, "children">
  • contentLeftMargin?: number
    indentation for the contentNode (if provided) for layout as it is nested under the titleNode
  • & StrictOmit<VBoxOptions, "children">

Source Code

See the source for PreferencesPanelSection.ts in the joist repository.