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Under Construction

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A numeric range.

@author Chris Malley (PixelZoom, Inc.) @author Andrew Adare @author Chris Klusendorf (PhET Interactive Simulations)

Class Range

import { Range } from 'scenerystack/dot';


new Range( min : number, max : number )

Instance Methods

getMin() : number

Getter for min

setMin( min : number )

TODO: Allow chaining, Setter for min

getMax() : number

Getter for max

setMax( max : number )

Setter for max

setMinMax( min : number, max : number ) : this

Sets the minimum and maximum value of the range

set( range : Range ) : this

Sets the minimum and maximum value of this range from the provided Range.

addValue( n : number )

withValue( n : number ) : Range

copy() : Range

Makes a copy of this range

getLength() : number

Gets the length of this range, that is the difference between the maximum and minimum value of this range

getCenter() : number

Gets the center of this range, that is the average value of the maximum and minimum value of this range

contains( value : number ) : boolean

Determines if this range contains the value

containsRange( range : Range ) : boolean

Does this range contain the specified range?

intersects( range : Range ) : boolean

Determine if this range overlaps (intersects) with another range

intersectsExclusive( range : Range ) : boolean

Do the two ranges overlap with one another? Note that this assumes that This is a open interval.

union( range : Range ) : Range

REVIEW: The naming is not helping me understand that this function is just the immutable version of includeRange().

The smallest range that contains both this range and the input range, returned as a copy.

The method below is the immutable form of the function includeRange(). The method will return a new range, and will not modify this range.

intersection( range : Range ) : Range

REVIEW: The naming is not helping me understand that this function is just the immutable version of constrainRange().

The smallest range that is contained by both this range and the input range, returned as a copy.

The method below the immutable form of the function constrainRange(). The method below will return a new range, and will not modify this range.

includeRange( range : Range ) : Range

Modifies this range so that it contains both its original range and the input range.

This is the mutable form of the function union(). This will mutate (change) this range, in addition to returning this range itself.

constrainRange( range : Range ) : Range

Modifies this range so that it is the largest range contained both in its original range and in the input range.

This is the mutable form of the function intersection(). This will mutate (change) this range, in addition to returning this range itself.

shifted( n : number ) : Range

REVIEW: do we also need a mutable form of shifted?

Returns a new range that is the same as this range, but shifted by the specified amount.

toString() : string

Converts the attributes of this range to a string

constrainValue( value : number ) : number

Constrains a value to the range.

times( value : number ) : Range

Multiply the min and max by the provided value, immutable

multiply( value : number ) : this

Multiply the min and max by the provided value, mutable

equals( object : IntentionalAny ) : boolean

Determines if this Range is equal to some object.

equalsEpsilon( object : IntentionalAny, epsilon : number ) : boolean

Determines if this Range is approximately equal to some object.

getNormalizedValue( value : number ) : number

Given a value, normalize it to this Range's length, returning a value between 0 and 1 for values contained in the Range. If the value is not contained in Range, then the return value will not be between 0 and 1.

expandNormalizedValue( normalizedValue : number ) : number

Compute the opposite of a normalized value. Given a normalized value (between 0 and 1). Worked with any number though, (even outside of the range). It is the client's responsibility to clamp if that is important to the usage.

toStateObject() : RangeStateObject

clampDelta( value : number, delta : number ) : number

Given a value and a delta to change that value, clamp the delta to make sure the value stays within range.

Static Methods

fromStateObject( stateObject : RangeStateObject ) : Range

Static Properties

RangeIO : IOType





Type RangeStateObject

import type { RangeStateObject } from 'scenerystack/dot';

StateObject<typeof STATE_SCHEMA>

Type TRange

import type { TRange } from 'scenerystack/dot';
  • min: number
  • max: number

Source Code

See the source for Range.ts in the dot repository.