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Random number generator with an optional seed. It uses seedrandom.js, a monkey patch for Math, see

If you are developing a PhET Simulation, you should probably use the global DOT/dotRandom because it provides built-in support for phet-io seeding and a check that it isn't used before the seed has been set.

@author John Blanco (PhET Interactive Simulations) @author Aaron Davis (PhET Interactive Simulations) @author Sam Reid (PhET Interactive Simulations) @author Mohamed Safi

Class Random

import { Random } from 'scenerystack/dot';


new Random( providedOptions? : RandomOptions )

Instance Methods


Clears out this instance from all the Random instances.

getSeed() : number | null

Gets the seed.

nextBoolean() : boolean

Returns the next pseudo-random boolean

nextInt( n : number ) : number

Returns the next pseudo random number from this random number generator sequence. The random number is an integer ranging from 0 to n-1. @returns an integer

nextIntBetween( min : number, max : number ) : number

Randomly select a random integer between min and max (inclusive). @param min - must be an integer @param max - must be an integer @returns an integer between min and max, inclusive

sample( array : readonly T[] ) : T

Randomly select one element from the given array. @param array - from which one element will be selected, must have at least one element @returns the selected element from the array

shuffle( array : T[] ) : T[]

Creates an array of shuffled values, using a version of the Fisher-Yates shuffle. Adapted from lodash-2.4.1 by Sam Reid on Aug 16, 2016, See @param array - the array which will be shuffled @returns a new array with all the same elements in the passed-in array, in randomized order.

nextDouble() : number

Returns the next pseudo random number from this random number generator sequence in the range [0, 1) The distribution of the random numbers is uniformly distributed across the interval @returns the random number

nextDoubleBetween( min : number, max : number ) : number

Randomly selects a double in the range [min,max).

nextGaussian() : number

Returns the next gaussian-distributed random number from this random number generator sequence. The distribution of the random numbers is gaussian, with a mean = 0 and standard deviation = 1

nextDoubleInRange( range : Range ) : number

Gets the next random double in a Range. For min < max, the return value is [min,max), between min (inclusive) and max (exclusive). For min === max, the return value is min.

nextPointInBounds( bounds : Bounds2 ) : Vector2

Gets a random point within the provided Bounds2, [min,max)

setSeed( seed : number | null )

@param seed - if null, Math.random will be used to create the seed.

sampleProbabilities( weights : readonly number[] ) : number

Choose a numeric index from the array of weights. The array of weights does not need to be normalized. See See also ContinuousServer.weightedSampleTest which uses the same algorithm

Instance Properties


the number of times nextDouble is called. Clients should not write to this value.

Static Properties

allRandomInstances : Set

Source Code

See the source for Random.ts in the dot repository.