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Quaternion, see

TODO #96 convert from JME-style parametrization into classical mathematical description?

@author Jonathan Olson <>

Class Quaternion

import { Quaternion } from 'scenerystack/dot';


new Quaternion( x, y, z, w )

Instance Methods

setXYZW( x, y, z, w )

Sets the x,y,z,w values of the quaternion @public

@param {number} x @param {number} y @param {number} z @param {number} w

plus( quat )

Addition of this quaternion and another quaternion, returning a copy. @public

@param {Quaternion} quat @returns {Quaternion}

timesScalar( s )

Multiplication of this quaternion by a scalar, returning a copy. @public

@param {number} s @returns {Quaternion}

timesQuaternion( quat )

Multiplication of this quaternion by another quaternion, returning a copy. Multiplication is also known at the Hamilton Product (an extension of the cross product for vectors) The product of two rotation quaternions will be equivalent to a rotation by the first quaternion followed by the second quaternion rotation, @public

@param {Quaternion} quat @returns {Quaternion}

timesVector3( v )

Multiply this quaternion by a vector v, returning a new vector3 When a versor, a rotation quaternion, and a vector which lies in the plane of the versor are multiplied, the result is a new vector of the same length but turned by the angle of the versor. @public

@param {Vector3} v @returns {Vector3}


The magnitude of this quaternion, i.e. \(\sqrt{x^2+y^2+v^2+w^2}\), returns a non negative number @public

@returns {number}


The square of the magnitude of this quaternion, returns a non negative number @public

@returns {number}


Normalizes this quaternion (rescales to where the magnitude is 1), returning a new quaternion @public

@returns {Quaternion}


Returns a new quaternion pointing in the opposite direction of this quaternion @public

@returns {Quaternion}


Convert a quaternion to a rotation matrix This quaternion does not need to be of magnitude 1 @public

@returns {Matrix3}

Static Methods

fromEulerAngles( yaw, roll, pitch )

Function returns a quaternion given euler angles @public

@param {number} yaw - rotation about the z-axis @param {number} roll - rotation about the x-axis @param {number} pitch - rotation about the y-axis @returns {Quaternion}

fromRotationMatrix( matrix )

Convert a rotation matrix to a quaternion, returning a new Quaternion (of magnitude one) @public

@param {Matrix3} matrix @returns {Quaternion}

getRotationQuaternion( a, b )

Find a quaternion that transforms a unit vector A into a unit vector B. There are technically multiple solutions, so this only picks one. @public

@param {Vector3} a - Unit vector A @param {Vector3} b - Unit vector B @returns {Quaternion} A quaternion s.t. Q * A = B

slerp( a, b, t )

spherical linear interpolation - blending two quaternions with a scalar parameter (ranging from 0 to 1). @public @param {Quaternion} a @param {Quaternion} b @param {number} t - amount of change , between 0 and 1 - 0 is at a, 1 is at b @returns {Quaternion}

Source Code

See the source for Quaternion.js in the dot repository.