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An immutable permutation that can permute an array

@author Jonathan Olson <>

Class Permutation

import { Permutation } from 'scenerystack/dot';


new Permutation( indices : number[] )

Instance Methods

size() : number

apply( arrayOrInt : T ) : T extends E[] ? number[] : number

Applies the permutation, returning either a new array or number (whatever was provided).

inverted() : Permutation

Creates a new permutation that is the inverse of this.

withIndicesPermuted( indices : number[] ) : Permutation[]

toString() : string

equals( permutation : Permutation ) : boolean

Instance Properties

indices : number[]


Static Methods

identity( size : number ) : Permutation

Creates an identity permutation of a given size.

permutations( size : number ) : Permutation[]

Lists all permutations that have a given size

forEachPermutation( array : T[], callback : ( array: readonly T[] ) => void )

Calls a callback on every single possible permutation of the given Array

@param array @param callback - Called on each permuted version of the array possible

permutationsOf( array : T[] ) : T[][]

Source Code

See the source for Permutation.ts in the dot repository.