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4-dimensional Matrix

TODO: consider adding affine flag if it will help performance (a la Matrix3) TODO: get rotation angles

@author Jonathan Olson <>

Class Matrix4

import { Matrix4 } from 'scenerystack/dot';


new Matrix4( v00, v01, v02, v03, v10, v11, v12, v13, v20, v21, v22, v23, v30, v31, v32, v33, type )

Instance Methods

rowMajor( v00, v01, v02, v03, v10, v11, v12, v13, v20, v21, v22, v23, v30, v31, v32, v33, type )

Sets all entries of the matrix in row-major order. @public

@param {number} v00 @param {number} v01 @param {number} v02 @param {number} v03 @param {number} v10 @param {number} v11 @param {number} v12 @param {number} v13 @param {number} v20 @param {number} v21 @param {number} v22 @param {number} v23 @param {number} v30 @param {number} v31 @param {number} v32 @param {number} v33 @param {Matrix4.Types|undefined} [type] @returns {Matrix4} - Self reference

columnMajor( v00, v10, v20, v30, v01, v11, v21, v31, v02, v12, v22, v32, v03, v13, v23, v33, type )

Sets all entries of the matrix in column-major order. @public

@param {} v00 @param {} v10 @param {} v20 @param {} v30 @param {} v01 @param {} v11 @param {} v21 @param {} v31 @param {} v02 @param {} v12 @param {} v22 @param {} v32 @param {} v03 @param {} v13 @param {} v23 @param {} v33 @param {Matrix4.Types|undefined} [type] @returns {Matrix4} - Self reference

set( matrix )

Sets this matrix to the value of the passed-in matrix. @public

@param {Matrix4} matrix @returns {Matrix4} - Self reference


Returns the 0,0 entry of this matrix. @public

@returns {number}


Returns the 0,1 entry of this matrix. @public

@returns {number}


Returns the 0,2 entry of this matrix. @public

@returns {number}


Returns the 0,3 entry of this matrix. @public

@returns {number}


Returns the 1,0 entry of this matrix. @public

@returns {number}


Returns the 1,1 entry of this matrix. @public

@returns {number}


Returns the 1,2 entry of this matrix. @public

@returns {number}


Returns the 1,3 entry of this matrix. @public

@returns {number}


Returns the 2,0 entry of this matrix. @public

@returns {number}


Returns the 2,1 entry of this matrix. @public

@returns {number}


Returns the 2,2 entry of this matrix. @public

@returns {number}


Returns the 2,3 entry of this matrix. @public

@returns {number}


Returns the 3,0 entry of this matrix. @public

@returns {number}


Returns the 3,1 entry of this matrix. @public

@returns {number}


Returns the 3,2 entry of this matrix. @public

@returns {number}


Returns the 3,3 entry of this matrix. @public

@returns {number}


Returns whether this matrix is an identity matrix. @public

@returns {boolean}


Returns whether all of this matrix's entries are finite (non-infinite and non-NaN). @public

@returns {boolean}


Returns the 3D translation, assuming multiplication with a homogeneous vector. @public

@returns {Vector3}


Returns a vector that is equivalent to ( T(1,0,0).magnitude, T(0,1,0).magnitude, T(0,0,1).magnitude ) where T is a relative transform. @public

@returns {Vector3}


Returns the CSS transform string for the associated homogeneous 3d transformation. @public

@returns {string}

equals( matrix )

Returns exact equality with another matrix @public

@param {Matrix4} matrix @returns {boolean}

equalsEpsilon( matrix, epsilon )

Returns equality within a margin of error with another matrix @public

@param {Matrix4} matrix @param {number} epsilon @returns {boolean}


Returns a copy of this matrix @public

@returns {Matrix4}

plus( matrix )

Returns a new matrix, defined by this matrix plus the provided matrix @public

@param {Matrix4} matrix @returns {Matrix4}

minus( matrix )

Returns a new matrix, defined by this matrix plus the provided matrix @public

@param {Matrix4} matrix @returns {Matrix4}


Returns a transposed copy of this matrix @public

@returns {Matrix4}


Returns a negated copy of this matrix @public

@returns {Matrix3}


Returns an inverted copy of this matrix @public

@returns {Matrix3}

timesMatrix( matrix )

Returns a matrix, defined by the multiplication of this * matrix. @public

@param {Matrix4} matrix @returns {Matrix4} - NOTE: this may be the same matrix!

timesVector4( vector4 )

Returns the multiplication of this matrix times the provided vector @public

@param {Vector4} vector4 @returns {Vector4}

timesVector3( vector3 )

Returns the multiplication of this matrix times the provided vector (treating this matrix as homogeneous, so that it is the technical multiplication of (x,y,z,1)). @public

@param {Vector3} vector3 @returns {Vector3}

timesTransposeVector4( vector4 )

Returns the multiplication of this matrix's transpose times the provided vector @public

@param {Vector4} vector4 @returns {Vector4}

timesTransposeVector3( vector3 )

Returns the multiplication of this matrix's transpose times the provided vector (homogeneous). @public

@param {Vector3} vector3 @returns {Vector3}

timesRelativeVector3( vector3 )

Equivalent to the multiplication of (x,y,z,0), ignoring the homogeneous part. @public

@param {Vector3} vector3 @returns {Vector3}


Returns the determinant of this matrix. @public

@returns {number}


Returns a string form of this object @public

@returns {string}


Makes this matrix effectively immutable to the normal methods (except direct setters?) @public

@returns {Matrix3} - Self reference

copyToArray( array )

Copies the entries of this matrix over to an arbitrary array (typed or normal). @public

@param {Array|Float32Array|Float64Array} array @returns {Array|Float32Array|Float64Array} - Returned for chaining

Static Methods


Returns an identity matrix. @public

@returns {Matrix4}

translation( x, y, z )

Returns a translation matrix. @public

@param {number} x @param {number} y @param {number} z @returns {Matrix4}

translationFromVector( vector )

Returns a translation matrix computed from a vector. @public

@param {Vector3|Vector4} vector @returns {Matrix4}

scaling( x, y, z )

Returns a matrix that scales things in each dimension. @public

@param {number} x @param {number} y @param {number} z @returns {Matrix4}

rotationAxisAngle( axis, angle )

Returns a homogeneous matrix rotation defined by a rotation of the specified angle around the given unit axis. @public

@param {Vector3} axis - normalized @param {number} angle - in radians @returns {Matrix4}

rotationX( angle )

Returns a rotation matrix in the yz plane. @public

@param {number} angle - in radians @returns {Matrix4}

rotationY( angle )

Returns a rotation matrix in the xz plane. @public

@param {number} angle - in radians @returns {Matrix4}

rotationZ( angle )

Returns a rotation matrix in the xy plane. @public

@param {number} angle - in radians @returns {Matrix4}

gluPerspective( fovYRadians, aspect, zNear, zFar )

Returns the specific perspective matrix needed for certain WebGL contexts. @public

@param {number} fovYRadians @param {number} aspect - aspect === width / height @param {number} zNear @param {number} zFar @returns {Matrix4}

Source Code

See the source for Matrix4.js in the dot repository.