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4-dimensional Matrix
TODO: consider adding affine flag if it will help performance (a la Matrix3) TODO: get rotation angles
@author Jonathan Olson <>
Class Matrix4¶
new Matrix4( v00, v01, v02, v03, v10, v11, v12, v13, v20, v21, v22, v23, v30, v31, v32, v33, type )¶
Instance Methods¶
rowMajor( v00, v01, v02, v03, v10, v11, v12, v13, v20, v21, v22, v23, v30, v31, v32, v33, type )¶
Sets all entries of the matrix in row-major order. @public
@param {number} v00 @param {number} v01 @param {number} v02 @param {number} v03 @param {number} v10 @param {number} v11 @param {number} v12 @param {number} v13 @param {number} v20 @param {number} v21 @param {number} v22 @param {number} v23 @param {number} v30 @param {number} v31 @param {number} v32 @param {number} v33 @param {Matrix4.Types|undefined} [type] @returns {Matrix4} - Self reference
columnMajor( v00, v10, v20, v30, v01, v11, v21, v31, v02, v12, v22, v32, v03, v13, v23, v33, type )¶
Sets all entries of the matrix in column-major order. @public
@param {} v00 @param {} v10 @param {} v20 @param {} v30 @param {} v01 @param {} v11 @param {} v21 @param {} v31 @param {} v02 @param {} v12 @param {} v22 @param {} v32 @param {} v03 @param {} v13 @param {} v23 @param {} v33 @param {Matrix4.Types|undefined} [type] @returns {Matrix4} - Self reference
set( matrix )¶
Sets this matrix to the value of the passed-in matrix. @public
@param {Matrix4} matrix @returns {Matrix4} - Self reference
Returns the 0,0 entry of this matrix. @public
@returns {number}
Returns the 0,1 entry of this matrix. @public
@returns {number}
Returns the 0,2 entry of this matrix. @public
@returns {number}
Returns the 0,3 entry of this matrix. @public
@returns {number}
Returns the 1,0 entry of this matrix. @public
@returns {number}
Returns the 1,1 entry of this matrix. @public
@returns {number}
Returns the 1,2 entry of this matrix. @public
@returns {number}
Returns the 1,3 entry of this matrix. @public
@returns {number}
Returns the 2,0 entry of this matrix. @public
@returns {number}
Returns the 2,1 entry of this matrix. @public
@returns {number}
Returns the 2,2 entry of this matrix. @public
@returns {number}
Returns the 2,3 entry of this matrix. @public
@returns {number}
Returns the 3,0 entry of this matrix. @public
@returns {number}
Returns the 3,1 entry of this matrix. @public
@returns {number}
Returns the 3,2 entry of this matrix. @public
@returns {number}
Returns the 3,3 entry of this matrix. @public
@returns {number}
Returns whether this matrix is an identity matrix. @public
@returns {boolean}
Returns whether all of this matrix's entries are finite (non-infinite and non-NaN). @public
@returns {boolean}
Returns the 3D translation, assuming multiplication with a homogeneous vector. @public
@returns {Vector3}
Returns a vector that is equivalent to ( T(1,0,0).magnitude, T(0,1,0).magnitude, T(0,0,1).magnitude ) where T is a relative transform. @public
@returns {Vector3}
Returns the CSS transform string for the associated homogeneous 3d transformation. @public
@returns {string}
equals( matrix )¶
Returns exact equality with another matrix @public
@param {Matrix4} matrix @returns {boolean}
equalsEpsilon( matrix, epsilon )¶
Returns equality within a margin of error with another matrix @public
@param {Matrix4} matrix @param {number} epsilon @returns {boolean}
Returns a copy of this matrix @public
@returns {Matrix4}
plus( matrix )¶
Returns a new matrix, defined by this matrix plus the provided matrix @public
@param {Matrix4} matrix @returns {Matrix4}
minus( matrix )¶
Returns a new matrix, defined by this matrix plus the provided matrix @public
@param {Matrix4} matrix @returns {Matrix4}
Returns a transposed copy of this matrix @public
@returns {Matrix4}
Returns a negated copy of this matrix @public
@returns {Matrix3}
Returns an inverted copy of this matrix @public
@returns {Matrix3}
timesMatrix( matrix )¶
Returns a matrix, defined by the multiplication of this * matrix. @public
@param {Matrix4} matrix @returns {Matrix4} - NOTE: this may be the same matrix!
timesVector4( vector4 )¶
Returns the multiplication of this matrix times the provided vector @public
@param {Vector4} vector4 @returns {Vector4}
timesVector3( vector3 )¶
Returns the multiplication of this matrix times the provided vector (treating this matrix as homogeneous, so that it is the technical multiplication of (x,y,z,1)). @public
@param {Vector3} vector3 @returns {Vector3}
timesTransposeVector4( vector4 )¶
Returns the multiplication of this matrix's transpose times the provided vector @public
@param {Vector4} vector4 @returns {Vector4}
timesTransposeVector3( vector3 )¶
Returns the multiplication of this matrix's transpose times the provided vector (homogeneous). @public
@param {Vector3} vector3 @returns {Vector3}
timesRelativeVector3( vector3 )¶
Equivalent to the multiplication of (x,y,z,0), ignoring the homogeneous part. @public
@param {Vector3} vector3 @returns {Vector3}
Returns the determinant of this matrix. @public
@returns {number}
Returns a string form of this object @public
@returns {string}
Makes this matrix effectively immutable to the normal methods (except direct setters?) @public
@returns {Matrix3} - Self reference
copyToArray( array )¶
Copies the entries of this matrix over to an arbitrary array (typed or normal). @public
@param {Array|Float32Array|Float64Array} array @returns {Array|Float32Array|Float64Array} - Returned for chaining
Static Methods¶
Returns an identity matrix. @public
@returns {Matrix4}
translation( x, y, z )¶
Returns a translation matrix. @public
@param {number} x @param {number} y @param {number} z @returns {Matrix4}
translationFromVector( vector )¶
Returns a translation matrix computed from a vector. @public
@param {Vector3|Vector4} vector @returns {Matrix4}
scaling( x, y, z )¶
Returns a matrix that scales things in each dimension. @public
@param {number} x @param {number} y @param {number} z @returns {Matrix4}
rotationAxisAngle( axis, angle )¶
Returns a homogeneous matrix rotation defined by a rotation of the specified angle around the given unit axis. @public
@param {Vector3} axis - normalized @param {number} angle - in radians @returns {Matrix4}
rotationX( angle )¶
Returns a rotation matrix in the yz plane. @public
@param {number} angle - in radians @returns {Matrix4}
rotationY( angle )¶
Returns a rotation matrix in the xz plane. @public
@param {number} angle - in radians @returns {Matrix4}
rotationZ( angle )¶
Returns a rotation matrix in the xy plane. @public
@param {number} angle - in radians @returns {Matrix4}
gluPerspective( fovYRadians, aspect, zNear, zFar )¶
Returns the specific perspective matrix needed for certain WebGL contexts. @public
@param {number} fovYRadians @param {number} aspect - aspect === width / height @param {number} zNear @param {number} zFar @returns {Matrix4}
Source Code¶
See the source for Matrix4.js in the dot repository.