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3-dimensional Matrix
@author Jonathan Olson <>
Class Matrix3¶
new Matrix3()¶
Instance Methods¶
initialize() : this¶
m00() : number¶
Convenience getter for the individual 0,0 entry of the matrix.
m01() : number¶
Convenience getter for the individual 0,1 entry of the matrix.
m02() : number¶
Convenience getter for the individual 0,2 entry of the matrix.
m10() : number¶
Convenience getter for the individual 1,0 entry of the matrix.
m11() : number¶
Convenience getter for the individual 1,1 entry of the matrix.
m12() : number¶
Convenience getter for the individual 1,2 entry of the matrix.
m20() : number¶
Convenience getter for the individual 2,0 entry of the matrix.
m21() : number¶
Convenience getter for the individual 2,1 entry of the matrix.
m22() : number¶
Convenience getter for the individual 2,2 entry of the matrix.
isIdentity() : boolean¶
Returns whether this matrix is an identity matrix.
isFastIdentity() : boolean¶
Returns whether this matrix is likely to be an identity matrix (returning false means "inconclusive, may be identity or not"), but true is guaranteed to be an identity matrix.
isTranslation() : boolean¶
Returns whether this matrix is a translation matrix. By this we mean it has no shear, rotation, or scaling It may be a translation of zero.
isAffine() : boolean¶
Returns whether this matrix is an affine matrix (e.g. no shear).
isAligned() : boolean¶
Returns whether it's an affine matrix where the components of transforms are independent, i.e. constructed from arbitrary component scaling and translation.
isAxisAligned() : boolean¶
Returns if it's an affine matrix where the components of transforms are independent, but may be switched (unlike isAligned)
i.e. the 2x2 rotational sub-matrix is of one of the two forms: A 0 or 0 A 0 B B 0 This means that moving a transformed point by (x,0) or (0,y) will result in a motion along one of the axes.
isFinite() : boolean¶
Returns whether every single entry in this matrix is a finite number (non-NaN, non-infinite).
getDeterminant() : number¶
Returns the determinant of this matrix.
getTranslation() : Vector2¶
Returns the 2D translation, assuming multiplication with a homogeneous vector
getScaleVector() : Vector2¶
Returns a vector that is equivalent to ( T(1,0).magnitude(), T(0,1).magnitude() ) where T is a relative transform
getSignedScale() : number¶
Returns the total "amount" of scaled area in this matrix (which will be negative if it flips the coordinate system). For instance, Matrix3.scaling( 2 ) will return 4, since it scales the area by 4.
getRotation() : number¶
Returns the angle in radians for the 2d rotation from this matrix, between pi, -pi
toMatrix4() : Matrix4¶
Returns an identity-padded copy of this matrix with an increased dimension.
toAffineMatrix4() : Matrix4¶
Returns an identity-padded copy of this matrix with an increased dimension, treating this matrix's affine components only.
toString() : string¶
Returns a string form of this object
toSVGMatrix() : SVGMatrix¶
Creates an SVG form of this matrix, for high-performance processing in SVG output.
getCSSTransform() : string¶
Returns the CSS form (simplified if possible) for this transformation matrix.
getSVGTransform() : string¶
Returns the CSS-like SVG matrix form for this transformation matrix.
getCSSTransformStyles() : Record<string, string>¶
Returns a parameter object suitable for use with jQuery's .css()
equals( matrix : Matrix3 ) : boolean¶
Returns exact equality with another matrix
equalsEpsilon( matrix : Matrix3, epsilon : number ) : boolean¶
Returns equality within a margin of error with another matrix
copy() : Matrix3¶
Returns a copy of this matrix
plus( matrix : Matrix3 ) : Matrix3¶
Returns a new matrix, defined by this matrix plus the provided matrix
minus( matrix : Matrix3 ) : Matrix3¶
Returns a new matrix, defined by this matrix plus the provided matrix
transposed() : Matrix3¶
Returns a transposed copy of this matrix
negated() : Matrix3¶
Returns a negated copy of this matrix
inverted() : Matrix3¶
Returns an inverted copy of this matrix
timesMatrix( matrix : Matrix3 ) : Matrix3¶
Returns a matrix, defined by the multiplication of this * matrix.
@param matrix @returns - NOTE: this may be the same matrix!
timesVector2( vector2 : Vector2 ) : Vector2¶
Returns the multiplication of this matrix times the provided vector (treating this matrix as homogeneous, so that it is the technical multiplication of (x,y,1)).
timesVector3( vector3 : Vector3 ) : Vector3¶
Returns the multiplication of this matrix times the provided vector
timesTransposeVector2( vector2 : Vector2 ) : Vector2¶
Returns the multiplication of the transpose of this matrix times the provided vector (assuming the 2x2 quadrant)
timesRelativeVector2( vector2 : Vector2 ) : Vector2¶
TODO: this operation seems to not work for transformDelta2, should be vetted
rowMajor( v00 : number, v01 : number, v02 : number, v10 : number, v11 : number, v12 : number, v20 : number, v21 : number, v22 : number, type? : Matrix3Type ) : this¶
Sets the entire state of the matrix, in row-major order.
NOTE: Every mutable method goes through rowMajor
set( matrix : Matrix3 ) : this¶
Sets this matrix to be a copy of another matrix.
setArray( array : number[] | Float32Array | Float64Array ) : this¶
Sets this matrix to be a copy of the column-major data stored in an array (e.g. WebGL).
set00( value : number ) : this¶
Sets the individual 0,0 component of this matrix.
set01( value : number ) : this¶
Sets the individual 0,1 component of this matrix.
set02( value : number ) : this¶
Sets the individual 0,2 component of this matrix.
set10( value : number ) : this¶
Sets the individual 1,0 component of this matrix.
set11( value : number ) : this¶
Sets the individual 1,1 component of this matrix.
set12( value : number ) : this¶
Sets the individual 1,2 component of this matrix.
set20( value : number ) : this¶
Sets the individual 2,0 component of this matrix.
set21( value : number ) : this¶
Sets the individual 2,1 component of this matrix.
set22( value : number ) : this¶
Sets the individual 2,2 component of this matrix.
makeImmutable() : this¶
Makes this matrix effectively immutable to the normal methods (except direct setters?)
columnMajor( v00 : number, v10 : number, v20 : number, v01 : number, v11 : number, v21 : number, v02 : number, v12 : number, v22 : number, type : Matrix3Type ) : this¶
Sets the entire state of the matrix, in column-major order.
add( matrix : Matrix3 ) : this¶
Sets this matrix to itself plus the given matrix.
subtract( m : Matrix3 ) : this¶
Sets this matrix to itself minus the given matrix.
transpose() : this¶
Sets this matrix to its own transpose.
negate() : this¶
Sets this matrix to its own negation.
invert() : this¶
Sets this matrix to its own inverse.
multiplyMatrix( matrix : Matrix3 ) : this¶
Sets this matrix to the value of itself times the provided matrix
prependTranslation( x : number, y : number ) : this¶
Mutates this matrix, equivalent to (translation * this).
setToIdentity() : this¶
Sets this matrix to the 3x3 identity matrix.
setToTranslation( x : number, y : number ) : this¶
Sets this matrix to the affine translation matrix.
setToScale( x : number, y? : number ) : this¶
Sets this matrix to the affine scaling matrix.
setToAffine( m00 : number, m01 : number, m02 : number, m10 : number, m11 : number, m12 : number ) : this¶
Sets this matrix to an affine matrix with the specified row-major values.
setToRotationAxisAngle( axis : Vector3, angle : number ) : this¶
Sets the matrix to a rotation defined by a rotation of the specified angle around the given unit axis.
@param axis - normalized @param angle - in radians
setToRotationX( angle : number ) : this¶
Sets this matrix to a rotation around the x axis (in the yz plane).
@param angle - in radians
setToRotationY( angle : number ) : this¶
Sets this matrix to a rotation around the y axis (in the xz plane).
@param angle - in radians
setToRotationZ( angle : number ) : this¶
Sets this matrix to a rotation around the z axis (in the xy plane).
@param angle - in radians
setToTranslationRotation( x : number, y : number, angle : number ) : this¶
Sets this matrix to the combined translation+rotation (where the rotation logically would happen first, THEN it would be translated).
@param x @param y @param angle - in radians
setToTranslationRotationPoint( translation : Vector2, angle : number ) : this¶
Sets this matrix to the combined translation+rotation (where the rotation logically would happen first, THEN it would be translated).
@param translation @param angle - in radians
setToScaleTranslationRotation( scale : number, x : number, y : number, angle : number ) : this¶
Sets this matrix to the combined scale+translation+rotation.
The order of operations is scale, then rotate, then translate.
@param x @param y @param angle - in radians
setToScaleTranslationRotationPoint( scale : number, translation : Vector2, angle : number ) : this¶
Sets this matrix to the combined translation+rotation (where the rotation logically would happen first, THEN it would be translated).
@param translation @param angle - in radians
setToSVGMatrix( svgMatrix : SVGMatrix ) : this¶
Sets this matrix to the values contained in an SVGMatrix.
setRotationAToB( a : Vector3, b : Vector3 ) : this¶
Sets this matrix to a rotation matrix that rotates A to B (Vector3 instances), by rotating about the axis A.cross( B ) -- Shortest path. ideally should be unit vectors.
multiplyVector2( vector2 : Vector2 ) : Vector2¶
Sets the vector to the result of (matrix * vector), as a homogeneous multiplication.
@returns - The vector that was mutated
multiplyVector3( vector3 : Vector3 ) : Vector3¶
Sets the vector to the result of (matrix * vector).
@returns - The vector that was mutated
multiplyTransposeVector2( v : Vector2 ) : Vector2¶
Sets the vector to the result of (transpose(matrix) * vector), ignoring the translation parameters.
@returns - The vector that was mutated
multiplyRelativeVector2( v : Vector2 ) : Vector2¶
Sets the vector to the result of (matrix * vector - matrix * zero). Since this is a homogeneous operation, it is equivalent to the multiplication of (x,y,0).
@returns - The vector that was mutated
canvasSetTransform( context : CanvasRenderingContext2D )¶
Sets the transform of a Canvas 2D rendering context to the affine part of this matrix
canvasAppendTransform( context : CanvasRenderingContext2D )¶
Appends to the affine part of this matrix to the Canvas 2D rendering context
copyToArray( array : number[] | Float32Array | Float64Array ) : number[] | Float32Array | Float64Array¶
Copies the entries of this matrix over to an arbitrary array (typed or normal).
Instance Properties¶
entries : NineNumbers¶
Entries stored in column-major format
type : Matrix3Type¶
Static Methods¶
identity() : Matrix3¶
Returns an identity matrix.
translation( x : number, y : number ) : Matrix3¶
Returns a translation matrix.
translationFromVector( vector : Vector2 | Vector3 ) : Matrix3¶
Returns a translation matrix computed from a vector.
scaling( x : number, y? : number ) : Matrix3¶
Returns a matrix that scales things in each dimension.
scale( x : number, y? : number ) : Matrix3¶
Returns a matrix that scales things in each dimension.
affine( m00 : number, m01 : number, m02 : number, m10 : number, m11 : number, m12 : number ) : Matrix3¶
Returns an affine matrix with the given parameters.
rowMajor( v00 : number, v01 : number, v02 : number, v10 : number, v11 : number, v12 : number, v20 : number, v21 : number, v22 : number, type? : Matrix3Type ) : Matrix3¶
Creates a new matrix with all entries determined in row-major order.
rotationAxisAngle( axis : Vector3, angle : number ) : Matrix3¶
Returns a matrix rotation defined by a rotation of the specified angle around the given unit axis.
@param axis - normalized @param angle - in radians
rotationX( angle : number ) : Matrix3¶
Returns a matrix that rotates around the x axis (in the yz plane).
@param angle - in radians
rotationY( angle : number ) : Matrix3¶
Returns a matrix that rotates around the y axis (in the xz plane).
@param angle - in radians
rotationZ( angle : number ) : Matrix3¶
Returns a matrix that rotates around the z axis (in the xy plane).
@param angle - in radians
translationRotation( x : number, y : number, angle : number ) : Matrix3¶
Returns a combined 2d translation + rotation (with the rotation effectively applied first).
@param angle - in radians
rotation2( angle : number ) : Matrix3¶
Standard 2d rotation matrix for a given angle.
@param angle - in radians
rotationAround( angle : number, x : number, y : number ) : Matrix3¶
Returns a matrix which will be a 2d rotation around a given x,y point.
@param angle - in radians @param x @param y
rotationAroundPoint( angle : number, point : Vector2 ) : Matrix3¶
Returns a matrix which will be a 2d rotation around a given 2d point.
@param angle - in radians @param point
fromSVGMatrix( svgMatrix : SVGMatrix ) : Matrix3¶
Returns a matrix equivalent to a given SVGMatrix.
rotateAToB( a : Vector3, b : Vector3 ) : Matrix3¶
Returns a rotation matrix that rotates A to B, by rotating about the axis A.cross( B ) -- Shortest path. ideally should be unit vectors.
translationTimesMatrix( x : number, y : number, matrix : Matrix3 ) : Matrix3¶
Shortcut for translation times a matrix (without allocating a translation matrix), see scenery#119
toStateObject( matrix3 : Matrix3 ) : Matrix3StateObject¶
Serialize to an Object that can be handled by PhET-iO
fromStateObject( stateObject : Matrix3StateObject ) : Matrix3¶
Convert back from a serialized Object to a Matrix3
Static Properties¶
pool : Pool¶
IDENTITY : Matrix3¶
Matrix3IO : IOType¶
Type Matrix3StateObject¶
- entries: NineNumbers
- type: string
Class Matrix3Type¶
Static Properties¶
OTHER : Matrix3Type¶
IDENTITY : Matrix3Type¶
TRANSLATION_2D : Matrix3Type¶
SCALING : Matrix3Type¶
AFFINE : Matrix3Type¶
enumeration : Enumeration¶
Source Code¶
See the source for Matrix3.ts in the dot repository.