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3-dimensional Matrix

@author Jonathan Olson <>

Class Matrix3

import { Matrix3 } from 'scenerystack/dot';


new Matrix3()

Instance Methods

initialize() : this

m00() : number

Convenience getter for the individual 0,0 entry of the matrix.

m01() : number

Convenience getter for the individual 0,1 entry of the matrix.

m02() : number

Convenience getter for the individual 0,2 entry of the matrix.

m10() : number

Convenience getter for the individual 1,0 entry of the matrix.

m11() : number

Convenience getter for the individual 1,1 entry of the matrix.

m12() : number

Convenience getter for the individual 1,2 entry of the matrix.

m20() : number

Convenience getter for the individual 2,0 entry of the matrix.

m21() : number

Convenience getter for the individual 2,1 entry of the matrix.

m22() : number

Convenience getter for the individual 2,2 entry of the matrix.

isIdentity() : boolean

Returns whether this matrix is an identity matrix.

isFastIdentity() : boolean

Returns whether this matrix is likely to be an identity matrix (returning false means "inconclusive, may be identity or not"), but true is guaranteed to be an identity matrix.

isTranslation() : boolean

Returns whether this matrix is a translation matrix. By this we mean it has no shear, rotation, or scaling It may be a translation of zero.

isAffine() : boolean

Returns whether this matrix is an affine matrix (e.g. no shear).

isAligned() : boolean

Returns whether it's an affine matrix where the components of transforms are independent, i.e. constructed from arbitrary component scaling and translation.

isAxisAligned() : boolean

Returns if it's an affine matrix where the components of transforms are independent, but may be switched (unlike isAligned)

i.e. the 2x2 rotational sub-matrix is of one of the two forms: A 0 or 0 A 0 B B 0 This means that moving a transformed point by (x,0) or (0,y) will result in a motion along one of the axes.

isFinite() : boolean

Returns whether every single entry in this matrix is a finite number (non-NaN, non-infinite).

getDeterminant() : number

Returns the determinant of this matrix.

getTranslation() : Vector2

Returns the 2D translation, assuming multiplication with a homogeneous vector

getScaleVector() : Vector2

Returns a vector that is equivalent to ( T(1,0).magnitude(), T(0,1).magnitude() ) where T is a relative transform

getSignedScale() : number

Returns the total "amount" of scaled area in this matrix (which will be negative if it flips the coordinate system). For instance, Matrix3.scaling( 2 ) will return 4, since it scales the area by 4.

getRotation() : number

Returns the angle in radians for the 2d rotation from this matrix, between pi, -pi

toMatrix4() : Matrix4

Returns an identity-padded copy of this matrix with an increased dimension.

toAffineMatrix4() : Matrix4

Returns an identity-padded copy of this matrix with an increased dimension, treating this matrix's affine components only.

toString() : string

Returns a string form of this object

toSVGMatrix() : SVGMatrix

Creates an SVG form of this matrix, for high-performance processing in SVG output.

getCSSTransform() : string

Returns the CSS form (simplified if possible) for this transformation matrix.

getSVGTransform() : string

Returns the CSS-like SVG matrix form for this transformation matrix.

getCSSTransformStyles() : Record<string, string>

Returns a parameter object suitable for use with jQuery's .css()

equals( matrix : Matrix3 ) : boolean

Returns exact equality with another matrix

equalsEpsilon( matrix : Matrix3, epsilon : number ) : boolean

Returns equality within a margin of error with another matrix

copy() : Matrix3

Returns a copy of this matrix

plus( matrix : Matrix3 ) : Matrix3

Returns a new matrix, defined by this matrix plus the provided matrix

minus( matrix : Matrix3 ) : Matrix3

Returns a new matrix, defined by this matrix plus the provided matrix

transposed() : Matrix3

Returns a transposed copy of this matrix

negated() : Matrix3

Returns a negated copy of this matrix

inverted() : Matrix3

Returns an inverted copy of this matrix

timesMatrix( matrix : Matrix3 ) : Matrix3

Returns a matrix, defined by the multiplication of this * matrix.

@param matrix @returns - NOTE: this may be the same matrix!

timesVector2( vector2 : Vector2 ) : Vector2

Returns the multiplication of this matrix times the provided vector (treating this matrix as homogeneous, so that it is the technical multiplication of (x,y,1)).

timesVector3( vector3 : Vector3 ) : Vector3

Returns the multiplication of this matrix times the provided vector

timesTransposeVector2( vector2 : Vector2 ) : Vector2

Returns the multiplication of the transpose of this matrix times the provided vector (assuming the 2x2 quadrant)

timesRelativeVector2( vector2 : Vector2 ) : Vector2

TODO: this operation seems to not work for transformDelta2, should be vetted

rowMajor( v00 : number, v01 : number, v02 : number, v10 : number, v11 : number, v12 : number, v20 : number, v21 : number, v22 : number, type? : Matrix3Type ) : this

Sets the entire state of the matrix, in row-major order.

NOTE: Every mutable method goes through rowMajor

set( matrix : Matrix3 ) : this

Sets this matrix to be a copy of another matrix.

setArray( array : number[] | Float32Array | Float64Array ) : this

Sets this matrix to be a copy of the column-major data stored in an array (e.g. WebGL).

set00( value : number ) : this

Sets the individual 0,0 component of this matrix.

set01( value : number ) : this

Sets the individual 0,1 component of this matrix.

set02( value : number ) : this

Sets the individual 0,2 component of this matrix.

set10( value : number ) : this

Sets the individual 1,0 component of this matrix.

set11( value : number ) : this

Sets the individual 1,1 component of this matrix.

set12( value : number ) : this

Sets the individual 1,2 component of this matrix.

set20( value : number ) : this

Sets the individual 2,0 component of this matrix.

set21( value : number ) : this

Sets the individual 2,1 component of this matrix.

set22( value : number ) : this

Sets the individual 2,2 component of this matrix.

makeImmutable() : this

Makes this matrix effectively immutable to the normal methods (except direct setters?)

columnMajor( v00 : number, v10 : number, v20 : number, v01 : number, v11 : number, v21 : number, v02 : number, v12 : number, v22 : number, type : Matrix3Type ) : this

Sets the entire state of the matrix, in column-major order.

add( matrix : Matrix3 ) : this

Sets this matrix to itself plus the given matrix.

subtract( m : Matrix3 ) : this

Sets this matrix to itself minus the given matrix.

transpose() : this

Sets this matrix to its own transpose.

negate() : this

Sets this matrix to its own negation.

invert() : this

Sets this matrix to its own inverse.

multiplyMatrix( matrix : Matrix3 ) : this

Sets this matrix to the value of itself times the provided matrix

prependTranslation( x : number, y : number ) : this

Mutates this matrix, equivalent to (translation * this).

setToIdentity() : this

Sets this matrix to the 3x3 identity matrix.

setToTranslation( x : number, y : number ) : this

Sets this matrix to the affine translation matrix.

setToScale( x : number, y? : number ) : this

Sets this matrix to the affine scaling matrix.

setToAffine( m00 : number, m01 : number, m02 : number, m10 : number, m11 : number, m12 : number ) : this

Sets this matrix to an affine matrix with the specified row-major values.

setToRotationAxisAngle( axis : Vector3, angle : number ) : this

Sets the matrix to a rotation defined by a rotation of the specified angle around the given unit axis.

@param axis - normalized @param angle - in radians

setToRotationX( angle : number ) : this

Sets this matrix to a rotation around the x axis (in the yz plane).

@param angle - in radians

setToRotationY( angle : number ) : this

Sets this matrix to a rotation around the y axis (in the xz plane).

@param angle - in radians

setToRotationZ( angle : number ) : this

Sets this matrix to a rotation around the z axis (in the xy plane).

@param angle - in radians

setToTranslationRotation( x : number, y : number, angle : number ) : this

Sets this matrix to the combined translation+rotation (where the rotation logically would happen first, THEN it would be translated).

@param x @param y @param angle - in radians

setToTranslationRotationPoint( translation : Vector2, angle : number ) : this

Sets this matrix to the combined translation+rotation (where the rotation logically would happen first, THEN it would be translated).

@param translation @param angle - in radians

setToScaleTranslationRotation( scale : number, x : number, y : number, angle : number ) : this

Sets this matrix to the combined scale+translation+rotation.

The order of operations is scale, then rotate, then translate.

@param x @param y @param angle - in radians

setToScaleTranslationRotationPoint( scale : number, translation : Vector2, angle : number ) : this

Sets this matrix to the combined translation+rotation (where the rotation logically would happen first, THEN it would be translated).

@param translation @param angle - in radians

setToSVGMatrix( svgMatrix : SVGMatrix ) : this

Sets this matrix to the values contained in an SVGMatrix.

setRotationAToB( a : Vector3, b : Vector3 ) : this

Sets this matrix to a rotation matrix that rotates A to B (Vector3 instances), by rotating about the axis A.cross( B ) -- Shortest path. ideally should be unit vectors.

multiplyVector2( vector2 : Vector2 ) : Vector2

Sets the vector to the result of (matrix * vector), as a homogeneous multiplication.

@returns - The vector that was mutated

multiplyVector3( vector3 : Vector3 ) : Vector3

Sets the vector to the result of (matrix * vector).

@returns - The vector that was mutated

multiplyTransposeVector2( v : Vector2 ) : Vector2

Sets the vector to the result of (transpose(matrix) * vector), ignoring the translation parameters.

@returns - The vector that was mutated

multiplyRelativeVector2( v : Vector2 ) : Vector2

Sets the vector to the result of (matrix * vector - matrix * zero). Since this is a homogeneous operation, it is equivalent to the multiplication of (x,y,0).

@returns - The vector that was mutated

canvasSetTransform( context : CanvasRenderingContext2D )

Sets the transform of a Canvas 2D rendering context to the affine part of this matrix

canvasAppendTransform( context : CanvasRenderingContext2D )

Appends to the affine part of this matrix to the Canvas 2D rendering context

copyToArray( array : number[] | Float32Array | Float64Array ) : number[] | Float32Array | Float64Array

Copies the entries of this matrix over to an arbitrary array (typed or normal).


Instance Properties

entries : NineNumbers

Entries stored in column-major format

type : Matrix3Type

Static Methods

identity() : Matrix3

Returns an identity matrix.

translation( x : number, y : number ) : Matrix3

Returns a translation matrix.

translationFromVector( vector : Vector2 | Vector3 ) : Matrix3

Returns a translation matrix computed from a vector.

scaling( x : number, y? : number ) : Matrix3

Returns a matrix that scales things in each dimension.

scale( x : number, y? : number ) : Matrix3

Returns a matrix that scales things in each dimension.

affine( m00 : number, m01 : number, m02 : number, m10 : number, m11 : number, m12 : number ) : Matrix3

Returns an affine matrix with the given parameters.

rowMajor( v00 : number, v01 : number, v02 : number, v10 : number, v11 : number, v12 : number, v20 : number, v21 : number, v22 : number, type? : Matrix3Type ) : Matrix3

Creates a new matrix with all entries determined in row-major order.

rotationAxisAngle( axis : Vector3, angle : number ) : Matrix3

Returns a matrix rotation defined by a rotation of the specified angle around the given unit axis.

@param axis - normalized @param angle - in radians

rotationX( angle : number ) : Matrix3

Returns a matrix that rotates around the x axis (in the yz plane).

@param angle - in radians

rotationY( angle : number ) : Matrix3

Returns a matrix that rotates around the y axis (in the xz plane).

@param angle - in radians

rotationZ( angle : number ) : Matrix3

Returns a matrix that rotates around the z axis (in the xy plane).

@param angle - in radians

translationRotation( x : number, y : number, angle : number ) : Matrix3

Returns a combined 2d translation + rotation (with the rotation effectively applied first).

@param angle - in radians

rotation2( angle : number ) : Matrix3

Standard 2d rotation matrix for a given angle.

@param angle - in radians

rotationAround( angle : number, x : number, y : number ) : Matrix3

Returns a matrix which will be a 2d rotation around a given x,y point.

@param angle - in radians @param x @param y

rotationAroundPoint( angle : number, point : Vector2 ) : Matrix3

Returns a matrix which will be a 2d rotation around a given 2d point.

@param angle - in radians @param point

fromSVGMatrix( svgMatrix : SVGMatrix ) : Matrix3

Returns a matrix equivalent to a given SVGMatrix.

rotateAToB( a : Vector3, b : Vector3 ) : Matrix3

Returns a rotation matrix that rotates A to B, by rotating about the axis A.cross( B ) -- Shortest path. ideally should be unit vectors.

translationTimesMatrix( x : number, y : number, matrix : Matrix3 ) : Matrix3

Shortcut for translation times a matrix (without allocating a translation matrix), see scenery#119

toStateObject( matrix3 : Matrix3 ) : Matrix3StateObject

Serialize to an Object that can be handled by PhET-iO

fromStateObject( stateObject : Matrix3StateObject ) : Matrix3

Convert back from a serialized Object to a Matrix3

Static Properties

pool : Pool


IDENTITY : Matrix3



Matrix3IO : IOType

Type Matrix3StateObject

import type { Matrix3StateObject } from 'scenerystack/dot';
  • entries: NineNumbers
  • type: string

Class Matrix3Type

import { Matrix3Type } from 'scenerystack/dot';

Static Properties

OTHER : Matrix3Type


IDENTITY : Matrix3Type


TRANSLATION_2D : Matrix3Type


SCALING : Matrix3Type


AFFINE : Matrix3Type


enumeration : Enumeration


Source Code

See the source for Matrix3.ts in the dot repository.