Under Construction
This documentation is auto-generated, and is a work in progress. Please see the source code at https://github.com/phetsims/chipper/blob/main/js/browser/LocalizedString.ts for the most up-to-date information.
Sets up a system of Properties to handle translation fallback and phet-io support for a single translated string.
@author Jonathan Olson <jonathan.olson>
Class LocalizedString¶
new LocalizedString( stringKey : string, localeToTranslationMap : LocalizedStringStateDelta, tandem : Tandem, metadata? : Record<string, unknown> )¶
Instance Methods¶
getStateDelta() : LocalizedStringStateDelta¶
Returns an object that shows the changes of strings from their initial values. This includes whether strings are marked as "overridden"
setStateDelta( state : LocalizedStringStateDelta )¶
Take a state from getStateDelta, and apply it.
getLocaleSpecificProperty( locale : Locale ) : TProperty<string>¶
Returns the locale-specific Property for any locale (lazily creating it if necessary)
restoreInitialValue( locale : Locale )¶
Reset to the initial value for the specified locale, used for testing.
Instance Properties¶
property : LocalizedStringProperty¶
Public-facing IProperty<string>, used by string modules
Static Methods¶
getLocaleFallbacks( locale : Locale ) : Locale[]¶
getNestedStringProperties( stringData : StringData ) : ToStringPropertyMap<StringData>¶
Computes a nested map of LocalizedStringProperties from a nested input structure of strings. The string Properties will change values based on the current locale (stored in localeProperty).
For instance, if we have an example StringMap:
const stringMap = { en: { a: 'a', nest: { x: 'x', y: 'y' } }, hi: { 'a': 'ए', 'b': 'ब', nest: { x: 'एक्स', } } }
Then the resulting LocalizedString.getNestedStringProperties( stringMap ) would have the structure:
{ aStringProperty: LocalizedStringProperty, bStringProperty: LocalizedStringProperty, nest: { xStringProperty: LocalizedStringProperty, yStringProperty: LocalizedStringProperty } }
It is recommended to put each translation file into a separate JSON file, and import them into a single file that will be passed to this function.
@param stringData
Type LocalizedStringStateDelta¶
Partial<Record<Locale, TranslationString>>
Type StringMap¶
Has a nested structure (with strings as leaves) for locales.
Partial<Record<Locale, StringMapEntry>>
Type StringMapEntry¶
A nested structure with strings as leaves.
string | { }
Type StringsStateStateObject¶
Where "string" is a phetioID
- data: Record<PhetioID, LocalizedStringStateDelta>
Source Code¶
See the source for LocalizedString.ts in the chipper repository.