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Under Construction

This documentation is auto-generated, and is a work in progress. Please see the source code at for the most up-to-date information.


Shows a plot with arrows for numerical data (where the x-value of the bar is a number).

@author Jesse Greenberg (PhET Interactive Simulations)

Class UpDownArrowPlot

import { UpDownArrowPlot } from 'scenerystack/bamboo';


new UpDownArrowPlot( chartTransform : ChartTransform, dataSet : Vector2[], providedOptions? : UpDownArrowPlotOptions )

Instance Methods

setDataSet( dataSet : Vector2[] )

Sets the dataSet and redraws the plot.


Redraw the plot. Called automatically if you update the dataSet with setDataSet(). But you can call this yourself if you want to set the dataSet directly and then update later (presumably for performance).


Instance Properties

dataSet : Vector2[]

if you change this directly, you are responsible for calling update

Type UpDownArrowPlotOptions

import type { UpDownArrowPlotOptions } from 'scenerystack/bamboo';

Source Code

See the source for UpDownArrowPlot.ts in the bamboo repository.