Under Construction
This documentation is auto-generated, and is a work in progress. Please see the source code at for the most up-to-date information.
ChartCanvasNode renders to a canvas. It is usually preferable to use the other scenery Node-based renderers, but this one can be necessary for performance-critical charts.
@author Sam Reid (PhET Interactive Simulations)
Class ChartCanvasNode¶
new ChartCanvasNode( chartTransform : ChartTransform, painters : CanvasPainter[], providedOptions? : StrictOmit<CanvasNodeOptions, 'canvasBounds'> )¶
Instance Methods¶
setPainters( painters : CanvasPainter[] )¶
Sets the painters and redraws the chart.
paintCanvas( context : CanvasRenderingContext2D )¶
Used to redraw the CanvasNode. Use CanvasNode.invalidatePaint to signify that it is time to redraw the canvas.
Instance Properties¶
painters : CanvasPainter[]¶
if you change this directly, you are responsible for calling update
Type ChartCanvasNodeOptions¶
Source Code¶
See the source for ChartCanvasNode.ts in the bamboo repository.