Under Construction
This documentation is auto-generated, and is a work in progress. Please see the source code at https://github.com/phetsims/axon/blob/main/js/TinyForwardingProperty.ts for the most up-to-date information.
A lightweight version of Property (that satisfies some of the interface), meant for high-performance applications where validation, phet-io support and other things are not needed. This includes additional logic for conditionally forwarding to/from another Property.
Please note that TinyForwardingProperty exclusively supports settable Properties via its TypeScript implementation. If you want to use a read-only Property as the target, please type cast as settable and use runtime assertions to ensure that the target (or this forwarding Property) are not set. See examples like Node.setVisibleProperty.
@author Sam Reid (PhET Interactive Simulations) @author Michael Kauzmann (PhET Interactive Simulations) @author Jonathan Olson <jonathan.olson@colorado.edu>
Class TinyForwardingProperty¶
new TinyForwardingProperty( value : ValueType, targetPropertyInstrumented, onBeforeNotify? : TinyPropertyOnBeforeNotify<ValueType> )¶
Instance Methods¶
setValueOrTargetProperty( node : NodeParam, tandemName : string | null, newValueOrTargetProperty : TReadOnlyProperty<ValueType> | ValueType )¶
API support for setting a Property|ValueType onto the forwarding Property
setTargetProperty( newTargetProperty : TReadOnlyProperty<ValueType> | null, node : NodeParam, tandemName : string | null ) : NodeParam¶
Sets (or unsets if null
is provided) the Property that we use for forwarding changes.
@param newTargetProperty - null to "unset" forwarding. @param node - (For phet-io support only): The container of TinyForwardingProperty which supports updateLinkedElementForProperty() @param tandemName - null if the Property does not support PhET-iO instrumentation @returns the passed in Node, for chaining.
set( value : ValueType ) : this¶
Sets the value and notifies listeners, unless deferred or disposed. You can also use the es5 getter (property.value) but this means is provided for inner loops or internal code that must be fast. If the value hasn't changed, this is a no-op.
setTargetPropertyInstrumented( targetPropertyInstrumented : boolean, node : NodeType ) : NodeType¶
Use this to automatically create a forwarded, PhET-iO instrumented Property owned by this TinyForwardingProperty.
getTargetPropertyInstrumented() : boolean¶
initializePhetio( node : NodeLike, tandemName : string, createProperty : () => TProperty<ValueType> )¶
@param node - the parent container that supports updateLinkedElementForProperty() @param tandemName @param createProperty - creates an "owned" Property
getTargetProperty() : TReadOnlyProperty<ValueType> | null¶
Get the target property, if any. Use sparingly! Internal use only.
isSettable() : boolean¶
A TinyForwardingProperty is settable if the target property is settable.
Instance Properties¶
forwardingListener : PropertyLazyLinkListener<ValueType>¶
Set lazily in setTargetProperty()
Source Code¶
See the source for TinyForwardingProperty.ts in the axon repository.