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Under Construction

This documentation is auto-generated, and is a work in progress. Please see the source code at for the most up-to-date information.


Responsible for handling Property-specific logic associated with setting PhET-iO state. This file will defer Properties from taking their final value, and notifying on that value until after state has been set on every Property. It is also responsible for keeping track of order dependencies between different Properties, and making sure that undeferral and notifications go out in the appropriate orders. See for implementation details.

@author Michael Kauzmann (PhET Interactive Simulations)

Class PropertyStateHandler

import { PropertyStateHandler } from 'scenerystack/axon';


new PropertyStateHandler()

Instance Methods

initialize( phetioStateEngine : TPhetioStateEngine, ReadOnlyPropertyConstructor : typeof ReadOnlyProperty<unknown> )

registerPhetioOrderDependency( beforeProperty : ReadOnlyProperty<IntentionalAny>, beforePhase : PropertyStatePhase, afterProperty : ReadOnlyProperty<IntentionalAny>, afterPhase : PropertyStatePhase )

Register that one Property must have a "Phase" applied for PhET-iO state before another Property's Phase. A Phase is an ending state in PhET-iO state set where Property values solidify, notifications for value changes are called. The PhET-iO state engine will always undefer a Property before it notifies its listeners. This is for registering two different Properties.

@param beforeProperty - the Property that needs to be set before the second; must be instrumented for PhET-iO @param beforePhase @param afterProperty - must be instrumented for PhET-iO @param afterPhase

unregisterOrderDependenciesForProperty( property : ReadOnlyProperty<IntentionalAny> )

Unregisters all order dependencies for the given Property {ReadOnlyProperty} property - must be instrumented for PhET-iO

getNumberOfOrderDependencies() : number

Only for Testing! Get the number of order dependencies registered in this class

Source Code

See the source for PropertyStateHandler.ts in the axon repository.